Chapter 14

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I couldn't focus on breathing as he got closer, and then we heard as the shop door opened. He moved away from me, and I gasped for a breath of air, hugging myself. Itachi blocked the door. "Isamu..."

I heard footsteps approaching as I took deep breaths, trying to control my racing heart. Damn you... "Yeah, I was just checking in. You cleaned up well... How is she?"

Itachi didn't glance back. "Same as always."

I was finally close to regaining my composure. Why?

You like him. Kurama, who remained unusually silent, finally made an appearance.

I glared at him. A lot of help you were.

He shrugged. He's no threat to you, and you wouldn't kill him, so...

I frowned. How do you know?

He smirked. You react differently to him. You always have.

I sighed. I don't know if I like this. It's too confusing.

Kurama blinked. Tell him then.

Itachi was still blocking the doorway when I came up behind him. "Isamu... see Hiashi didn't kill you."

He looked surprised. "He was displeased, but no, he didn't."

I smirked. "I suspect he'll find a way."

He nodded. "I agree. Well I'll go, I hope everything is satisfactory here."

I smiled. "Thank you for watching it for me... both of you." They nodded as Isamu turned to leave, locking the door behind him. I took a few steps back. "Itachi..."

He looked at me curiously. "I don't know how I feel about earlier... it's too confusing."

He tilted his head. "Okay." He sat back in the piano bench. "Still... I would like to hear you play some more."

I hesitated. "Could you sit elsewhere?" He frowned, and I looked away from him. "I can't focus."

I watched him as he moved to another seat and took my own. "Thanks." I mumbled, very aware he was watching me. Where's a stupid book when you need it? I randomly hit keys, trying to ease myself back into my trance.

I started playing a familiar tune and began to relax. Soon, the room was filled with melodies. Itachi sat silently, so it was easy for him to fade into the background as I worked my way through my emotions. Finally, I finished and sat thinking for a moment. Maybe... I do...

I looked back to see Itachi reading a book. Where was that earlier?

He looked up at me, a smile in his eyes. I scowled at him. "Happy now?"

He shrugged. "Maybe."

I rose from my seat. "I'm leaving." He stowed his book away and followed me to the door. "Can I help you?"

He looked at me curiously. "No." I 'hn'd' as I locked up the shop. He followed me through Konoha's streets, his presence achingly familiar, but now foriegn. I suppressed a sigh. I liked things as they were before...

I went to the dango shop and took a seat. A familiar face came up to the table and gasped. "Chihiro! My look at how you've grown."

I smiled at the waitress. "Thanks, but not all that much."

She returned the smile. "You've become a lovely young lady." She playfully nudged Itachi. "I know this one has missed you far more than I have."

Itachi remained silent as I looked at her curiously. "Why would you think that?"

She smirked. "Just a woman's intuition. I'll give you an assortment of flavors to try today on the house as a welcome home gift."

I beamed. "Really?" She nodded and turned to leave. "That's really nice of her."

He smiled slightly. "It is." I looked around the shop. "It hasn't changed, except for adding new flavors."

I blinked at him as I felt someone approaching from outside. "I see... I'll be back." He raised an eyebrow but nodded.

I went outside and jumped to the roof. "I figured you'd find me eventually."

His steel grey eyes met my violet ones. "I'm ready."

I looked at him seriously. "You understand what it could mean and the position you'll be in."

He nodded. "It's worth it... to be free."

I saw the conviction I'm his eyes. "Then tomorrow night after the graduation."

He nodded. "Where?"

I looked toward the village. "Isamu will know the place just be prepared for the pain."

He stood, clenching his fists. "Thank you..."

I touched his closed hand. "No need to thank me yet." With that, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and I dropped back to the ground.

"Itachi... you didn't have to come alone." I instantly recognized the voice and paused at the door.

"He's not alone, dear... his girlfriend just stepped out." I felt myself blush again and took a breath.

"Girlfriend? Itachi?" All I heard was silence and felt a slight nudge, but I ignored it. "Itachi... I thought..."

I didn't know what to do. Should I go?

I stood frozen until I felt a presence behind me. "Thought you were coming back."

I looked at him. "I don't want trouble..."

Itachi took my hand and pulled me back to our seats. "It's fine."

Izumi looked at us, then down at our hands. I tried to pull away, but Itachi gripped it tighter. "So.... you're back." The disappointment in her voice was palpable.

I nodded. "For now."

I sat in my seat, and Itachi took the one beside me. "Would you like to join us?"

She looked at him curiously. "Are you serious?" He silently looked at her while she shifted uncomfortably. "Aren't you on a date?" No.

He shrugged. "We're here." I entered his mind. That's obvious.

She frowned. "So... not a date?" Itachi remained silent. No, not a date. You can put her mind at ease at least.

I sat back in my seat, looking at my hands. Could be...

I resisted the urge to look at him and scowled. The waitress came up and set our plates down. "Would you like something?"

Izumi hesitated. "Uh... sure... plain, please." She hesitantly took a seat looking at me uncertainly as I tasted a dumpling. "Are you okay with this?"

I glanced at her as I chewed slowly. "I'm just here, minding my own business, surrounded by Uchiha."

She frowned. "Most people would be happy about that."

I rolled my eyes. "Yet, I can't seem to escape them." She narrowed her eyes but said nothing more. I smiled as the waitress returned. "These are really good."

She smiled back. "I'm glad you like them." Itachi grabbed the stick in my hand and ate a dumpling, making me glare at him. Mine! The waitress giggled. "You're my cutest couple."

Itachi smirked. "Thanks."

I scowled at him. "Couple of friends." I snatched two of his dango skewers.

He reached for them as I stuck my tongue out. "If you say so."

Izumi watched us uncomfortably. "I don't have to stay..." We both looked at her and shrugged as I planted my hand in his face to keep the sweets away from him. Poor girl...

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