Chapter 20

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Aya was busy healing Naruto as Hinata was restoring Sasuke's chakra points. "You did well, Hinata."

She frowned. "I held back as much as I could."

I shook my head. "They were trained differently and within the protection of a village. It couldn't be avoided." They bothed finished their tasks, and I turned to Itachi and Minato. "They aren't ready."

Minato crossed his arms. "They are Leaf nin now."

I laughed scornfully. "You think a little headband makes them shinobi? Whatever, they'll learn one way or the other."

Minato's eyes were sad. "Chihiro... what you and Itachi experienced at their age was different."

I scoffed. "Yeah, they lack blood stains. You two know what's best for them. Just make sure they don't get killed in the process."

I looked to where Hinabi was standing with her father and walked towards them. Hiashi stood motionless as I approached. "Enjoy the show?"

He looked at me with disdain. "She has... grown."

I nodded. "She has."

I saw the regret that flashed through his eyes. "We'll be leaving."

As he turned to leave, Hanabi looked back at her sister. "I was wrong to think she was weak."

I smiled at her. "All of you were." She looked at me curiously before following behind her father.

I returned as they were finishing healing, both boys still knocked out. "They'll be fine." I made a few hand signs and used wind to lift them. "Just need rest now."

Fugako and Mikoto approached. "Well, that was something..." She looked worriedly at her son.

The leader of the Uchiha gave Hinata an appreciative look. "You are exceptional."

She bowed slightly. "I have a wonderful sensei."

He looked at me sadly. "If only the village valued your worth... before it was too late."

I returned his sad look. "Then, I wouldn't have grown as I have. It took being away from here for me to grow as I have."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "But you could train the younger ones now."

I paused. He's asking me to stay... "I'm sorry, but circumstances won't allow that..."

He nodded. "You have others... in other places."

I nodded. "I could never take up arms against them if it came to it."

He held my gaze. "And the Leaf?"

I smiled. "No, I have no ill will for this village either."

He frowned. "So you serve no village and have no animosity against one."

I tilted my head. "Call me a peacekeeper of sorts. You wouldn't see it here, but the other villages do."

He thought for a moment. "You have an entire life out there..."

I nodded. "I wasn't given much choice in the matter." He grunted in response. "I should take them now, is it okay if Sasuke stays with us?" He nodded and turned to leave.

Mikoto smiled. "Take care of my boys."

I blinked. "Uh... I think Itachi has other plans."

She looked to where he was standing, and Izumi wrapped around his arm again. "I doubt it." I tilted my head but didn't comment. "See you soon."

The rest of us headed toward Minato's. He looked over at me. "You taught her to be strong."

I shook my head. "I taught her to survive... she was always strong. Also, I wasn't her only teacher."

He looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

I smiled softly. "Aya taught her grace and kindness, Shisui taught her confidence, Ryo taught her loyalty. All of us trained her in our own way."

He looked ahead. "Well, all of you have molded her into a fine shinobi."

I looked wistfully at the sleeping boys. "They will be too. It'll just take time."

He looked at the ground in front of him. "You really don't think they're ready."

I shrugged. "It's not like they have a choice now."

When we entered the house, I used my wind to gently lay them down on the beds in Naruto's room. I kissed both of their foreheads. "One day, you will really learn what it is to be a shinobi."

I ruffled Hinata's hair when I returned to the living room. "We still have work to do." She nodded in understanding, and I looked at the others in the room. "So... what will you guys be doing?"

Shisui held up the food that was prepared for me. "You need to eat."

I purposefully ignored him. "Aya, can you take these two and make sure everything is on schedule?" She looked confused but nodded.

I turned to Hinata. "Go get some rest, okay?"

She smiled. "Yes, Sensei."

I turned to Minato. "I guess that just leaves us."

He frowned and looked where Itachi was. "What abo-"

I shrugged. "I'm sure they have better things to do."

Shisui was getting angry. "Chihiro, yo-"

I spun and glared at him. "If you know what's good for you, I suggest you not."

His eyes widened. "Look, I'm sorry. I just..."

I frowned. "I don't care."

Minato stepped between us. "What's going on here?"

I crossed my arms and stared pointedly at Shisui. "Ask him."

He froze. "Uh... well..." All eyes were on him, waiting. "I wanted her to know I don't see her as my sister." The room was growing tense, but still no one said anything. "I... I kissed her."

It felt as though something snapped as a blur tackled Shisui to ground. Itachi was on top of him, punching his face until he started choking him. I hesitated for a moment before I jumped in, pulling him off. "Stop it, now!"

He turned towards me, furious, his Sharingan activated. Instantly, I felt my own and closed my eyes. "You let him?"

I felt the venom in his voice. "You really have some nerve, Uchiha."

He grabbed my shoulders. "Look at me."

I tried to shake him off. "Let me go." When he didn't, I burned him with a surge of chakra. He hissed as he released me, and I fled through the door. I hate you... both of you...

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