Chapter 35

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I sat with Minato and Naruto as the clansmen of the village talked around us. "He really is trying to prove a point, isn't he?"

Minato glanced at me. "Yes... he is."

I glared at Fugako, talking to a triumphant looking Shisui. "At least I know after this is over... they won't be a threat anymore."

Minato raised an eyebrow. "You sound so sure."

I glanced around the room, and my eyes fell on Mikoto and Itachi, both somber looking. "I told you... I needed a guarantee. Otherwise, I wouldn't have agreed."

Itachi looked in my direction and quickly averted his gaze. My heart twisted, but I reached my mind out to him. Itachi...

He didn't look at me. I know...

I looked down at my hands, now gloved. I stood and went to sit with Hinata and Aya. Hinata looked at me curiously. "Why are all the major clans gathered?"

I ruffled her hair. "A power trip... how have your preparations been going?"

Her eyes saddened. "I've done them. Is there no other way? You don't want this."

I sighed. "If there was... I would've found it."

Aya scowled in Shisui's direction. "That jerk." Shisui saw her looking and started to head in our direction, but Ryo stepped in his way before he got too close.

Ryo's face was hard as they exchanged words, and Shisui's expression also turned dark. Afterward, Shisui went back to Fugako, and I felt a sense of relief. Aya turned back to me. "We're ready when you give the word."

I nodded. "Thank you both." I stood and headed for the window.

As I contemplated going to the roof, Fugako called everyone's attention. "I'm sure you all are wondering what we are celebrating today." I slipped through as everyone looked at him. "It is my great honor to announce that Shisui of the Uchiha clan and Chihiro of the Hyuuga and Namikaze clans are engaged."

I sat on the roof staring at the sky as the room fell silent. Interesting... No one cheered or offered a word of congratulations. I inwardly smiled, knowing no one thought this was a bond of love. Fugako cleared his throat. "If the couple would come forward..."

I began to hear whispers and laid back. "Where's Chihiro?"

"Is this a prank?"

"Well, the Uchiha is standing there."

"Wasn't his son always the one with her?"

I heard the anger rising in Fugako's voice. "If Chihiro wou-"

"She's not here..." The venom in Shisui's voice was evident.

I closed my eyes as more whispers circulated. Soon, I heard Minato's voice. "Chihiro has agreed to this marriage, I will say that much on her behalf."

"Then, why isn't she here?"

Minato sighed. "She isn't a fan of being the trophy for someone to brandish. She agreed to this marriage... that doesn't mean she wants it."

Another chorus of whispers. Shisui cleared his throat. "Please continue to enjoy this occasion. It is the merger of several great clans in the village, after all."

Soon, conversations started back up, now concerning the marriage. Rumors began to circulate as to why this marriage was occurring and a few guessed correctly. Then I heard something I found quite amusing. "Find her and bring her to me."

I smirked. Does Shisui really think I'll come when he demands it?

I felt a presence beside me but didn't bother to look at him. "Well, you sure have a way of making a statement."

I smiled up at Itachi. "Join me?"

He laid beside me. "You will anger them if you continue."

I shrugged. "What will they do? Call it off?"

He sighed. "Men... do reckless things when angry sometimes... I don't want you to get hurt."

I turned my head and met onyx eyes. "Shisui will never have me, not in this life or any other."

Itachi searched my eyes. "I believe you." He grasped my hand, and we stayed that way until the party ended. After we made our way to Minato's, we walked in silence.

Then, two Uchiha appeared before us. "Lady Chihiro, Shisui requests your presence."

I moved to walk past them. "Denied."

The one closest to me reached for my arm but came up short as I began to torment his mind. "I am not some dog that comes when he beckons. I said no."

When I released the man, he looked at me in horror. "I..."

I continued on my way as the other man tried to console his companion. Itachi didn't spare them as second glance as he fell in step. "Aren't you concerned about him, Itachi?"

He shrugged. "You said no."

I looked at him curiously. "I heard you and a few others have taken refuge."

He nodded. "They may go back after this. I won't... I can't."

I looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Itachi..."

He stopped. "For?"

I looked up at him. "Of everything I've ever asked of you... I know this is the hardest. Now I feel you've lost your family because of me as well."

He hugged me tightly, and I gasped from surprise and a little pain. "You asked me because you wanted me to be safe. Even now, you're sacrificing what you want for me and the village. My father and I have been distant since the first thought of a coup d'etat. I stayed for Sasuke and my mom, and both came after me into the village."

I looked up at him, tears threatening to fall. "Maybe if I had never been brought to this village... you'd be happier. You and Shisui wouldn't be fighting. Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't have had to wonder why I had to leave all the time and when I'd be home... maybe even Kushina would still be alive."

Itachi tipped my chin up and put his forehead on mine. "Or everything would have happened just the same without your influence. The Nine Tails would have destroyed the village. The only vessel to seal it would have been Naruto, and the village would hate him. Shisui would have successfully committed suicide. I would have had the kill my clan to protect Sasuke and the village. Sasuke and Naruto would have grown up alone with no family."

I sighed. "You make it sound as though I changed history..."

He smiled slightly. "Who knows? Maybe you changed the lives of everyone you've met."

I looked into his eyes and felt my chest ache again. Kunoichi, you need to move away... we're engaged now. This isn't appropriate. "We should go before more come for me." Itachi didn't move except for closing his eyes, seemingly in pain. "Are you okay?"

He nodded and smiled sadly. "Maybe if you hadn't been brought here, I would be a rogue, and we would've met under less complicated circumstances."

My eyes widen. "Itachi..." We heard a rustling, and our heads snapped in its direction. Good... an interruption...

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