Chapter 32

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A snapped branch made us whip our heads in its direction. "Shit..."

Yua looked in its direction, frowning. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Itachi emerged from the shadows, furious. "So this is your bright idea?"

I glowered at him. "You wouldn't understand."

He closed the distance between us instantly, Sharigan activated. "Care to explain?"

I lifted my chin in defiance, meeting his eyes. "No, nor do I care for you to remember."

He reached for me but was stopped short. "You wouldn't."

I didn't break eye contact. "For Chihiro's sake... I would."

He searched my eyes for fault. "You are Chihiro."

I began to enter his mind. "Yes and no, I'm sorry, Itachi, but I can't let you interfere." I began to alter his memories to erase what he heard. His eyes returned to onyx and glazed over. "Now, as I was saying. This is the best option."

Yua nodded as though she understood. "I agree."

Itachi frowned. "But..."

I grabbed his hands. "Itachi, with this contract and seal, the Uchiha won't be able to revolt."

His face hardened. "But it requires you to marry Shisui."

I averted my gaze as my chest began to ache. "A small price to pay..."

He pulled his hands from mine. "It's not..."

As he pulled away, I felt he was hiding something. "What's your secret?"

He looked shocked. "It no longer matters now, does it?"

I tilted my head. "It matters."

He shook his head. "You've made your decision."

I frowned and grabbed his wrist, sending warm chakra through his body. I gasped and immediately released him. "You're sick..."

He looked away from me. "Like I said, it doesn't matter..."

I scowled at him. "You should get treated, Itachi."

He began to walk back towards Minato's. "Why bother?"

I stood gaping as he disappeared back into the trees. Yua placed a hand on my shoulder. "Breathe Kunoichi... process." I was furious that much was evident, but I felt like my chest had been run through as well. "Kunoichi... you need to calm down."

I glared at her but noticed her hair stirring in a nonexistent wind. "Calm down?" The grass around us began to sway as well. "He won't seek treatment. Why? Does he hate the thought of me marrying Shisui so much that he'd put his own life at stake?"

The far-off trees began to move as though a storm was incoming. "Kunoichi... I need you to focus." She placed both of her hands on my shoulders. "You need to regain control. You can't afford to waste your chakra."

I clenched my fists. "I don't understand..." A nearby branch snapped and swirled around us. "How could he..." A few more broke and joined it as the trees began to bend dangerously.

Yua looked around in dismay and grabbed my face. "Stop it, now, Kunoichi!"

I could only feel my rage growing as a voice cut through my mind. "Chihiro!" I froze and slowly turned in its direction. Minato was running up to us, dodging the debris in the air. "You need to calm down... please."

I felt as though the air was knocked out of me. "Minato..." I saw as the chaos calmed and willingly slipped into darkness as everything fell to the ground.

"What was that?" Minato... I struggled to open my eyes, but to no avail.

"Her powers are coming to fruition. They can get out of hand sometimes." They're talking about us.

"That amount of chakra?"

Yua sighed. "Yes, I've been trying to help her control it. It's important, especially with the Nine Tails within her."

"You know abo-"

"Yes, and I've met Kurama."

"She must really trust you then..."

"At least that's somebody." Itachi's voice dripped with venom.

"What would cause this to happen?"

I felt eyes on me. "High emotional distress, but she simply needs to rest now."

I struggled harder to wake up and instantly felt myself wrapped in warmth. Let me go.

I didn't miss the flicker of anger. You need to rest.

I struggled against the impending darkness. There's no time... I felt myself rocking, falling quicker into slumber. Stupid Uchiha...

I opened my eyes to the achingly familiar ceiling of my room. What happened?

Chihiro, who was quietly tugging at her hair, looked up at me. You lost control.

Pain spread through my chest again as I remembered. We have to convince him to get help...

She nodded. I agree.

I sat up and looked around the room. He must really be mad at me... I swung my legs over the side and winced. I looked down at my arms, and angry welts stared back at me. This much chakra?

Chihiro sighed. You couldn't know as upset as you were.

I sighed. I'm sorry... it must have been painful for you.

She shrugged. It's over now. I went to shower, gritting my teeth due to the pain. I threw on loose clothing and grabbed my bag as I felt a presence behind me. "You shouldn't be moving around yet."

I smiled. "Yua... you're awake..."

She had a disturbing look in her eyes. "You shouldn't seek that boy either." How does she do that?

I dropped my smile. "I just need some air. I'm not seeking anyone just yet."

She folded her arms. "Stay close."

I shook my head. "I'll be in the music store... ask Minato." I slid past her and out the door.

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