Chapter 25

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I woke up in a familiar bed that wasn't my own, the smell of food wafting into the room. I sat up and rubbed my grumbling belly. How'd I get here? I looked down to see I was in a large dark shirt and shorts. This is weird...

I slipped out of the bed, rubbing my eyes as I went to the kitchen. I slid onto a barstool and placed my head in my arms on the counter. Mikoto didn't bother to turn around. "Did you sleep well, little one?"

I heaved a breath. "Mmmm."

She chuckled. "Hungry?"

I nodded. "Mhm."

She turned and smiled. "Dinner will be ready soon." She looked at me thoughtfully. "The clan symbol suits you."

I blinked at her, then tried to see my back. "Who..."

She giggled. "No worries. I changed you... your scars are interesting."

I pouted. "The important thing is that I survived them."

She nodded a sad look in her eyes. "We would be heartbroken if something happened to you." Her words made my chest squeeze.

Sasuke padded into the room and jumped into the barstool beside me. "I don't know, she slept like she was dead."

I ruffled his hair. "It'll take more than that to kill me."

He pushed my hand away, feigning annoyance. "I'm bigger than you now."

I shrugged. "Who isn't?"

Mikoto shook her head. "If you would eat more, you'd grow."

I pouted. "I think I'm past that stage."

She pinched my cheek. "I've been saying it since you were little." I stuck my tongue out as she turned around. "That's not nice, Chihiro." I smiled slightly. I've missed this...

I heard footsteps behind me and turned. Shisui and Itachi sat as far as they could from each other at the table. Still fighting... I put my head back in my arms and sighed as the head of the Uchiha walked in.

He paused when he saw me before sitting. "Is there a problem?"

Itachi glanced at Shisui, then his father. "No."

Fugako grunted. "Then I expect a peaceful dinner." Mikoto finished, and I helped her set the table. "The clan crest suits you, Chihiro."

I scowled and looked at Mikoto. "I've heard."

He chuckled. "The offer still stands."

I blinked at him. "Can we not..."

Sasuke perked up. "What offer?"

I had a stare down with Fugako before he shrugged. "This is not the place... nor time."

I nodded. "Agreed."

The boys looked between us confused, and Mikoto guided me to the table. "Come eat."

I sat beside Sasuke, and we all filled our plates. An annoying nudge kept pushing at my mind, and I blocked it out. Itachi frowned. "What offer, Father?"

I sent a warning glare at him, but he ignored it. "Lord Hyuuga and I came to an agreement with the Hokage... Chihiro marry into the clan and stay in the village."

I immediately stood. "Thank you, Mikoto, for such a lovely meal... It's too bad it's been cut short."

I stormed into Itachi's room to look for my clothes and changed in the bathroom. I heard his door open and shut and braced myself as I walked into the room. Itachi's eyes were shadowed, but I felt his anger.

I glanced around the room, guessing my chances of escape. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I threw the borrowed clothes on the bed. "It doesn't concern you."

He took a step forward. "You could've stayed, Chihiro."

I frowned. "At the cost of my freedom. I am no pawn to be toyed with or married off."

He took another step. "Is it so bad to be married into a family that you already consider your own."

I laughed darkly. "So... he didn't tell you my betrothed would have been Shisui, then?"

He looked shocked. "Shisui?"

I nodded and inched toward the window. "I have no desire for an arranged marriage. I have no desire to be chained to this village."

He saw my plan and blocked my way. "What if it wasn't him?"

I tried to back away, but he grabbed my wrist. "What do you mean?"

He leaned in. "What if... it was me? Would you stay?"

I stopped breathing. "Let me go, Itachi."

He paused, but I could feel his breath on my face. "I won't... not if you don't want me to."

I tried to drag in a breath. "I know."

He was searching my eyes for something. "I planned on going with you this time. Sasuke and Naruto have graduated... I fulfilled my promise."

I blinked. "But the village..."

His gaze never left mine. "Means nothing if you're not in it."

I felt tears form in my eyes. "Itachi..."

The door slammed open, and I jumped, which made our lips touch for a brief second. "What are you doing?"

My face was on fire, but Itachi looked toward the door coolly. "Talking... til you interrupted."

His hand moved down to mine as he moved in front of me. "Let her go." Shisui was furious, his fists clenched, ready to fight.

I looked past Itachi. "Please..."

He glared at me. "So you choose him... that's it?"

I shook my head. "It's not..."

Itachi pulled me behind him further. "And if she did?"

Shisui charged, and Itachi blocked him. "Please..." My voice was barely above a whisper, my thoughts and emotions battling for priority. They clashed again, and I released a massive amount of chakra. "Just sleep!"

They both fell to the ground, and I stood over them. I already knew anyone who was within my field was sleeping. "Sleep for a few hours... I'll be gone when you awaken."

I reabsorbed my energy and looked back in the room, tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry..." I ran with no intentions of stopping this time. It's better this way... for everyone...

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