Chapter 9

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A tapping at my window caused me to wake up. I opened one eye and saw nothing. I sighed, closing my eyes, only for it to start again. "This better be good." It was still dark out, and the cool breeze drifted in as I opened the window. I backed away and placed a hand on my hip as a shadow passed through.

I frowned sleepily. "Couldn't use the door?"

He smirked. "I don't feel that Minato would be as... lenient as my parents."

I sighed. "I told you I'm not going anywhere, Uchiha. The graduation is tomorrow, after all." He shrugged as he removed his shoes, then tackled me to the bed. "He-"

He clasped a hand over my mouth, and there were butterflies in my stomach. "We'll be caught."

I shook his hand off. "Caught? You just have trouble sleeping, right?"

His face went blank. "Something like that..." I couldn't decipher his emotions as he settled beside me. "Do you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I sleep just fine, thanks." I wouldn't admit I slept better because he made me feel safe.

He looked over at me curiously. "So... you don't sleep with any of the others?"

I frowned at him. "We travel a lot, of course we sleep together."

He stilled at my words. "So Ryo and Shisui..."

I sat up and looked down at him. "We make camp and sleep... they're never too far away."

He sighed, and I clearly wasn't understanding. "In the same bed, Chihiro."

I thought a moment. "Well, Hinata sometimes kind of depends on the space, I guess." He relaxed, which made me more confused. "Why does it matter?"

He shrugged and closed his eyes. "It doesn't."

I pushed him. "You're lying." He hn'd at me, which made me push him again. "Stupid Uchiha." I felt him chuckle as I turned my back to him and heard his breathing slow.

As I drifted back to sleep, I heard him faintly whisper. "I don't want another man to share your bed." I couldn't force myself awake enough to respond. You are so strange...

Birds were my next wake-up call. I opened my eyes and tried to sigh, but I felt heavy. I looked down to see one arm draped lazily around my chest. As I tried to push it away, it tightened, and I felt his face rub into my back. "Annoying..."

I pulled away again and was flipped to the other side of the bed. Itachi looked down at me, frowning. "Can't you just sleep in?"

His closeness made me uncomfortable. "No, now move."

He sighed and then flopped on top of me. "Just sleep. You need it."

My breaths were coming short. "Itachi..." I pushed him off, and he sat up and grabbed my wrists as I swung. We wrestled to the floor, me landing on top of him in an awkward position. I successfully got a hand free and was about to hit him when the door slammed open.

We craned our necks in its direction to see a very shocked then very angry Minato standing in it. "What's going on here?"

Itachi was the first to respond, pushing me off him hastily, looking guilty. "Lord Fourth..." Minato grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out as I looked on, confused.

I heard as someone was thrown into a chair and scrambled to my feet. "What were you two doing?" I could tell from his tone that Minato was not pleased.

I padded into the living room to watch the show, only for him to glare at me. "Can you put on some decent clothes?"

I looked down at my attire and shrugged. "What's wrong? They're just pajamas." I was wearing an oversized t-shirt, so much so that you couldn't see the shorts underneath.

His eyes widened as though he realized something. "Just... change, please." I slumped my shoulders and went to change, I wanted to see what the problem was.

As I returned, Itachi was trying to calmly explain something. "Nothing happened... she doe-"

They both turned to me as I entered the room. "She doesn't what?"

Minato narrowed his eyes at me. "So, do you two do this often?"

I leaned against the door frame. "Fight? All the time."

He let out an exasperated sighed. "Sleep together."

I suggest a lie.

I opened my mouth to speak. I agree with him. "No, not often. I'm never around, so..."

He frowned. "But you have before."

I crossed my arms. "Remember when I got really exhausted last time I was here? You didn't seem so bothered by it then."

His eyes widened, then relaxed. "You don't think anything of it, do you?"

I shrugged. "He says he sleeps better, so no big deal, just less space."

Minato glared at him. "Is that so?"

Itachi averted his gaze. "Something like that..."

I sighed. "I just don't see what the big deal is."

Minato sighed. "It's nothing, Chihiro." He pulled at a loose curl as he passed. "At least you're still innocent in this respect."

I blinked after him. "Huh?"

He glared at Itachi. "You, however, I think it's time you went home." I looked between the two as Itachi quickly walked out the door. "Chihiro... how do you feel about Itachi?"

I tilted my head. "He's my friend... no, my best friend. I want him to be safe and happy."

Minato placed his elbows on the counter. "What about your other friends?"

I put a hand on my chin. "I want the same for them, too. What's your point, Minato?"

He looked me in the eyes. "You just allow things with him that you don't the others. Just like this morning."

I thought a moment. "He does strange things sometimes. It just doesn't bother me like it does when Ryo or Shisui try them. He's not a pervert or anything, not like they are either..." I trailed off thinking of how Itachi would hold my hand or linger around when I try to leave. "He's just always been around, like a shadow that keeps me safe."

Minato dropped his head and shook it. "One day, maybe you'll understand, but even though it doesn't bother you... it may mean more than you think to him."

I lowered my gaze. "Maybe I should just ask him about it." Not like he'll give me a straight answer anyway...

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