Chapter 37

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It was still dark when I awakened, surrounded by Itachi's scent. I looked into his face and traced one of the lines going down his face. "You shouldn't stress yourself so much..." He grabbed my hand and kissed it before opening his eyes. "I need to go."

He sighed. "I know."

I smiled softly and brushed back the hair that had fallen across his forehead. "I'll always come back for you, Itachi. I promise." I kissed his forehead and mumbled against it. "Get some more sleep."

His eyelids began to droop. "Kunoichi..."

I paused. Why'd he use that name? I shook the thought and slipped off the couch and through the window. Zetsu was already waiting for me, and I took his hand. "I owe you greatly."

He was silent as he transported me to a cave, Sasori was waiting for us. "Kunoichi, it's rare that you require my assistance."

I smiled. "I'll tell you anything you want to know if you can help."

He chuckled. "Depends on what it is."

I held my hand out, and he took it. I sent the memory of Itachi's condition to him, and he shifted uncomfortably. "I see... the herbs make sense then. When did you find out about this illness?"

I sighed. "Only recently..."

He gazed at me. "Is it you who has it?"

I shook my head. "Someone I care for..."

He relaxed a little. "I'll make the medicine, but it'll only last one month... you'll need a new batch once this runs out." I looked at Zetsu, who nodded. "At this stage, it can be cured, but whoever it is must be diligent about taking the medicine."

I nodded. "They will be."

He thought for a moment. "As payment... what were the last group of plants for?"

I closed my eyes. "A sleeping poison of sorts and its antidote. It stops the heart, and after a bit, the heart restarts. However, without the antidote, the victim stays in a coma."

He tilted his head. "I would like those recipes, give it to me with the second batch of medicine."

I nodded. "Thank you, Sasori." I turned to Zetsu. "And your payment..." I pulled out several plants all protected in chakra orbs.

Zetsu smiled. "How did you get these? They are exclusive to the Leaf."

I smirked. "I may have paid a visit to the greenhouse before coming to you." He chuckled, and I bowed slightly to them both. "I'll take my leave, thank you both."

I activated the seal by the village gates and looked into the sleeping village. Now... what to do next... I went to Minato's and was surprised he was slouched over on the couch. I shook my head and laid him down, placing a blanket over him.

He woke up slightly. "You were with Itachi." I nodded my eyes downcast. "I'm sorry... for both of you."

I smiled at him sadly. "We understand what's at stake."

He pulled at a loose curl. "I've been trying to find another way..."

I awkwardly hugged him. "Despite how you may feel Minato, you were the best father I could ever hope for. You did nothing wrong."

He sighed sleepily. "Yet my daughter has given so much, with nothing in return."

I stroked his head. "Trust me when I say, I've gotten everything I deserved and more. You can't see it now, but one day... you will."

He nodded as he fell back to sleep. I went into Naruto's room and smiled as Sasuke was there as well. "Silly boys..." I watched them sleep for a time before going to take a shower and donning some clothing.

I sat in my room for a long while before a knock came at the door. When I opened it, I frowned. Shisui loomed over me, upset. "My men have been looking for you all night."

I crossed my arms. "The unfortunate ones who found me could have told you my message."

He stepped closer. "They did, I sent for you, and you refused to come."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your pet or your slave."

He huffed. "Why are you making this so difficult?"

I stared into his eyes. "Because I don't want this. I'm doing it for everyone else's sake."

He looked hurt. "You don't want..."

I nodded. "I'm only agreeing to protect those I care about.

His face darkened. "Regardless, in a weekend's time, you'll be mine. You won't regret it."

I shrugged. "None of that matters to me as long as they're safe." He scowled and abruptly turned to leave. "They will be signing the contract in the evening. You are expected to be there."

I watched silently as he stalked off and returned to my room. They really are hurrying this along...

They've been aiming for this marriage for years now.

You would think they'd have some reservations...

They should... thank you for not fighting with Shisui.

It would only make matters more difficult.

You should avoid Itachi.

We've been trying that for years... hasn't worked yet.

This is true...

You should take over for a while... I'm not sure if I'll know how to behave.

Very well. We felt the shift, more prominent than other times. I looked at myself in the mirror and tilted my head. I still looked like me, but my eyes were paler and hair slightly limp where it fell around my face. "Interesting."

I walked out into the village and met with Yua. She looked at me briefly. "Chihiro." I nodded, and she ushered me into the music store. "Seems you two are separating nicely."

I shrugged. "It's necessary."

Yua handed me some tea, I smelled some medicine in it and looked at her curiously. She gestured for me to drink. "It's necessary." This had better not mess anything up...

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