Chapter 36

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Izumi emerged from the shadows, and I tried to take a step back, but Itachi, clearly agitated, wouldn't let go. "Izumi."

She looked at us in dismay. "Itachi, she's engaged to Shisui." He frowned but said nothing, his anger building. "Why..."

I channeled warm chakra to Itachi. "Izumi, you should go."

She glared at me. "This is all your fault!"

I looked at her sadly. "I know."

She clenched her fists. "You've broken his heart countless times... now this? All for a demon?"

I felt Itachi stiffen and clutched his sleeves. "Izumi, now is not the time. You couldn't possibly understand my position, and you should go." When she opened her mouth to protest, I entered her mind.

Her face went blank. "It's time to go home, Izumi." She turned around and started walking towards the Uchiha compound. I sighed in relief. "We should go too."

Itachi nodded and took my hand, steering me in a different direction. I didn't protest and gazed at the stars. This is a bad idea.

I ignored her and continued to be led to an apartment complex.  I looked at Itachi curiously as he stopped. "Do you trust me, Chihiro?"

I tilted my head. "You've never given me a reason not to."

He looked down at me before nodding and leading me in. He unlocked a door, and I noted the room number before going in. I glanced around, and it looked untouched. "Where are your things?"

He glanced at me as he went to the kitchen. "I don't stay here much."

I thought for a moment. "Mikoto and Sasuke?"

He pulled out some ingredients. "Next door." He began to cook, and I slid into a barstool resting my head in my arms. You shouldn't be here, Kunoichi.

I turned my attention to Chihiro, who was glaring at me. He won't hurt us.

She sighed. But we will hurt him. He's suffering enough.

I watched as Itachi carefully poured sauce into a pan. If I go, he hurts. If I stay, he hurts. No matter the decision I make, he'll suffer...

She looked at me in dismay. I'm telling you not to make it worse.

I felt tears begin to form. Anything I do now... will be nothing compared to that day... let him enjoy this small thing before then.

She looked at him dismally. So you think he'll stay alive after?

I nodded. I'll make sure of it.

Itachi looked back at me and then came towards, wiping a tear from my cheek. "Why are you crying?"

I wiped my eyes and shook my head. "No matter what I do... I hurt you."

He smiled sadly. "Not everything." He turned his attention back to what he was doing.

I stared at his back. "You never asked about the contract... or how I intend to keep my promise."

He glanced back. "I know." I fell silent. "Are you uncomfortable here... we can go next door."

I shook my head. "No." I saw his shoulders relax.

He set to plates on the counter, and it smelled delicious. "You didn't eat at the ceremony."

I looked down at the food. "You were watching me."

He began to eat slowly. "Would I be a good stalker if I didn't? Mother noticed too and told me to make sure you ate when I left."

I sighed. "She is unhappy as well."

He picked up a piece of meat from my plate and urged me to eat it. "She knows why you chose this. She wishes that my father would've compromised differently."

I ate the offered food. "You can cook."

He smirked. "You think my mother would have it otherwise. She constantly lectured me about it."

I tilted my head. "Why?"

He chuckled darkly. "She said my future wife probably wouldn't eat as she should, so I had to make sure she did."

I picked up my own chopsticks. "She can't live off dango, I suppose."

He shrugged. "Why not? I would like to."

I ate as I thought. "You have nothing here, Itachi. Why?"

He looked around the apartment. "I've requested a hiatus after the wedding. The Hokage approved."

I watched his face. "Where will you go?"

He shrugged. "Hopefully, with the little troupe you've formed. If not, I'll wander around and see the world as you have."

I nodded. "It's nice out there... or at least I like it."

He nodded. "I don't suspect you'll be tied down in this village long."

I pulled out a charm and handed it to him. It was a small phoenix pendant, and he studied it thoughtfully. "Wherever you go, whomever you encounter, show them this. It won't always protect you from danger, but they'll know you are a friend."

He clutched it and nodded. "You have entire families away from here."

I smiled. "A world full of them. They will ensure you are taken care of in my stead."

He took my hand in his free one. "You have enemies as well."

I smirked. "I do, but they will most likely err on the side of caution."

He removed my glove and took my hand again. "You won't kill yourself, will you?"

I sighed. "I can't tell you the plan, Itachi."

He looked into my eyes intently. "You will come back."

I nodded. "I'll always return to those I love and care for."

He squeezed my hand. "Then, I'll wait." We ate in silence afterward, and I cleared washed the dishes as he laid on the couch, studying the pendant.

I stood over him and crossed my arms. "I should go."

He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me down, noticing my grimace. "They still hurt."

I shrugged. "It's fine, but..." I had landed on top of him akwardly.

He noticed and shifted, so I was between him and the couch. "Rest." I looked up at him in dismay. "I won't hurt you, Chihiro."

I lowered my gaze. "I know, but this will only make things harder."

He nodded. "I know, but let's enjoy it while we can." I sighed. Stupid Uchiha...

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