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We sat in a barbeque restaurant waiting for our food. I was looking out of the window when Ryo came in with Shisui, who purposefully sat to one side of me. "Hey guys."

They all glared at him and continued with their conversations. Ryo sat across from me. "Are you okay?"

I looked at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" He simply nodded and started talking to Aya and Hinata. A sense of dread came over me as a familiar presence drew near. Great...

Itachi sat to my other side silently, I noticed he would quickly glance at me and look away. I solely focused on the outside, now wishing the food would hurry up and come. Sasuke turned to his brother. "Where were you last night? They said Chi-chi was already out when you would've shown up."

Itachi stoically looked at him. "No where in particular." Being an annoying stalker.

Naruto laughed. "Chi-chi... I haven't heard that one in a while."

Aya turned to me. "You have a nickname?"

I shrugged. "They couldn't say my whole name when they were younger."

She giggled. "Chi-chi, that's cute... and even works with Kunoichi."

I rolled my eyes. "That's a no."

Hinata giggled. "I still call you Chi-sensei sometimes."

I smiled at her. "You knew Chihiro long before you knew Kunoichi."

She smiled. "This is true."

Ryo sat back. "I never knew you when you were Chihiro, but Kunoichi is just fine."

I looked back out the window. "Things weren't as complicated back then, but I would have to agree."

Minato joined in. "Where did that name come from anyway? I remember you trying so hard to get them to say your name."

I smiled at the thought. "Yeah, I was mad because they managed Itachi's name, so I was trying extra hard. The most they could manage was Chi and happened to say it one after the other." I playfully frowned. "Itachi thought it was hilarious and encouraged them to call me that... couldn't fix it til they were older."

Itachi had a small smile. "She hated it, but eventually, it stuck." I looked at him and quickly looked away. His eyes held an emotion I couldn't explain.

Minato shook his head. "You hated not having the boys around if you were free back then."

I smirked. "Stayed in trouble because of it too."

He nodded. "I can't count how many times a distressed babysitter called me or came to the office hysterical because you 'kidnapped' Naruto."

Naruto grinned. "Kidnapped?"

I chuckled. "It was so much easier to get Sasuke, but where was the fun in that?"

Minato sighed. "That may be where he gets his troublemaking ways from."

I sat back in my seat and shrugged. "Keeps life interesting."

Itachi shook his head. "Not fun when I was the one getting you out of trouble."

I rolled my eyes. "Didn't hear you complaining about it back then."

Ryo looked between us. "So he was part of it?"

I smirked. "More like he had a front row seat to the chaos then did damage control."

Aya smirked. "A dynamic duo, it seems."

Itachi nodded. "I don't have many childhood memories that didn't involve Chihiro, in one way or another."

Shisui grunted. "Until she was sent away, that is." Everyone went silent as Shisui gave Itachi an intense look. "You have few memories with her over the last eight to ten years."

I glared at him. "Shisui, stop it."

He frowned at me. "It's true."

Ibiki stood and put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take a walk." Shisui grimaced, but rose his eyes never leaving Itachi's.

When he disappeared around the corner, I looked down at the table. They shouldn't fight... they'll need each other soon... Aya cleared her throat. "Don't worry about him, Kunoichi."

Naruto screwed his face up. "Why do they call you that?"

I looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

He frowned. "Kunoichi... that's just a girl ninja."

I gave him a small smile. "Because I certainly couldn't use my real name out there, also... it adds to the reality of what I've become." He narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm a girl and a shinobi, that much is for sure, but out there I am no one. I have no village, no family, and a few friends that travel with me. I am a nameless shadow who completes the missions that I choose."

He looked down at the table. "But you have a family."

I chuckled. "A very large one, but no one can connect me to them, or they would be in danger. Especially those here in the Leaf."

He looked at me. "Who else are part of your family?"

I thought for a moment. "People who have taken up different roles in my life. Some act as parents, others siblings, plus teachers and students. I never asked for any of them, but they're around."

I heard Itachi say under his breath. "An entire life we know nothing about." I didn't look at him, but it seemed no one else heard.

Minato smiled. "Though I'm not happy about how it happened, I'm happy that you found happiness out there."

I shrugged. "I wasn't given much of a choice."

Naruto frowned. "When did they start giving you missions, Sis?"

I blinked at him. "I was 6."

His looked confused. "You were still a kid! Why would they do that?" The entire table was quiet. "I mean, sure, you're a super great ninja and all, but 6?"

I tried to think of a reason but was coming up short. I can't possibly tell him the truth. "It's... classified."

He scowled. "You just don't want to tell me."

I shrugged. "Even if I did, I couldn't." The food finally arrived, but once again, my appetite escaped me. Oh well... Everyone dug in while I nibbled on a few things here and there. Itachi looked at me and frowned but said nothing.

Soon, Ibiki returned with Shisui, who frowned at Itachi before sitting down. When will this end...

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