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Bored that's what he was feeling Jungkook had come to another product launch and honestly he had enough of people gawking at him and even fake complementing him, seriously what did they they think of him that he was dumb, he could see hobi near him being vigilant as usual and checking the surrounding and smiling at all the coordinating people
Jungkook couldn't take it anymore so he stood up suddently
"Yah where r you going" hobi said looking at him
"Washroom !! what I can't go there alone too ? Jungkook asked with a scorn
"Forget it hyung I am going"
Jungkook smiles as he made his way outside little did hobi know that he was planning to escape half way outside the mall he started to speed walk all the while looking back his smile grew as he saw no one was following him, good thing he wore the hoodie today he didn't notice where he was going and suddently bumped into someone.
"Sorry !" Jungkook said in an instinct without looking up and side stepping so he can leave as soon as possible but the stranger had other plans as he blocked Jungkooks way again
"Aisssh what now ??" Jungkook looked up frustrated
"Excuse me but aren't you ......"
"Ya ya I am Jungkook now can you move I am kind of busy" all the while looking back hobi might have figured it out already
"Why aren't you supposed to be here for the whole day
"Yah ! Who are u ? from the media ?" Jungkook said looking at the stranger finally wow !! That's what his first thought was who is this handsome man !!
"Listen I don't want to sound like a flirt but do you wanna hang out ? Like we could go out have fun what say ? Handsome ?" Jungkook said raising his eyebrows
The stranger though looked like he was at a loss of words but to jungkooks surprise he
Started laughing he had a beautiful laugh but it irked Jungkook a little
"What is so funny ?"
"Do you say that to every person u meet or ?"
"Huh ?"
"Yah Jeon jungkook !!" Hobi said finally coming in search of him
"Damn it !!"
"Oh thank god he is with you !" Hobi said relieved
"Huh you know him " Jungkook asked confused
"Jungkoook meet Jin your bodyguard from now on"
"You gotta be kidding me ?!"
"But he is soo handsome to be a bodyguard"
"Jeon jungkook !!"
"What !"
"I will be staying here just call me when it's time to go" jin said scanning the crowd which was slowly gathering around them
Jungkook couldn't stop looking at Jin though
"Yah let's go they are looking for you"
"You sure you want to be my bodyguard !"
"It's not going to be easy !" Jungkook said with a smirk
"I have dealt with much worse"
"You sure"
"Alright then hope u can keep me safe" Jungkook said with a wink 😉
"Aaa hobi hyung, let's cut this out and go home I am seriously done"
"Yah do you know how hard it was me to get onto this!!!!behave!!"
Jin just shook his head as he heard the convo between the two and began checking the surroundings
This will be interesting he thought ....

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