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Jin always loved sunsets and beaches in its twilight glow so thats where he currently was the weather getting colder as the sun prepared to retire for the day in his mind it always reminded him of egg yolk he smiles shaking his head this was okey once in a while it was okey to let go of  his sad life and just smile thats the thing about beaches and sunsets he could just be calm  and at peace makes him realise  "its okey everything will be okey soon tomrw is just another day " but soon that smile disappears,
He sighs and kicks a stone is frustration why does it always has to be him just why why cant he have his happy ending for once jin runs his hands through his hair and then reminds himself to breath in breath out he has been doing it for a while now and he thinks its helping,  the punching bag back in his home  will tell u another story!!!
Jin sits down in the sand watching as the sea gulps down the yolk ! The cold was seeping in as the night approached jin slightly shivered as he imagined he couldn't help hut wonder what  jungkook might be doing ? Jin knew about jungkooks quick recovery from his dad the only time has asked his dad about him! No matter how hard he tried to convince himself that running away was the only option he had left, that jungkook was better off of him he always though of "what if s" ,  when the bed beside him gets too cold when he sees couples walking side by side , when he sees couples bickering he thinks of him , when the snow falls when the rain pours when the day is so nice he wishes he could  hold jungkooks  hand and just walk through the park hearing the  birds chirp and to have the wind brush through their hair he could imagine the Smile  on their faces as they tighten their grips on their hand and huddle closely for warmth,  a gleam of setting sun  hitting their matching  plain gold rings  and in the evenings by the beach watch the starry sky what a perfect life that would be and if they get bored of each other and start to fight for silky reasons maybe they would adopt a kid ? A kid with big eyes the fact that he could picture all of it right in front of him and still cant have that that is what kills him jin wipes away the tear that threatened to fall
He sighs again and he just wanted a normal life didnt think it was going to be this tough he starts walking back home through the now familiar path.   Jin saw an unfamiliar car parked in front of his drive way he scrunches his eyes brows as he fastens his pace because nobody knew where he lived his dad made sure of  it
Jin stops walking his breath hitches as he sees the last person he ever dreamt of seeingfor a minute jin wonders was he dreaming
"Jeon  Jungkook!!"
No no no this has to be one of his imagination like there was no way jungkook had found about his place no way maybe if he blinks he will go away jin thinks in his mind but ! However he doesnt blink he just stares what if he really disappears?
Standing there by the side of the car in his black button up shirt, sleeves tucked in, hair grown  out looking messy from the wind,   Hands crossed in front of him and intimidating as always stood jungkook looking as if he was lost in his thoughts and it seemed like he had been here for a while
Jungkook looked entirely  different yet soo familiar
Sensing jins presense jungkook faced him 
For a min when their eyes met even though he wouldn't admit it he was scared, scared for himself because this was not the Jungkook he knew this was someone else!!
He has never felt this anger in his life never he could feel his entire body shaking when he drove through the country side but when he finally saw jin that anger inside him calmed down for a moment because its been a while since he last saw him
The present jin looked like he was having an internal conflict wether to run or stay Jungkook could tell
The anger he felt whike he found out about where Jin was hiding turned into something else when he saw the said person in his large hoodie looking like a deer who was caught innfront of a headlight he kept looking just didnt blink just kept staring with wide eyes all he wanted was to be close to him and kiss him , jungkook was weak like that and he hated himself for it evenafter all that jin had that effect on him!!
"Dont even think of running " jungkook  said  as he saw jin taking cautious step backwards after a while
"Hi ! So this is your hideout ?" jungkook said that walking towards jin hands in his pocket with a smirk
"Jungkook ?" Jin had found his voice somehow and was proud that it didnt show the emotions that he was going through at the moment
"Oooo U ! Havent forgotten my name huh" jungkook says with a straight face
"How ???? ......What are u doing here" ? Jin asks
"U !!!!! give me one good reason  why i shouldnt grab u right now shove u in the back seat and drive back home he said looking at jin angrily
"No Because that will be considered kidnapping and the guy over there is already looking at us we already have a witness!" Jin was scared
Genuinely cause jungkook would do that if he could
"U think i care"
"Jungkook lets talk inside"
"Talk ? U think there is something to talk about ?" "Just please "..... Jin says desperately taking out the keys and walking towards the door jins heartbeat increased to a level that he doesn't even want to know
"What are u doing here ? "
Jungook doesnt answer but looks around  at the interior of the holiday home
"Jungkook !!"
"Wats the hurry jinshiiii i am here anyway is this the way u treat ur former employer" jungkook changing his demeanour completly
This is not gonna end well jin confirmed with himself
"Wat do u want ?"
"Oh its Nice of u to ask do u have beer?" Jungkook asks hut theb he proceeds to the fridge to take one jin always had beer
"Gotta say jinshi i love this place of urs its comfy"
"U look like u really started a new life! A year is all u needed i see" Jungkook says all of a sudden sighing he was really trying hard to not show his anger but his body language showed it all
"Jungkook  i dont have time for games why are u here ?"
"U really dont know why ?" Jungkook says getting up and coming close to jin who unintentionally takes a step back
"u drove me crazy for months what the hell where u thinking ?" Jungkook said to jin with accusing eyes "U have nothing to say??" jungkook asks with a little bit of emotion in his face
"Did u even love me ?" Jungkook continues jin could see the struggle jungkook now this close he couldnt look at Jungkooks eyes he knew he would break jin just wished he could be invisible
"Did i mean anything to u"
"Jungkook please u have to leave " just jin managed to say but was interrupted by jungkook again cornering jin against the wall they were so close yet soo far
"I wont leave unless i get an answer because  the jin i fell in love with will never leave me there alone like a nobody"
Jins eyes widen there was that word again love
" Answer me godamn it"jungkook slams his hands in the wall jin flinches
"I have never opened up about my feelings to anyone before not even jimin and u knew how i felt u knew and yet u left me alone. ?" Jungook said with those accusing eyes
"Jungkook calm down and listen " Jin tries again as he saw how riled up jungkook was
"U made me loose my FREAKING MINd" Jungkook shouted "you dont know how much pain i had to keep it in and put a mask on to pretend i was doing okey Do U FREAKING KNOW !"
Deadly silence
"Why would  you jungkook says in a dangerously calm voice OFCOURSE U WOULDNT CAUse U WERE NOT FREAKING THERE ! Jungkook moves away from jin jin immediately missed thr closeness he just wanted to grab jungkook hug him tight and tell him how sorry he was to make him feel that way but nothing came out he just stared
"And Look at u! U are living s new life was i that easy to forget ? Are u hiding a boyfriend too" Jungkook asks in a broken voice jin starts to break a little as he sees jungkook tear up vulnerable
"U have no answer huh ! U cant even look me in the eyes ? Why ? Are u guilty ? Guilty that U made me this way ? So i guess i was right i was just going behind something with no meaning jungkook says while he runs his hands through his face trying to search for a calm place Jungkook sighs and Jin was scsred becuse there was a finality in , it as if jungkook was ready to give up he was done and what jungkook said next confirmed it
"I am sorry ! What am i even doing ?? You know what ! I shouldnt have come here it was my mistake Have a great night !" Jungkook said finally looking at jin
"U know the funny thing is after all this? I still love u u the minute taehyung told me about ur hideout i ran like there is no tomrw ! My heart beating wildly i thought it was my anger for u but I dont think so i just wanted to see you to just see you safe and sound" jin gulps looking anywhere else but jungkook it was too much for him to tske at once but still jin couldn't.
"I said this much and yet all u can do is to keep quiet?" Jungkook chuckles
"I am tired I cant do this to myself anymore" jungkook says after a while
"Kimseokjin!"Jungkook calls in a heart wrenching sweet voice that jin has never heard  before tears filing his eyes automatically and he knew jungkook was tearing up too
  "Thank u for everything ! I hope u be happy in what ever u do ! I am glad i met u" Jungkook said with the same fake smile on his face And that was the final nail for jin
And as jungkook turns to leave jins mind goes back to the alternate universe that he saw in the beach slowly fading away into golden sand and before he could stop himself jin says
"U think u the only one ?" Jin shouts as he sees Jungkook touch the doorknob
Jungkook freezes with hands in the door knob and looks at jin eyebrows scrunched eyes questioning
"U think u are the only one who is suffering? New life ? U THINK I AM HAPPy here ! I AM LIVING HELL EVERYNIGHT I  USED TO SEE U IN MY DREAMS LYING IN MY LAP BLOOD OOZING OUT AND THEN WAKE UP WITH A scream i was living the nightmare for a whole year u think i sm not going crazy ??"
Jungkook blinked his hands on the doorknob tightened as if he was looking for a support to take him through The outburst
"U THINK I WANT THIS PAIN IN ME with every word jin took a step towards jungkook "U HAVE FUCKING NO CLUE WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH SO STFU beforehand coming at me and accusing me of things"
"THEN U SHOULDNT HAVE FUCKING LEFT"things were getting heated in the room both of them were angry for their own reasons jin was clenching and unclenching his fists as if to get his feeling out jungkook was just glairing
Then what was i supposed to fo WATCH U GET HIT "
"YES !"
Jungkook's eyes widen
"Because THATS my job thats what I DO !!"
"So all those time u jumped in was because u didnt care about me but because of ur job ?"
"Yesss !"
Wrong jungkook thought cause all the times he had saved him from real danger even the last time be was not his bodyguardhe was working for yoongi
He didnt show if but clenched his fists
"Soo Why would u jump in front of me and get urself almost killed When everyone else just watched as i took the shot in the past "
"Because I am not them and i love u godamn it is it too hard to understand! ?"
"Love ? U were supposed to love jimin have a happy family and be safe not get admitted in a freaking hospital because of wounds fighting for ur life"
"Are u hearing urself does that make sense ??""
"Doesnt matter ! U were leaving just leave"
"Soo u are putting all this on me ? U never loved me ? It was all in my head ? U didnt love me at all"Jungkook says cautiously approaching jin again
"I dont know what you talking about all i saw was a
Before jin could talk any further jin felt himselfelf being grabbed by the colar , and felt soft lips 👄on him Jins eyes widen as he realised what jungkook was doing and struggled to push him off of him
"Jungkook stop"
Jungkook was relentless as he grabbed jin waist tightly and pulled him towards him
Jins  tried to push him away but jungkook apparently was stronger than him Jin was trying so hard to not to give in but jungkook continued to pull him closer to jungkooks body all the while trying to get a response out of jin, Jungkook had his eyes closed as he continued to kiss jin his soft lips hungry wanting more as he pulled jin closer like he never wanted to let go, Jungkook was clinging on to jin as if he wa scared at the same time determined to get an answer out of him and jin could feel himself giving in when jungkook started to deepen the kiss !! because what the hell was he doing here the guy he was in lovenwith was trying to take him back home while the dumbass in him was defenefing and pushing hm away again ! Jin felt his eyes fluttering to  to the sensation of the kiss !! His heart beating sooo loud  like it  wanted a release  from the misery! a little while for a little while it was okay and so he reaches out his hands and cups Jungkooks  face and instead of pushing him he away he closes  his eyes and starts to kiss Jungkook back tears starts to run down his eyes jin relaxes into the kiss, kissing Jungkook back for the lost time ! jin grabs on to jungkooks shirt as he slams jin to the wall and kisses him deeply his hands slowly lifting jins hoodie and finding the soft skin beneath it jin was burning, jins hands slowly finds its way and intertwines  with jungkooks soft long hair he was soo lost in the moment that he forgot the small light of reason trying to explain to him how this would hurt him moree jin remebers jungkooks mothers words suddently from the hospital
"Stop" jin tries again to push jungkook away and he succeededs this time ! both of them out of breath
"Stop Jungkook"
"Jungkook looked like a mess his hair messy eyes glossy as if he was in a trance but there was this underlying sparkle in his eyes
"Stop ? Stop saying stop when u want the smae thing u want to stop this then stop kissing me back jin !"
"Urggggg i cant do this" jin says grabbing on to his hair and sliding down the wall
"Jin ...jin hyung" jungkook says softly slouching down so he can be eye to eye with jin
"I cant be near u Jungkook! I cant let u get hurt because of me i cant ! I am ur bad luck u are better off of me !"
Hyung ! Jungkook says cupping jins face and looking him in the eye
"I dont know from where u got the idea that you are my bad luck ? You are the only good thing that happened to me in a while, u changed me and made me want to love again sooo please jungook leans in their foreheads touching please come with me"
"I love u !" Jin says his tears falling freely
Jungkooks eyes widen as he leans forward their and pecks his lips   "I love you too" jungkook says with a smile jin chases after Jungkooks lips and kisses Jungkook the kiss sweet and everything they ever wanted to tell each other their tears mixing with the kiss!
"Oooow jungkook says as jin smacks him in the head after the kiss
"What the hell what was that for"
"Who the fuck confesses their love while lying in a pool of blood ?"
"I didnt want to have any regrets inbcase i died jungkook says sincerely as he sits beside jin hands intertwined
Jin pulls him closer and hugs him tightly with a smile on his face jungkook was as happy as anyone could ever be as he hugged him back
"Yah we better get packing if we are leaving today " jin says playing with jungkooks long hair as he lay in
Jins lap
"I mean what is the rush jinshiii" jungkook said snuggling into jin more "we have a home here we are alone why not make it worth "
"U know !" Jungkook says raising his eyebrows mischievously
"Yahhh ! Jin says again smacking jungkooks head and rolling him off of his lap" and getting up
"Go wash up"
"Hyung are u shyy ? Woow thats new"
"Shy my foot"
"I think u are"
"I said no"
"Hyung u are turning red"
"Yeah stop calling me Hyung"
"Omg i regret this already goo just go ! No wait scratch that dont go"
"I wont go hyung u are stuck with me .... Mr bodyguard!"
Its done finally🥺🥺🥺 its over !

The kiss scene is a mess 😂😂 i knoww soo i apologise for that 😂

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