
9K 422 21

Jin was smiling when he was going to grab dinner at their dorm, the headquarters had perks like that, that's what you get when you are in an agency of bodyguards, free food that's what makes a person happy the most.

Normally he had to stay with the person he is allotted to but since he just got out of one assignment that too injured he get to stay for another day!

"Oh you seem to be happy !"Jaebum caught up with Jin in the dinner table
"He is not that bad hyung ! Kind of a kid but not that bad !" Jin said smiling hugely at jaebum who was looking at Jin with a face
"There you go again ! Yah"
"You are having that oh we are going to be great friends look on your face".
"What no !"
"Yes you do !"
"Okey ! I agree because I got the positive vibes from him"
"Don't judge a person too soon ! And remember what I told you"
"Yes hyung will do aish you need to relax ! Don't go all big brother mode on me all the time"
"Okey okey !" Jaebum smiled and started eating his dinner
"Ooh by the way hyung I will have to move tomorrow the set up is ready"
"Uh okey will send your things tomrw morning then" jaebum said sadly
"Why are you saying that sadly ?" Jin asked with a sly smile
"Mah !! because I will miss hanging out with you"
"I am just one call away hyung and besides you can call me anytime"
"Be careful okey I am serious" jaebum said worriedly he seriously was worried about leaving Jin alone for an assignment
"Okey okey I give up !"
Things were going great, perfect even, in the one week jin was jungkooks bodyguard the kid didn't even have a problem with him in fact Jin found Jungkook as someone who is really hardworking, also he appreciated how the younger one was always hot on his heels trying to do everything at once and he was good at whatever he did to jins amazement no wonder he was #1. Jungkook didn't give jin much notice either apart from the occasionally cliched flirty one liners and his comment on how handsome Jin was, Jin was really fine with how things were, not too close not too distant! That's what Jin would call it and he knew jaebum would be happy too , even hoseok was surprised that Jin lasted a week considering the history of bodyguards jungkook had. Jin tried his best to stay on track with the busy schedules Jungkook had and by the end of the day he was more tired than Jungkook and he couldn't even imagine what the guy was going through he kind of felt bad for him.

"Uhh excuse me !" Jin said suddently at a stranger who was about to enter jungkooks office "Me ?""Yes I am sorry but you have to go through security check""Are you new here ?" The stranger said in a incredible voice "Uh yes !""No wonder you don't ...

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"Uhh excuse me !" Jin said suddently at a stranger who was about to enter jungkooks office
"Me ?"
"Yes I am sorry but you have to go through security check"
"Are you new here ?" The stranger said in a incredible voice
"Uh yes !"
"No wonder you don't know me how dare you ask me to go through the security check"
"I don't care who you are there is a system here and you have to follow it"
"Are you kidding right now?"
"Do I look like I am kidding ?"
"Waaaah !" The stranger just gives Jin a look and takes out his phone and calls someone
After a few minutes hobi comes running to the front office
"Oh jimin ! Come in !"
"Hoseok but"...
"Jin it's okey it's jimin Jungkooks friend" hobi sad worriedly at Jin
"But he has not gone through....."
"Aish who does he think he is ? Do u think I have a bomb with me and why would I hurt Jungkook ! I can believe this !"
"Aaaa jimin let me deal with this why don't you go in Jungkook is waiting for you"
"Ok please if you are placing someone new let em know who is important around here hoseok" the guy said with a swag and staired at Jin before entering the office
"Jin I am sorry about that I should have told you before that's jimin Jungkooks close friend he actually has full freedom here so it's okey if you exclude him and besides we know him from years"!
"That's not an excuse , wait a minute close friend oooo you mean like boy friend ?"
"Uhh not Exactly"
"Ooooo" Jin said raising his eyebrows
Hobi recieves a call then
"But I actually talked to .... alright I will bring him in"
"Jungkook is pissed he wants to talk to you"
"About what" jin was clearly confused
"Let's go jin"
Jungkook was standing with his hands tied clearly not a good sign as Jin and hobi entered hobi was massaging his temples as he saw how jimin was smirking at Jin
"Did you stop jimin from entering my office"
"Yes ! It's because of security reasons"
"Well jimin said you had an attitude towards him !"
"Excuse me ! I was trying to do my job"
"Whatever just apologise to him!!" Jungkook said casually not even looking at Jin
"What ?"
"Jeon jungkook !" Hobi called out shocked
"Hobi hyung stay out of it besides he works for me he should listen to what I say shouldnt he ?"
"I am sorry but I am not apologising for doing my job"!!!
"Apologise or I don't want your service anymore" Jungkook said clearly not pleased with the answer
"Jungkook hear me out how would he know jimin is a usual around here..." hobi tried to reason with jungkook who was stairing at Jin
"Yaaaah don't trust anyone so easily not even your close ones"
"Jin!!!" hobi said warningly
"Yaaah?" Jungkook said incredibly am I you friend or something shouldn't it be mr Jeon ? Waaah the audaciacy of a bodyguard to think I am his friend! Or do you think we are close since I didn't fire you yet for the past week"
Jin could hear Jimin chuckle he had his hands in fists and he wanted to hit someone so bad jimin seemed to be too close to him right now
"It's not like you do much anyway just tag along with me and wait it must be good when you get the pay check huh!?" Jungkook knew he was crossing a line
"Enough ! I quit!" Jin said through clenched teeth, he would never learn jaebum was right. maybe he was too quick in taking the assignment he should have let this one go how dare this guy seriously what did he know ? And to think he thought this self centered douche was a good guy.
"Jin listen" hobi started but Jin chuckled and the way he was staring at jungkook gave goosebumps to hobi
"You think the world revolves around you don't you ? Well news flash superstar it doesn't and for the thing about being a bodyguard you wouldn't understand try to think of someone else other than you sometimes for a change which I doubt you are capable of but try anyway maybe then your life won't be in so much danger" Jin said sarcastically
"Get out"
" Gladly"Jin replied before closing the door with full force
" Oh my god Jungkook !!"Hoseok said frantically placing his hands on his head " I can't believe this it's the 2week curse What do I do!"
"Hyung he was rude as"
"Stop I cant with you right now" hobi said walking out of the office
" Atleast you got me"jimin said hugging a confused jungkook
I am sorry I don't know why jimins is the a**h**** in my plot 🤣🤷‍♀️ I love the mochi 😍 but the plot want what it wants sooo 🤷‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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