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"Damn it !!"
Jungkook really didn't want to face jin like that all red faced and confused and guess what they fought again
Jungkook had realised he had strong feelings for the tall dark haired guy for a while now and when jin said that the kiss was a mistake with that look on his  like he really regretted it, he lost it, he didn't want to show him he was hurt by what he said,  so he retaliated with whatever came into his mind which doesn't make any sense at all because Jungkook didn't think jin was selfish,  oh hell no jin was so many things but, selfish was not one of that and he should know it because jin saved his life twice. Jungkook confirmed that it was not just a crush , the wayhisheart started to beat wildly after the kiss  he knew it was nothing like what  he had with jimin this was something  else,  something magical ; he wanted jin to stay that day wanted to tell him about his feelings once he had calmed down from the initial shock but then the way jin said sorry in a broken way how  when jugkook was about to kiss him back, he remembers the little shove that jin gave him that time and the way he practically ran out of the studio,  it  was kind of a reminder  to jungkook a reminder not to cross the line, a reminder that jin will never see him like that and today he confirmed it. Jungkook can handle the pain, He was hurt yes and he did not want to facejin for awhile so he packed his bags and preteded that all was fine because he is good at that he is good in pretending everything was just perfect. Hobi kept on pestering him about  why he suddently wanted to go to the US ? what happened with jin ? but jungkook coud only be silent  because he didn't trust himself to not break down in front of his favourite hyung again!! he didn't want to make him worried , he was the only one who genuinely cared about Jungkook and he didn't want to be a burden because If even hobi left his side he would have no one and that scared Jungkook to no bounds
Hobi came in silently into their room thinking Jungkook would be sleeping but was surprised to see jungkook stairing out of the window, he immediately knew that Jungoo was spacing out with that look in his eyes like everything wrong in this world was his fault
"Jungkook ? I thought you might be sleeping"
"Oh ! Hyung ! You are back ?"
"Did something happen ??" Hobi asks worried seeing the dullness in jungkooks eyes he loved the guy to no bounds and he didn't want him to suffer at all
"Nope nothing just tired"
"Sure ? Jungkook ! U know I am here for you right I would do anything for ...."
"I know Hyung I swear it's nothing really I am sleepy !"
"Then sleep you jackass what were you stairing at ?
Just nothing things"
"Things ??"
"Let's sleep Hyung"Jungkook says without looking at hobi
"What ? I thought we are meeting today for hearing the sample what happened all of a sudden"
"Ya but i wanted both of you to listen"
"And ?"
"Taehyung is missing"Yoongi says rubbing his forehead
"What ?!
"I don't know okey I searched for him everywhere called multiple times and I got nothing"
"Sooo what do we do ?"
"Wait ? I don't know let's see for today and then contact his agency again because they don't have any clue either "
"Damn it !"
Jungkook could suddently hear someone coughing very badly the sound was coming closer
"Jin what are you doing I told you not to get up from your bed" Yoongi says worriedly running to a very sick looking jin who had blood shot eyes jungkooks eyes widen automatically seeing him in that state and a tightness in his chest spreads when he saw the way Yoongi was touching Jin's face
"But yoongis we have a man on the run .. I have to he.... *cough cough*
"Bulfucking shut up you stay here I got this"
"Jungkook ! Me and hobi are going out to search for that drama queen do me a favour and keep him in check okey ?!"
Both Jin and jungkooks widen their eyes
"Wait ! What ! I don't..."
"Yoongi I don't need anyone to babysit me"
"Okey that is settled then hobi let's get going now
Okey !"
"Godamn where do we start ! Taehyung where the hell are u?"
"U can just go back to your room don't need to bother" jin says looking at a hesitant Jungkook
"Okey wasn't going to anyway" Jungkook says walking past glairing at Jin because he wanted to help him why did he have to be so stubborn and pretend that he is strong that eerked Jungkook he walks past a wide eyes Jin goes to his room and closes the door with a lot of force he leans against the door and let's out a frustrated sight he didn't know how to act anymore but it was hard in front of jin
Jungkook came downstairs after sometime and for a minute thought there was no one in the house but he saw Jin passed out on his bed he was about to leave when Jin started to shiver as in literally shivering with his blacket on Jungkook rushes forward to check the temperature and was shocked Jin was burning and shivering like anything
Jungkook didn't know what to do should he take him to the hospital ? Probably the best idea
Jin hey ! Jungkook calls but receives nothing
Hey I am going to take you to the hospital okey ? Jin huffs for that
"Okey ! Let me just grab my .... " Jungkook was about to go backupsatirs when Jin grabs his hands and whispers
"No hospital I promised Hyung I won't go back"
"What"?? That's bulshit, you are burning up Jin please stop being stubborn
"No please" jin says tightening his grip
"Aaaaargh fine but u have to bear the consequences" Jungkook said looking at Jin
Who smiled in return
Jungkook couldn't help but look fondly at Jin

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