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For jin it was like slipping into an alternate universe where he was stuck helpless it was like someone else driving  a car and u don't have any control but just to watch the guy crash head on to a nearby tree in full force
Chaos it was utter chaos jin could here feel someone wrap a towel around him probably a hospital staff all he was doing was stairing   at the all too familiar white walls of the hospital he has no idea about the time, for him it felt like it froze,   the rest of the world a blur to him , he could see jaebum and namjoon hurrying and talking to the doctor as Jungook was wheeled towards the ICCU, and the next thing he knew was someone was grabbed him by the collar and a stinking sensation in his cheeks from the impact of the slap and a ringing
Jin took his time to get the focus back and come back to reality when he processed the words that was flung at him and his eyes focused on the beautiful middle aged lady fuming right in front of him who he has never seen before and then he sees the eyes the big eyes the resemblance and his heart broke again into a thousand million pieces
JUngkooks mother !
Jimin came running in and was saying "mom it was not his fault stop" before pulling the very distraught looking woman away from jin
"What do u mean its not his fault ever  since he came into his life believe it or not its BAD LUCK on him over and over again" jin could hear her distant voice telling jimin
Jin slides down the wall and clutches his heart it seemed like it would pop out any minute now the pain he was feeling was like nothing he had felt physically his eyes blurry as he realised
Yes if anything happened to jungkook it would be his fault
A fear that he has not felt in his life grips him so tight he doesn't know what to do or breath
He tried to calm down and breath slowly  he leans his head back and closes his eyes and everything comes back to him in flashbacks 
He should have told him before
Should have told him he was very much in love with him but was too scared to confess because he was a coward Because he was scared he will be turned down left alone because jungkook had jimin he always had jimin
Thinking about it now he should have told him before now there is little time and the damage was done
jin didn't know jungkook loved him this much to jump in front of a freaking bullet for him this  was the least thing he expected him to do for him
And probably jin knew deep in his mind somewhere they will never have a happy ending or beginning because there were so many differences so many hurdles in between him and jungkook that he felt he would be making himself look like a clown if not anything else
Now he is fighting for his life because of him
Jaebum comes to sit next to him and jin doesnt ask him anything
"He is in surgery doc said we will have to wait for 24 hours" jay says looking at jin with worry evident in his face
"Jin" jay calls again
"I dont want u to think...."
"Its true isnt it ....." jin says in a robotic voice which scares jay
"Its all my fault" jin lets out a humourless chuckle
"Jiniiee are you hungry do u want me to get u something ?" Namjoon comes hurriedly
Jin shakes his head no
"U haven't had anything since u came here"
Jin doesn't say anything just closes his eyes again and hopes and prays that the person he loves gets to see the next day
Cause he wouldn't forgive him if anything went wrong !
"You should probably have somethin" yoongi says to hobi who looked like he has just been out of hell and back
"No i am fine"
"Coffee atleast"
"Hows jin doing"
"I am scared for him"
"He hasn't even cried he is still in shock and i dont know knowing him he is taking it really hard on himself"
Hobi sighs he didnt want to be in jins shoes right now he didnt want to even think about it
"WhaAT ARE U DOING HERE !" Jungkook s mom screamed as soon as she sees jin in front of the operation theatre along with jay and namjoon
Jimin was still with her wide eyed and the shout that she left out
"Havent u had enough, haven't u done enough damage already?"
Jay was quick to defend
"Look maam we understand how u feel but jungkook jumped in front of him before we could anything its nobody's fault"
"Shut up i was not talking  to u and i dont want anyone of u here who the hell even allowed u to enter"
"He is not leaving" a voice echoes through the corridor hobi walks with yoongi in tow hearing the commotion
"Hobi u have already failed as his manger so i dont think u have any ri"
"How can u say that when u hardly ever been there for him"
"Hobi Hyung"... jimin calls warningly
"U dare to speak to me like that" jungkooks mom said fuming
"U never cared about him and now u are here creating a scene at a time like this when u should be praying to gods that he comes back healthy and fine" ?
"Thats it u are fired"
"I am afraid its not ur call to make its jungkooks and untill he says that to me i am not letting him go"
"Get out"
"U should be ashamed and the only person who should leave is u"
Jin hasnt seen hobi like this and infact no one has ever seen hobi like this red in the face hands curled in fists like he was trying too hard not to harm anyone
"I will show u" and just like that jungkooks mom walks away
Soon after the doctor comes in from the surgery
"Everything went well he is fine out of danger "
Jin felt a sense of relief wash through him and his body goes weak and if it was not for jay he would have hit the ground jay grabs jin and instantly he leans on to him
"Jin its okey its okey he is okey now bub" jay says soothingly
"U can visit him after sometime he is moved to the room yeah ? It was a close call, he will have to take it easy with the dancing and performances it will take time for him to get back on track" the doctor says and smiles sadly the rest of the gang just sighed in relief because performing can wait they had their boy back safe
Jungkook was moved to the room and jin was the first one to visit him Hobi made sure of that
It took every fibre in jin to go in and meet jungkook
And he saw Jungkook lying in there with needles stuck to him still unconscious he smiles seeing jungkook who looked like he was in a deep sleep and not someone who had underwent a serious surgery
Jin takes Jung kooks hands in his and looks at him trying to convey everything that he is currently feeling he leans forward and kisses Jungkooks forehead
"I am sorry" he wispers
and then he leaves without turning back
"Jin i am stuck in Japan right now i am on my i am so sorry i cant be there with u"
"Pops" jin says in a cracked voice
"What please tell me jungkook is fine"
"Pops he is fine Jungkook is fine"
and jin lets it all out he cries for the first time since all the things went down
"Thank god "
"Pops i dont think i want to do this anymore" jin says between his sobs
jin disappeared after that no one knew where he really was not jay not namjoon
His dad knew but he was not allowed to disclose it
I finally wrote it down my god the struggle 🥺 anyway hope u enjoy it will try to update the final one soon
Stay safe be happy 🤩

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