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It's been cool since then it's like jin and jungkook found a new chemistry between them there was the bickering ofcourse but they were in a comfortable space and no one in the world was more happy than hobi about the whole thing it has been 1 month the longest Jungkook has agreed to keep a bodyguard by his side, longest in the history  of The JUNGKOOK! Jin had moved to Jungkooks place for security purpose to keep an eye on him.
Jin woke up with a start hearing some sound , well normally in his dorm he would fall asleep thinking it is a cat or would leave as it is because he knows jaebum got em covered but this this was different this was not his dorm it was jungkooks house and there was no jaebum around so his senses tingled as he got out of the guest bedroom checking the time , it was past midnight, he tiptoes towards the hall the house being huge it was difficult to say which way was which,  in the dark it was too dark but the street light peeped through the curtain creating a eery vibe he was not liking this one bit, Jin halted in his steps as he saw a person near the front door he knew if he wasn't subtle he wouldn't be able to catch the person thief, attacker whoever the hell that broke in, also he didn't want to wake the whole place up but the guy was too close to the door he would escape as soon as he opens his mouth so he decided to play strategically he reached for the switch and turns on the light
"Aaaa hyung I can explain" Jungkook says in a surprised tone his hands up in the air
"Whaaa what ??"jin said as he saw a wide eyes Jungkook who was wearing a huge ass hoodie
"Aaa you scared me"
"You gotta be kidding me"
"shush 🤫" jungkook gestures
"What in the world ?"Jin thinks in his mind
"What are you doing Jungkook"
"What does it look like I am sneaking out"
"Sneaking out of ur own house?"
"Well duh"
"WHAT !!"
"dudeeeee" Jungkook raises his hands gesturing Jin to reduce his volume and looking upstairs to hobis room
"Where are you going ?"
"Why don't u find out"  Jungkook says opening the door quietly and going out jin knew he would be in great trouble if he didn't follow this lunantic
Jin follows before he looks up and says "why me ?!!
"What !?"
"U came all the way here to have mint choco ice cream are u crazy ?!"
"What it's my fav" Jungkook said smiling like a kid  they were in a super mart near his house which was open 24*7 and  apparently Jungkook was a regular customer
"Soo ?order it at home like normal people"
"Can't I am on a diet, have to maintain this image u see" Jungkook says shoving a huge scope into his mouth and sighing with satisfaction
"Aaaaa now this is what I am talking about hmm the peace"
"You ! Are mental do u know what time it is ?"
"Relax old man I do this all the time it just because you are new with me it will get over trust me" Jungkook winks at Jin and continues to eat
"And all this to have the toothpaste ice cream" jin Sighs as he looks around to see if anyone noticed the the global superstar chilling in a local mart  !! he doubted it
"Woaaa what did u just say" jin looked at Jungkook who was frozen  halfway eatin the ice cream and looked at Jin with a shocked expression
"Huh" jin said clueless
"Did u just toothpaste my favourite thing in the whole world"
"How can u eat that it literalltoothpaste oh that smell Stop just stop talking"
"Oh my god u hate everything I like what is wrong with you" Jungkook said with a disgusting look
"Oh maybe it's your taste is just wierd"
"Ya right what is your favourite then?! Strawberry??!
"Nope chocolate" Jin said in a matter of fact
"Ofcourse the overly exaggerated one"
"Don't even argue choco is the best I don't get it why you don't like it"
"Oh I am not paying for that Jungkook" said as he saw Jin go over and bring a tub of chocolate ice cream
"Just because you idols can't have too much chocolate doesn't mean I can't"
"Hmmm this is nice" Jungkook says sighing closing his eyes and leaning against the wall
"It is hard right being a idol"  ? Jin asked suddently
"I mean you have millions of fans? as much as u get that  love u get that much hate too"!!
"Hmmm sometimes" ! Jungkook wispers in a deep voice
"Sometimes yes but then when I have concerts i see their eyes how it gleams with happiness just because of my song , knowing I am making someone that happy makes everything easy and besides I love my job" he opens his eyes and looks at Jin smiling  while saying that Jin didn't know what to say.. he smiled back
"Wait a minute, where you actually worried about me!!" Jungkook says all seriousness aside and raising his eyebrows with a smug expression
"What ?" Jin said his smile whipped clean of his face
"I thought you hated me"!?
"Hate is a strong word,  dislike your attitude more like"
"Potato POTATO same thing, Kim seokjin are you telling me you don't "DISLIKE" me anymore" Jungkook said his eyes shining mischievously
"OMG you are such a kid !!" Jin said shaking his head
"Tell me !"
"No I strongly dislike you , but I am your bodyguard so we have to atleast try to get along well right ?  I am willing to try that"
"Come to think of it is that why you don't argue with me that much anymore!"
"What is the point you always get what you want"
"Ofcourse !! I can't believe this it's been a month and you are still here most of them usually  quit at this point , you are something else aren't you?!
"Hmm it's not like I haven't thought about it"
"Hey" Jungkook says offended
"But I don't give up that easily and" Jin said standing up "I have dealt with worse brats than you"
"Brat ?! Yah"!
"Yah! Who do you think you are calling yah I am elder to you"
"Should I call you hyung then"
"Nope Jin is fine" jin said scratching his neck
"Let's go " Jungkook said grabbing his jacket
"What ? What are u smiling at" Jungkook asked jin who was smiling as they walked down the street passing by a MCd
"Jungkookah do you know what is the color of a burger"??
"Burgundy! Burgundy" Jin replies controlling  his laughter
Jungoook halts in his steps looks at Jin with open mouth which makes jin crackle up
"Oh my god !! Did you just ?!" Jungkook asked jin who was doubling up with laughter at his own joke
"I don't know you" Jungkook said as he walked passed jin who was trying hard to calm down "Jin Ajussshii" Jungkook calls turning around "hurry up"
"Wait what did you just call me !?"
"you wait there"
Jungkook just starts running before sticking his tongue  at Jin
Jin couldn't help but laugh and follow behind him little did they know that they were not alone  someone else was watching them ...
Couldn't update soon but can u blame me ?? Tooo much happening !!
Did u see MMA ? Oml mind blown 😍

Anyway hope u like this one

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