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"Whaaaa when did u become the main lead In a kdrama !" Yoongi asked jin who was standing in the balcony, looking outside just like the main leads  do in dramas
Jin doesn't respond but takes the beer that Yoongi gives him. Yoongi knows that face, he has seen it a thousand times and he knows jin is thinking  a lot  at that moment.
"I didn't know you were that close to take his side"! Yoongi says after a brief silence not looking at Jin
"You are the one who asked me to listen to him"
"Uh pretty sure that was not about this case" Yoongi says giving jin  a "are you for real" look 
"Ya well I listened and understood and I was there when that happened so I naturally took his side, now cut it out" jin says glairing at Yoongi
"Woaaaah okey okey!! calm down jeeZz"
"what are you going to do about Jungkook"
"What about him" jin said clenching his jaw
"I mean from the minute I met him I know he is a brat ..."
"No he is not !"
"What ?"
"He is not a brat Yoongi he is just hot headed and impulsive normal for a 22year old pop star"
"Sounds like a brat to me"
"Ya well that's what I thought too at first,  but if you get to know him you will change that, he is a
caring nice and sometimes loveable, stubborn young guy, he is not a bad guy Yoongi just hot headed" jin says sipping his bear again to fill the silence that followed
"Why are you smiling" Yoongi says looking at Jin with wide eyes.
It seemed jin just realised what he did  as eyes widened at question he quickly covered it up , he doesn't give a response but clears his throat and looks away
"Anyway !!! he is clearly pissed at you"
"You don't say jin saying sipping his beer again" and looking at the distance
"Sooo what ?"
"Go talk to him or something clear the air "
"Nah ! I think I will pass"
"He is too quick to make conclusions,   do u think he will hear me out even if I wanted to talk to him .."
"It's like you are talking to a wall he just takes what he wants to hear then already makes up his kind, no def won't be ready to hear the other side at all urrrrrggg" Jin says clenching the beer can as he remembers the look Jungkook gave him earlier today
"Jin" !!!!
"I mean I get he is young idol   and stuff but don't you think I have a say in something too ? Like hello who the hell does he think he is"
"But ..."
"One min he is all civil, you know like he is actually like a friend, we have the same tastes in food, he  took  care of me when I was sick he didn't have to but he did, he got hurt because of me , Yoongii he laughs at my dad jokes, you know?? even at the ones which even I don't find funny , it's like he wants to see me happy or something I don't know!! Like i feel warm when I am with him what's up with that ?"
"Oh man !!" Yoongi thinks
"then he goes all batshit crazy when something like this happens doesn't understand or doesn't want to I mean give me a chance for crying out loud aaaa it's driving me insane I really don't get the guy" jin says chugging the rest of the beer and flinging the beer can outside the balcony
"Heyyyy !! Yoongi yells seeing that "Calm down man I shouldn't have asked"
Jin massages his temple "urggg I think I need another beer, how about you"
"Nah I am good"
"Sure ?"
Yoongi nods and watches his best friend leaving to get another beer. He takes in another chug of his left over beer then he realises something
"Is he ..."
"nah .." but then Yoongi remembers the smile jin had before when they were talking about Jungkook .....
"Holy shit" Yoongi says
"Okey spill"
"What am I supposed to do if u are always this angry Jungkook ?? What is the matter with you ??" hoseok was no longer hobi he was Jung hoseok which means he has turned into jungkooks manager in that second the usual smile on his face gone replaced with a stern glare  meant for Jungkook who was busy pacing around the room
"Jungkook I am taking to u"
"Are u doing this so that we can quit this project and leave ??? "is that why !
"Oh please Hyung I love the song already ! nope"
"Then what ?!"
"I don't see why you not are mad at Taehyung it was clearly manipulated hyung how can u remain calm"
"I know I am mad but the last time I checked you didn't give two shits about winning u cared about music and your fans so what changed now"!!
"U think chairman is going to take this well"
"Leave that to me it's my responsibility sooo jungooo tell me why are you this mad ?"
"That's what I just said Hyung I am...."
"Why are u mad about that to jin"
"Let's not go there ..."
"Why are you mad at Jin cause he took Taehyungs side ?"
"Because he is wrong"
"How do u know what if he really didn't know about it and why does it matter to you he was just ur body guard Jungkook why are u this mad because of that"
"Because he knows me, I never expected he will be on his side"
"Why wouldn't he ?? he knows Taehyung more than u ofcourse he will take his side"
"I don't want to talk about let's just go to bed"
"Why does it matter why does that effect u sooo much if he take his side Jungkook"
"It doesn't"
"We can do this The whole night jungook"
"Quit it" hobi could tel Jungkook was slowly starting to loose it
"Why does it affect you Jungkook"
"Hyung I said it doesn't"
"WHY does it effect...."
"Because I LIKE HIM !! Jungkook shouts " because I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM " then his eyes widen hearing what he had just confessed to hoseok
Who stood there hands tied with a smirk
"Come here"
"Hyun .."
"I said come here"Hoseok hugs a baffled jungoook
"I wanted to hear that from your own mouth you Duface I had my doubts but wow" hoseok said with a chuckle
"Now ! If u love him so much why the hell are u looking for a fight with him everytime huh ?" He says slapping the back of jungkooks head
"Because he is stubborn"
"And u are not ??"
"Leave it hyung !!"
"When are u gonna talk to him"
"Not anytime soon"
"Just let it be ! I am going to freshen up and sleep"
"What am I gong to do with you" hoseok says looking after Jungook going to shower
"Yoongi hung have you seen Jungkook"
"He is in his room" Yoongi says looking through the paper work and not giving much attention
"Where is he !" Taehyung says entering the room as soon as hobi opens the door
"What do u want ! Came to see if u can take something away again " Jungkook asks seeing Taehyung
"Listen kid Taehyung" says in an annoyed voice
"I. Am. Not. A kid" Jungkook says walking towards Taehyung and stairing at him in the eye
"Then stop behaving like one, I don't know why seokjin takes all the crap that u give him" Jungkook was seeing red when he heard that
"Why don't u ask him that"
"Maybe I will "
"Hey ! What are u doing here do u know what the time is" hobi says pushing Jungkook away and standing between them
"stop treating Jin the way u treat him, he doesn't deserve that"
"Whatif I don't ?" Jungkook was ready to throw hands at this guy. Like how dare he
"Then you will have me to deal with ! And next time it won't be just the awards!! u know me right !" Taehyung says with a smirk , walks out of the room and closes the door with a bang
"Hyung let me go let me just hit that asshole once then I will behave"
"Hobi was having a hard time handling Jungook who was trying hard to go behind Taehyung
"Fml" hobi says inside his head shaking his head
It couldn't get any worse than what it is like now
Jungoook and Jin avoided each other like hell for the next couple of days Yoongi and hobi were tired of seeing them glancing at each other secretly and looking away with a sigh
Taehyung was watching them too silently with an unreadable expression
"Jung hoseok report to my office immediately bring that brat along too I have things to discuss"
"I thought I could trust you with him what are u both doing !"
When Hobi said it couldn't get anymore worse??!  it was a retorical statement ! not that He wanted it to happen  in real life but apparently it did !!

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