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"Do u really want to do this Jungkook".
"I am not a scary cat like you I can do it"
"I know you are not but this is the first stunt thing you are doing and it freaking looks dangerous"
"Hyung relax !!!"
"I really don't want you to be in this situation jungkookah I am sorry I am not getting  you more big exposures"  hobi says looking down
"Hyung it's really fine no matter how small it's a big opportunity remember and I amalways thank ful to have u by my side, now don't ruin the mood" Jungkook says grabbing  hobis  face and giving him a bright smile.
"Who is the new face" the director of the drama asks the assistant director
"It's some new singer , kind of a replacement really , his manager was behind this for sometime so we gave it to him"
"Sooo no one important right!, He better get it right in the first take I don't want to waste my time you get me!"
"On it sir"
"Sir we have a problem" ! The stuntman says worriedly to the producer
"What is it ?"
"The safety wires, only one of them is working properly the other one is kind of faulty"
"Soo" the guy says not looking up from his phone.
"We have two actors on the same scene sir"
"Give the good one to the lead, yah should I teach you this? How many years you been in this industry"
"But sir the other one is young"
"Soo who cares for him besides he will heal quickly don't worry too much u will handle it just do your godamn work I am the one who is paying for you"
"Yes sir!" The stuntman goes with a worried expression but he is helpless that is how the system works
"Jungkook remember safety first safety second being cool is third okey" hobi says still worried while he tightens the safety belt on Jungkook.
"Sir Yes sir" Jungkook says not looking at him
"Alright" hobi says ruffling Jungkooks head
He watches as the assistant director asks everyone to be silent and gives orders to remove everyone from the set it was going to begin hobi didn't know what it was maybe because it was the first time but he was not getting a good feeling from it. Jungkook was pretty popular among the singers but he was a rookie nobody knew him here he was debuting into the acting world for more exposure and after continued effort only a small role was available and jungkook being Jungkook took it without any further questions. Jungkooks fans even though comparatively small in number with comparison to the main lead cheered for him from behind the sets which made him happy.
"Alright on que and Action"
Jungkook could feel something was wrong when he was pulled up for the fight scene it was at a height more than what he had expected and his heart began to accelerate hobi is the one who sees it first in the monitor the safety belt which jungkook was wearing it just had wires that could fall apart any moment
"Yah, look at jungkook he whispers to the asst director"
"Yah I saw but you have to take the risk he is a rookie after all"
"What"? Hobi said with wide eyes
"Better cut it right now and bring my boy down" hobi says clutching the guys collar
"Yah you are the one who wanted this role for him"
"Yes but I didn't want him dead" hobi said raising his voice and then someone from the crowds shouts someone else had Noticed jungkooks safety belt situation but before anyone could do anything, hobi saw the last belt unclasp from jungkooks body and  he remembers seeing is Jungkooks pale white face and how his body was ready to fall., Utter chaos he could hear screaming from the fans and the people around but, the director was still unbothered and shot the entire thing.
Hobi ran to where Jungkook was lying but what surprised him was Jungkook was lying on top of someone, someone who took all the impact from Jungkooks fall, somehow the guy had managed to cushion jungkooks fall and prevented him from hitting the ground Jungkook was shocked as well he couldn't believe he was unscrathed but what shocked him most was the person who was lying unconscious next to him.
"Jin" both Jungkook and hobi called at the same time shocked seeing the red fluid by his side
"Quick somebody call 911"
Jin just remembers seeing Jungkooks body coming down from the height it might not have killed him but a fracture that was sure guaranteed it was instinct he just rushed towards him and it felt like in a movie where everything happens in slowmotion he had somehow managed to reduce the impact of the fall by catching Jungkook before he hit the ground but what he wasn't expecting was him hitting his head on the concrete ground the last thing he sees is jungkooks concerned face seeing him like that and Also the unbearable pain in his hand.
Jin grunts as he struggles to open his eyes
White light pours into his vision a familiar room appears in front of his blurry eyes hospital ofcourse ! "Again???" He wonders out loud. He touched his forehead on impulse because it was hurting like hell, stitches well that was not something new.
"Oh you are up" an oddly familiar voice says happily
"Jaebum hyung"? Jin asks because his eyes were not focused and not used to the bright light he could only see a blurry image of a tall figure.
"Nope, your jaebum hyung just went outside to get me something to eat" the voice replied smugly
"Jungkook " jin says finally realising who it was
"What are you doing here" jin says in a raspy voice trying to sit up
"Woah, woah easy tiger" Jungkook hurries to jin side and helps him to sit up
"How are you feeling" Jungkook asks concen laced in his voice.
"could be better, how long was I out"
"24 hours! I guess you lost blood and your body couldn't take it anymore apparently" Jungkook said looking at the drip that was going into jins body
"What the hell happened out there"
"You tell me you came out of nowhere and saved my freaking life"
"That is stretching too far don't you think"
"I don't know atleast I would have got a cast like that"Jungkook said pointing at jins hand.
"Damn it" jin said then at the same time he couldn't help but yawn. He was tired.
"Take rest sleepy head, we will talk later I am not going anywhere" Jungkook said helping Jin lie back down
Hmm this was something he wasn't used to
Ps : don't go into the details of the fall  just imagine jin saving Jungkook somehow 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
#1 in jinkook u serious ??

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