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"Yup it is going great" jin thought in his head as he stood in the corner of the practice room in the headquarters, he not sure how to approach JB because he knew he had messed up big time when even namjoon gave him the "bro you are alone  on this dont count on me" look when he reached the office !
The thing with jaebum is when he is angry it's not just him that suffers it's the people around him as well and it has been two days since the incident because jin didn't have the courage to come and see him on the same day he had left countless messages and tried calling him but JB apparently blocked his number and that was something that said something about what the chief had in mind. Jin was the one who JB was upset with but the whole bodyguard crew suffered because of it the amount of people jb shouted or got disciplinary actions in a span of two day  is much more than any time in the history of the agency and they all knew the reason behind it but none of them called it out.
The atmosphere was tense , the younger ones suffered the most because jb was never this strict before he was the most Lenient one and now he is like a tiger that was ready to pounce on anyone and Jin could see that from his face it showed how angry he really was
"Soobin what the hell are you looking at" jaebum said looking at the teenager who was looking at Jin
"Hyung don't you think it's too much ! He has been standing there for quiet sometime now ??? "  soobin says pointing at Jin whose eyes widen this kid really doesn't think before he speaks
"Do u want to run another 50 laps ?"
"No !"
"Then shut up and don't interfere in others business now continue where u left off!"
"Bu buttt.."
"If I hear One more word out of your mouth you would be out of here"
Soobin glances to where jin was standing their eyes meet and Jin gestured him to stay quiet or else he is so dead and soobin gives a week nod he didn't want to disobey his favourite Hyung in the entire world
"You are mean" soobin mutters before he goes back to his friends to continue the group practise
"What ? You little" .. jaebum starts but let's it go
The class was  ended soon and as JB was going to leave the training room jin had the courage to block his way grabbing onto his hand
"Hyung.." jin started
"We deal with official matters in the office so if you  would  like to speak with me please visit me at my office with prior appointments " he says in his typical formal voice and removes jins hands And walks out of the door not before shoving Jin  in the shoulder not even giving him a second glance
"Damn it"
"Hyung" namjoon starts as  soon as he sees jb come into his office "there is someone here  to see you"
Jin enters behind joon
"I got the appointment ! I have my connections" jin says looking over at joon who glances at both of them briefly and then leaves because he knew it was not going to end well.
"Oh well isn't this amazing the young master is here" jabenum says sarcastically
"Hyung "...Jin says in a tired manner
"I am sorry, but are we close enough for u to call me Hyung" jb slams the file on the table and gets up his hands in the pocket
"Are we really going to be like this seriously? I didn't want you to get in trouble" ...
"What makes you think I am going to listen to u" jb says walking past jin
"Hyung we have to talk it out please I have been trying" .....
"And u are still here ? I thought the message was loud and clear when u said not to intefere it's between u and that ....."he takes a deep sigh "whatever u  said it's between u and him who am I anyway"
"That's the thing u are not listening to me, I said that because do u know what serious trouble u would have been in" ?? Jin says clenching his hands in tight fists
"DO U THINK I CARE! U know I would do anything for you and u lied to me about being with him !! to me jin ?? and for him of all people ? I have seen what you been through because of that Asshole and yet u decide to stick with him AFTER ALL THAT" ? Jaebum was getting angrier by the minute
Jin felt a sense of relief wash through him he was having a conversation atleast something better than nothing right
"U would have ended up in JAIL if they pressed charges thank god they didn't"
"I would have gone there with pleasure than seeing u suck up to that idiot"
"I know you would have"
"DO U KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURT  ME " seeing u with him" and then u ask me to leave" ??
"I will do anything for you cause you are my brother"
"Hyung I KNOW THAT U WILL Do ANYTHING IN YOUR POWER and I don't want you to go to jail because of me I can't take that too in my name
Please Hyungah" Jin says moving close to JB and hugging him a tight one
JB let' s out a sigh but returns the hug "god kid what do i do about you, Yah don't say such stuff again got it" ?
"I am sorry" jin says
"U know I would Punch him again If I see him right ?"
"I know"
Joon smiles from the door way well that was over
"Yahhhhh" Jin wakes up to a loud yell and a burnt smell he quickly gets up and walks up to the kitchen to see Yoongi and Jungook stairing at the burning bread
"Uhhh everything okey ?" Jin asks in his morning voice to which both of the guys turn to look at him with wide eyes Jungkook looks away immediately
"Yaaaah you better do something about this situation" Yoongi says. (Yells)
"Huh ? Jin responds to Yoongi with raised eye brows
"You break my vase which costs thousands of dollars and your boyfriend wanna be is destroying my kitchen u better do something"
"What ?" Jin Asks with confusion
"WHAT ?" Jungkook yells eyes too wide if you ask jin
Luckily hobi saved yoongi from replying to both of them
"Jungkook what are you doing , I thought you were getting ready to go to the Mv set jimin s been waiting for ages now"
"He was busy burning my kitchen down"
"Hey ! I wanted to make breakfast okey ?" Jungkook says scratching him neck
"For??" Hobi Asks confused
Jungkook meets jins eyes and then he looks away hobi catches it and rolls his eyes
"Alright I am coming jeesuz Hyung" and goes to his room both embarrassed and cutting off hobi so that his secret won't be found out
Yoongi kept looking at Jin who didn't get any of what happened in the kitchen as he was still not fully  in his senses
"What" ?
"Pay me for the damage"
"You are crazy"' Jin says shaking his head and walking back to his room
"Woow you look smart ! Why are u in ur official form may I ask" Yoongi asks jin who was wearing his bodyguard suite
"Oh felt like it"
"It's going to be hot dude"
"Soo ?"
Jin sees Jungkook walking down the stairs and looking at him more like checking him out and Jin sees the tint of red oh his cheeks before Jungkook left through tbe door his heart starts to beat unusually loud and he shakes his head
Jungkook was having the time of his life and Jin could see it as he saw the younger one play with the dogs in the sets

Jin couldn't help but smile fondly at Jungkook from where he was watching him "Have you told him yet" a voice from behind makes that smile go back jin turns to see jimin watching him with sparkly eyes "Huh" "I mean Have u told him you are in love ...

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Jin couldn't help but smile fondly at Jungkook from where he was watching him
"Have you told him yet" a voice from behind makes that smile go back jin turns to see jimin watching him with sparkly eyes
"I mean Have u told him you are in love with him yet , it's high time don't u think"
"I don't know what u are talking about and it's none of your business " jin says dismissing what jimin asked and looks away back to the set and the surroundings
"You are a stubborn dickhead seokjin"
"I take that as a compliment thank you very much"
"Look I know u don't like me but I gotta say what I gotta say"
"Which is" ? Jin asks competent caught off guard to see jimin of all people being civil with him because let's keep it real hated Jin
"You are a cool person jinshi"!
"Huh" if jin was not mindblown before he certainly is now
"Saving someone's life ? That's really cool and no Jungkook didn't tell me what happened Taehyung did though and I am sorry if I hurt u in the past just wanted to say that" jimin looks at jins wide eyes and gives the most beautiful smile ever
"Jungkook is lucky" jimin finished looking at Jungkook in the distance
Jin couldn't move because he wasn't expecting what jimin just said to him he was actually Being civil and nice to him and before he could respond
"Jiminshiiii!" Jungkook calls suddently waving him over Like a kid that he is
"Bye good luck jin you are not that bad" jimin says giving him a pat in the back and walking away towards jungoook
Jin looked after jimins   figure with mouth agape
Jungkook sees Jin looking at him  suddently and  immediately does the goofy dance out of the blue Jin breaks to a huge smile seeing that, Jungkook laughs out loud seeing that Jin was full on  laughing. It felt good  
Jimin and Jungkook was led to the van where they were to be taken to another location for the Mv
Jin watches as both of them climb on to the vehicle along with the rest of the make up crew and the car starts to move as Jin meets the drivers eyes through the mirror and the min they meet eyes the guy in the driver seat flips him with the middle finger as he drives away jin widens his eyes as he watched the mini van drive past him
"Heyyyy where is the car"  hobi shouts "I asked him to wait for a while damn that guy" jin heard hobi about
"What do u mean the car is still stuck in traffic Yoongi shouts in his phone " jin hears Yoongi shout from near him
"Yoongi ! Who the hell was that then ??" Jin Asks his heart beating wildly
Yoongi widens his eyes and looks at hobi
He should have known he should have checked the van when he felt his suspicions at first when he saw the stickers he should have checked the number plates before it's his fault
Yes it's his fault that both jimin and Jungkook are now kidnapped !

!!!! Surprise !!!!
"And u thought I stopped writing didn't u ?"
Noooo wayyyy 😂😜

Anyway enjoyyy

Anyway enjoyyy

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