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" No this can't be happening no "Jin was walking up and down the office, Yoongi was desperately trying to call jimins phone while hobi was trying Jungkook both their phones were ringing but at this point it has been 1 hour since the whole unexpected situation arised and still no one answered it stating the obvious that they  were either knocked out or .....
"Damn it ! How did they even get here who the fuck are they ohmy GOD" Yoongi said throwing his phone on the ground and running his hands through his hair gripping it cause that's how frustrated he was
They were not someone normal they knew what they were doing because they somehow managed to breach the security, the security was tight and A class yes Yoongi had the best people out in front of the set had set up multiple checkpoints and still the person managed to go through without anyone noticing and also managed to include his minions the fake make up crew, Jin wouldn't have noticed it either if it wasn't for the guy flipping him off, either there was an insider who was on the plan which at this point was unable to detect because there were lot of people in the set and only the cops could be able to identify them but that would take time their priority at the moment was to find the boys . The other possibility was that the guy / girl knew all their schedules beforehand he / she might be a saesang who follows every tiny bit of the boys maybe that maybe the case
Yoongi sees Jin in the corner with that look and he knows he is trying to recollect something and coming with a plan
"What are we going to do Hyung" Yoongi Asks Jin in desperation "We don't have time much time left untill the news leaks and everyone collectively starts to panic"
Jin knew if yoongi calls him Hyung then it's helpless it's like he has run out of any ideas in his brain and that was rare "I rarely go blank Jin and this is one of those rare moments"
"Where is hobi" ??
"Still trying to connect he has informed the agency Ofcourse" and they are trying from their end as well
Did u see the drivers face ??"
"No !"
"Damn it ! Fuuuck" Yoongi swears and goes on a rant
"He had a mask on and I only noticed this because he flipped me off for no reason whats o ever that makes me wonder does he know me from before?? Maybe i know  him ?? I gotta call JB Hyung, mainwhile why don't u check with hobi ask him if Jungkook got any continuous threats or messages from saesangs or something unusual a package or anything of that sort let me know everything Yoongi everybit is important !"
"Ok I am on it"
I messed up jin thinks siting in a desserted corner of the office head in his hands looking as defeated as anyone and the crazy part is the last thing he remembers is Jungkook's crinkly eyes smile and if anything bad happens to him he would probably won't forgive himself he is having a panic attack right now cause everything is finally settling in on in him, Jungkook was kidnapped right in front of his freaking eyes and he couldn't do anything about it what kind of a bodyguard was he that he couldn't even protect his loved ones
He immediately called JB
"Hey kiddo ? What's up" JB replies brightly from the other side apparently he hadn't received the news yet
"Hyungah I....
"What's wrong"
"I messed up" They took jungook & jimin !" Jin says between hiccups because he didn't know he was crying
"Bro just calm down and slowly walk me through what happened , slowly take deep breathes you can do it come on"
Jin somehow manages to clam down and let's jb know what really happened
"Alright we gonna get him okey will reach there soon don't worry we gonna get him"
Jin collects himself back to normal and walks back to Yoongi who was animatedly taking to hobi about something
"You okey ??" Yoongi asks seeing jins red eyes and face
"Yeah just tell me did u find something"
"Jungkook hasn't received anything suspicious" hobi says looking worried at Jin
"Damn it"
"But jimin has been on his phone with someone and he was been shouting at the other end like I heard words like "leave me alone , you are freaking creepy" and he was upset for a few hours even Jungkook noticed but then he was back to normal the next day like nothing happened it weirded it out"
"When was this ??"
"Three four days before ??"
"And he didn't say anything about it ??"
"No he just dismissed it saying like there are all kind of crazy people it's wierd nothing other than that I am still checking with jimins manager "
Jin searches jimins name In the web and after searching browsing for sometime something fishy pops up
"Man marries the cardboard cutout of sensation park jimin" it was not in a popular outlet just a column in crazy fans and their obsessions article

"What's wrong""I messed up" They took jungook & jimin !"  Jin says between hiccups because he didn't know he was crying "Bro just calm down and slowly walk me through what happened , slowly take deep breathes you can do it come on" Jin somehow man...

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Jins eyes widen as he goes through the article and he finally finds out what is actually going on ! He remembers something else too and he hopes theat Jungkooks has the tracking device that he has placed in his bag he was hoping Jungkook still took that particular bag with him on that day because he always carries the stupid worn off camera bag with him and he had heard hobi complain about it several times when he was actually working for him. jin wacked his head on why he handnte thought about this before he was loosing precious time so he just leaves Yoongi a text
"I found out a way will text soon"
"Where is jin ??Yoongi ?" JB asks concerned as they reach the location with the squad
"Hyung I think he left without us" Yoongi says just as concerned as JB receiving the message at the very second
"Damn it that kid will be the death of me let's follow his phone still on ?
"Let's follow him"
Dark it was dark
And Jungkook could feel the pain seeep through the back of his head he couldn't understand what happened one minute he was happy seeing jin smile and then he knew he was rushed into a van and then Nothing
He slowly opens his eyes further so as to check wether the darkness will fade way but no he could feel someone stir awake maybe jimin thank god if it was jimin
"Jiminshiii ?? " Jungkook calls out and receives a grunt in response a familiar grunt and a sighs of relief it was indeed jimin
"What happened"? Jimin asks suddenly getting up and sitting up near Jungkook
"I have no freaking clue but why are our hands tied ?"
Jungkook could feel jimin shrugg
"Well well well " suddently a bright light blinds both Jimin and Jungkooks eyes " guess who is awake finally the sleeping beauties"
"NOOOO !" Jimin screams and a shudder passes through Jungkook
Jungkook was shocked seeing a man in his early 40 standing in front of him a man whose face looked like he had underdone several plastic surgeries to look like someone familiar someone who he was in love with , some one whom he knows from child hood, the man in front of him was a wannabe jimin look a like !! And that terrified him
"Hi boys Annyeong OLI YE YO"
"Okey I know i shouldn't drag someone but come on oli is the best villain out there" (I am a genius)
Disclaimer : any character in This book is clearly fictional any resemblance in name is pure coincidental and has nothing to do with real life people"
This is pure fiction and I am sorry if I offended anyone
Also let me know if u guys think it's too much let's change it !!
As always love you for the support and love 😘 it's going to end soon 😩😩😩 it's my fav I don't want to end it😩😩

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