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One month it's been one month since all  that went down, one month since jin walked  out of jungkooks studio muttering a shocked apology what devil  had possessed him that day jin has no  idea, he never wanted things to turn out that way he just wanted to make sure Jungkook Was not hurting and moping around which happened eventually anyway . Jungkook stopped all contacts with Jin from then,  hobi though calls every now and  then but jin never bothered to pick up not knowing what to tell him because he hadn't told anyone about it not hobi definitely not jaebum. Jin stays updated on jungkooks status though from the news, well the perks by of being an  idol he released a new single which topped charts and broke records and  is preparing for his new album, he was currently in the US for the same.
Jin however decided to take a well deserved break to jaebums and everyone around his relief which meant no more hospital visits,  but what they didn't know what jins  meaning of taking a break was : teaching the new recruits how to be perfect bodyguards, he had a group of young ones hot on their heels ready to learn what the best in the field had to teach.
"Choi soobin stop distracting others don't make me come to you" jin shouts from across the training hall to a very cheerfully chatting young one who was casually gossiping away
"Sorry hyung I can't help it did u know that the band ..."
"If you don't get back to your training in 3 ..
"Okey jeeez hyung you are no fun"
"Wooow you are scary" jin heard a raspy voice from the doorway of the training room
"Yoongi ? Jin said with a shocked face" everyone in the room had stopped doing their training and looked at the short brown haired stranger in a plain loose white shirt, a mask on and sunglasses in his hands ! Screaming celebrity
"Yaaaaaah when did u land " jin said with a huge smile walking towards him going in for a hug.
"Just today morning I know I am huggable but Ewwww" Yoongi said gave into the hug anyway with a fond smile
"I missed u too grumpy pants" jin said giving the tightest hug he could manage
"Alright alright , come on now we gotta catch up"
"But the class"
"Hi everyone" Yoongi addresses the curious Pairs of eyes in the room walking in with swag and removing his mask so that people could see his face
"Yah wat are you doing?!" Jin asks as he follows behind Yoongi but he was ignored
"I am min Suga, my close friends call me Yoongi, I am also known as AGUSTD"
A collective whispering follows because everyone knew who agustD was he was the epic rapper of the generation he spits fire in all his works aka the genius
Jin just folds his hands and stares at Yoongi who was looking beyond pleased with the response
"Ya ya I know I am famous"
Jin scoffs
The rest of the group was awestruck
"Soo I came down to visit my close friend your ahem teacher mr Jin" he says with a sly smile
"I hope it's okey if I take him away for a couple of hours"
"No problem hyung you are our hero take him away for days we will handle here "
"Yaaaah Bomgyu u little"
"See they don't have a problem so you shouldn't either , finish off I will be waiting downstairs"
"Don't Make me wait for long" .... Yoongi says with a wink
"Jin hyung !! Is he your boyfriend ?? Soobin asks excited coming running as soon as Yoongi leaves
"Yaaaaah!" Yeonjun slaps the back of his head when he saw Jins dumbfounded expression
"What" ?
"I am sorry about him hyungnim" yeonjun soobins best friend says scratching his head
"It's okey" jin says looking at both of them "yah what have I told you to not stick your big nose into someone else's business, run 10 laps around the dorm now"
"Wah hyung i didn't do anything why"
"Face the consequences"
"Yaaah soobin do u know ur score ? The reason why u are lacking is because all u do is gossip  around do u think I don't notice" Jin says sternly
"Hyung that's not what I do I do not gossip"
"One more word and I am going to double it"
"Aaaaa hyungieeee"...
"20 rounds"
"Alright alright I just want u to know despite everything u r my favourite hyung in the world I love u have fun with Yoongi hyung" soobin says cheerfully as he goes for his punishment
"Yeojunaaah keep an eye on him while I am away okey" jin says fondly after him
"Yes hyung"
"Alright then I don't think I will be around much since Yoongi is here"
"Have fun hyung"
"You took your time" Yoongi says from the hallway
"Yah I really can't believe u are here do u know how long it has been, u could call u know !"
"Ya ya I know"
"Sooooo agustD What brings you here Back to us peasants "
"What kind of a question is that ! Ofcourse I am here to meet my best friend"
"And ??" Jin says raising his eyes brows
"Listen, I am here on a project, I am planning to produce music here"
"Wooow that's great Yoongi"
"Sooo I will be here for a couple of months"
"I know I made a promise to be your bodyguard just tell me when u need me to start"
"Right now actually we are going to meet somepeople and then to my apartment so pack your things duffer"
"Alright boss , I was getting bored anyway no let's get some action "
"Noooo way in hell min SUga  what are we doing outside his studio"
"Look I know you have a bad history with him but this I promise u don't even have to talk to him"
Yoongi no drop me back, wait don't I am leaving
"Jin please this is my dream project I want him on this ! Have u heard his voice ufff" Yoongi said with puppy eyes
"Nope "
The minute Yoongi called him hyung he knew he lost because Yoongi always gets what he wants when he calls him that
""Good thing I am going to live with you I am going to make you pay for this"
"Anything for you my love"
"Its an honour really I am in" Taehyung says with his huge smile which Jin hates the most he could see he was excited which means he has to stick around with him he was hoping Taehyung would say no jin saw from his pereferal vision Jin saw how Taehyung was looking at him this was going to be awful
"Okey one down one more to go"
"What do u mean one more to go I thought this was a collab"'
"Yes jin stop being dumb I am Producing it there has to be two singers one is Taehyung and the other one is oh wait a minute you are going to love this"
"Jeon jungkook"
Jin stops breathing it's like Yoongi was hell  bound on bringing every person Jin had a problem with to the scene at the same time"
"U gotta be kidding ME YOOONGI"jin yells
"What Jin u saved his life on national tv obviously u like this person like come on now!!"
"U don't know half of it"
"I don't wanna know jin I already made the announcement their fandoms are ready to hype the hell out of it"
"You don't have to do anything for them just stay by my side and look after me"
"U owe me BIG TIME"
"Sure jin, you are the best" Yoongi side hugs jin and walks away as fast as he can to the car !
"Jin sleep early we are going to pick up Jungkook tomorrow from the airport" Yoongi yells from the other room
"You gottabe kidding me min Yoongi" Jin says loudly but doesn't receive a response
Yup this was going to be a disaster 🤪
"Let's support our boys ! Remember we are all they have #grammys


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