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"Taehyung meet seokjin ! Seokjjn this is Taehyung!"
"Waaaaa hyung !! You are too handsome to be a bodyguard waaaa seriously" he continued to talk excitedly jin was shocked when he saw the way the guy in front of him talked he talked like he knew jin from years ago and this was only his first assignment
"Yaaaa Taehyung calm down don't freak him out on his first day" his manager said looking fondly at him
"Aaa sorry I got carried away" Taehyung says with a huge boxy smile
"You are the shy type aren't you? U don't talk much?"
"Aaaah !! Nothing like that just ..." jin started
"But it's okey someone around has to be silent for me to talk al the time we are goi g to be a perfect team"
Hyper ! That's what Taehyung was and Jin didn't blame him he was young and just started his career into fame. Taehyung knew everyone one of the staff he never failed to say hi to each one of them before starting their job. Everyone loved him too because why not, he was like that one happy go luck kid with shiny eyes and Jin knew he would be a huge star someday Taehyung was built for that.
Strange how he always remembers Taehyung at  times like this, when he was sick, deep down he knew why.
Jin was slowly recovering from his accident jaebum was making sure of it, he had removed his cast and stiches two days ago and now he just needed to rest ! What Jin couldn't lay a finger on was why Jungkook didnt visit him not even once after he was moved to the dorm.
"Oh you are here ! Where is Jungkook, hobi I though he promised not to leave my side until I get better!" Jin says groggily  from his bed seeing hobi sitting by his side
"Uhhh" hobi says with a worried face  Jin noticed the dark circles in hobis face amd noticed how the usually bright sunshinish guy was down
"Hobi ?? Everything okey ??"
"No! He broke up with jimin"
"Oh that is why ! Thank god"
"Yah! I know ! But it is bad! Jungkook is in a bad shape he is barely eating he is always glued in his damn studio and I am worried about him"
"Relax he will get over it"
"He loved him, you know like really loved him"!
"Hmmm" So what's your plan??"
"I don't know man! I have done everything I last saw him on the day he broke up after that I just saw glimpses of him even in his studio!!
"Oh wow that bad huh"!!
"Ya and he cried so bad that day but now it's like he is building up walls"
"What about his schedules"!
"Cancelled all of them, already there is a news on them
"That is bad" jin said getting up from his bed 🛌
"Jin what u doing" ! Hobi asks surprised seeing jin getting up and ready all of a sudden
"Where is he now"
"It's okey reshedule his schedules I am on it"
"No buts get some sleep here" jin says giving hobi the blanket
"Jungkook" jin called as he reached the front door of his studio "GOLDEN CLOSET"
No response
"Jeon jungkook yaaah!" Still no response
"Yaaah ! Jk ! Don't you know it's disrespectful to not to respond to your elders when they call huh!?" Jin had his ears glued towards the door there was silence everwhere!
"Alright I will just use the key hobi gave me then! Jin said loudly before entering the studio
The interior was simple and yet so elegant there were photos everywhere apparently Jungkooks interest other than being a brat is photography! And he was really good it
Jin searches for the black haired coconut haired guy in the front area and for a minute he panicks as he noticed drops of red liquid in the off white carpet Jins eyes widen when he saw jungkook lying near the carpet
"Jungkook ! Jin screams as he goes near Jungkook
"What ! What !" Jungkook jumps up frightened as only to see a wide eyed Jin looking at him dumbfounded
"Wha... wha" jin looks around Wait a minute that is
Jin sees Jungkook wipe away something from his face that is when he seeing the pack of sacuce lying around along with lots of junk food packets
Jin places a hand on his heart and sits down on the floor
"Jin are you okey ???"
"Sauce" ??
"Well I thought you .... "Jin said scratching his head looking at the liquid on the floor embarrassed
"Wait a damn min did u think Oh my god"  and jungkook doubles in laughter clutching his stomach and  trying hard  to catch his breath
"You are laughing?! Like really ? U can laugh at a situation like this"
"Bro that was funny as hell"
"Well i dont think so" jin  said in a serious tone
"What are you doing here"
"Huh ? Seriously ?I mean you cancelled all of ur work and u r just moping around in your studio"
"Aaaaaand I don't see how that is affecting you you are taking rest aren't you not on duty yet Hobi hyung will manage relax"?! Don't tell me did you miss me that much??"
"Yah" !!
"Chill !oke so I guess you heard about Me and jimin"
"Ya I did so what ? U had a break up big deal get over it it's been 2 weeks already"
"Excuse me !!!" Jungkook was slowly getting angry now
"I loved him"
"Yah loved!! it's already in the past tense why live In the last when you have a whole future laid in front of you?!"
"Easy to say isn't it ?! Forget about it move on, ? Well it fucking isn't that easy to actually do it I would have done it long ago if I could"
"Ya well! We won't always get what we want so u don't just stop doing everything the world doesn't go around on your orders"
"Just leave I don't have the energy for this!! How did you know I was here anyway"
"you are worrying people around you, have u seen how hobi looks now , have u seen the way he is struggling?"
"Do u think I am just chilling around here just .... U won't understand and stay out of this it's personal" Jungkook says clutching his hands in a fist Jin was a bit hurt by what he said
"Jungkook stop this ur fans are worried ur mom is worried people who love u are worried and concerned to see u in a state like this"
"I don't care what others think about it it's my thing so leave me alone for godsake" Jungkook
Yells and turns back
Jin chuckles sarcastically "of course ! how could I forget Jeon jungkook only cares about himself right ! Nothing else matters"
"Take me for instance you want me to come back being your bodyguard because u know I would keep u safe no matter what, u just want ur safety first ?! u know I thought you were differnt but then u went and replaced me just like that"
"You did ! you replaced me with someone else remember! I know I shouldn't say anything because I am your bodyguard but..."
"Yes bodyguard so stay there don't cross the line"Jin could see the fire raging in Jungkooks eyes
"Wooow I cant believe you!! you are too self centered impulsive and childish no wonder people don't stick around for long huh ?!"Jin didn't mean to say that and the moment it left his mouth he regretted it , he was a little hurt hearing Jungkook say not to cross the line that was it
"I ....."
"No go on!"
"Jungko listen"
"Why do u hate me soo much"
"You were always like this to me from the start I don't understand why ?? You always see me as a brat have you ever considered being in my position" Jungkook walks towards Jin and looks into his eyes
"Have you ever thought about how i am feeling inside this mask that I built for years?! Jungkook was talking in a slow voice it was almost like a whisper he was breaking and Jin knew it
"Jimin was the love of my life do u have any idea how shitty I am feeling right now ? To be used to be played like that do u have any idea seokjin ? " Jungkook grabs The front of Jins shirt and stares at Jins eyes filling with tears, Jin remained emotionless
"Yes I am selfcentered yes I am all the lowest things you can ever think, so is that your way of saying jimin doesn't deserve a guy like me ?"
"No !!Stop Jin couldn't take the look in jungkooks eyes
"Yes I am selfish, and this time I let my guard down somebody played me" yes I don't care about anyone I pretend like that because I am scared if I show too much affection they will take me for granted and That turned out to be right" the tears from jungkooks eyes were falling freely now
"Stop this before"
"Before you what ?? punch me because you can't stand a brat like me whining, being pathetic" ?? Jungkook asks seeing Jins fisted hands and pushes him with a evil smirk that smirk which Jin hated so much
"Do it then punch me go on"
"Stop it Jungkook" Jin said through clenched teeth
"Or what ?!" Jungkook started pushing Jin
"Jungkook I said stop it stop being. A ?"
"A a**hole ?? Prick ? but that's what you already thing about me" Jungkook said and kept pushing Jin
"Stop pushing me"
"Or what?!
"Try Pushing me one more freaking time and you will see" jin says glaring
Jungkook chuckles and pushes him again !
Jin grabs Jungkooks hands, their faces inches apart , both breathing heavily and then Jin looses it when he see jungkook was about to say something nasty he was seriously done with his shit so he does something that even surprised him if you ask him later jin grabbed jungkooks face and kissed him.
jungkooks eyes widen automatically and for the first time both Jin and jungkook had the same expression.
Both of them were shocked !!
Ummm yeah 🤔🤪I spoiled it hdidn't I ??!
As always I love all of u
Thanks for stopping by !!!
Do your thang do ur thang with me now !!
Hell yeah I am jamming 😍

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