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Jin was on his way to Jungkooks office after having his regular coffee when he saw a tall hooded figure leaning against the entrance door
"Urrrrgh it's too early to deal with this shit right now" he thought and started to walk back
"Yah I saw you come back" a deep voice called from behind him
Jin rolled his eyes and turned around to see Kim taehyung in his full glory with an unreadable expression in his face
"What are you doing here"
"Where you seriously going back because you saw me" Taehyung asked clearly he was shocked
"What are you doing here Taehyung" Jin completely ignoring Taehyungs glare
Taehyung doesn't respond but just keeps looking at Jin with those eyes
"Leave if you are here just to waste my time" jin said trying to walk past Taehyung who had no intention of letting him go, he blocks the way and stands in front of jin with his hands tied
"Move" at this point jin was loosing his cool as he saw Taehyungs smirk
"I said move Taehyung" Jin said pushing Taehyung didn't bulge but what Jin was not expecting was to Taehyung to move close to jin all the while maintaining eye contact jin backed up against the wall
"Hmmm" taehyung sighed with a smile
"I see I still have that effect on you" and he closed his eyes
"Owwww" taehyung yelled and staggered away as Jin punched taes stomach
"You are wrong and trust me you are dead to me since that day" Jin said clenching his hands
"Jin I"
"Don't bother anymore! No matter how good u look or how great your music is you have to have something here" jin said pointing at his heart "as long as u don't have it what is the point"
"You think I had a choice" ? Taehyung said getting up his face clearly angry and hurt
"There is always a choice Taehyung ! It's up to u to decide which one you take"
"Jin listen to me" ....
"listen ? It's all in the past ! I am done with it what do u want to say anyway that you are sorry ??! Well apology accepted happy now !" Jin said sarcastically and starts to walk by
"Jin no"
"Taehyungah I trusted you and you left a huge whole in my heart nothing u do nothing u say will fill it sooo please Jungkook has schedules to go to"
"You think he is different ?!!" Taehyung asks as Jin walks by him he doesn't stop him this time
"Nope  I am used to it now ! Thanks to you"!
"Goddamnit" Taehyung punched the wall after he saw Jin  walk into the office
Jin leans against  the pantry wall closing his eyes
"Jin hyung you are the best ! What would I do without you" Taehyung said with his trademark boxy smile
"Jin" ?!! Hobi said suddently entering and bringing Jin back to reality
"Are you okey" hobi said suddently
Jin hadn't noticed the tear that escaped his eyes while he was thinking of the past
"Yeah ! Great" why he replied while subtly wiping his eyes
"I want to talk to you about something"  hobi. Said something serious
"What is it hobi" ??
"About you and Taehyung"
"What about it"
"I saw you both earlier"
"Uh about that it's nothing u have to worry about"
"Well he is Jungkooks rival I have to look out for him so if u are planning to do something against Jungkook let me warn you" .... Jin hasn't seen this side of hobi before and instead of feeling hurt he felt a warmth yes there were people who actually genuinely cared about jungkook
"You have nothing to worry about hobi I have nothing against Jungkook"
"Sure ??"
"100 %"
"Alright I trust you then" hobi said returning to him normal self and putting a hand on jins shoulder while sitting down beside him
"You sure you were okey before ?? Is Jungkook giving you a hard time"
"it is nothing just remembered something"
"Something bad"?
"Nope something good"
Hobi looked at him weirdly and shook his head
"Oh jimin hyung you scared me what happened" Jungkook looked shocked as he saw jimin standing at his recording studio clearly looking pissed
"What happened ? What happened ? What the hell is this" jimin shoves a photo on his phone onto Jungkooks face
"What is this? Jeez calm down !!"
Jungkook looks at the phone the pic was dark and looked as if it was taken at night but what shocked him the most was who was in the pic it was jin and him coming back from the supermarket they were laughing about something oh the joke  Jungkook remembers
"What is funny !" Jimin asks as he saw jungkook smiling at the pic the caption read "Jungkook and his secret date"
"Hyung do you know what is the colour of a burger"
"Yah !!! Jungkook what ??!"
"Its burgundy" and jungkook starts to laugh to Jimin's  utter surprise !!
"Oh so you are having fun hanging out with the new bodyguard huh"!
"Aaaah! Hyung why are you doing this now ?"
"Hyung you are the one who didn't  want us to be together remember"
"That doesn't mean you can go in search of other men Jungkook"
"Then what am i supposed to do"
"You know what I changed my mind" "Let's date !"
"Huh ! Just because of this?!" Jungkook stands up and goes closer to jimin
"Nope  I wanted to for sometime now I was scared it might affect your image"
"Hyung this is serious you can't back out okey??" Jungkook says with a smile on his face
"Never"  jimin leans in for a  kiss Jungkook was surprised for a moment but then he too leans in they were both inches away when
"Jungkook we have to go hurry" jin said opening the door and getting the shock of his life
"Oh I  sorry"  He stammered
"Dudeeee!" Jimin said looking at Jin with anger "don't you know how to knock"
"Oh I am really sorry I ... I mean I didn't ..."
"Uhhh such mannerless ones always where do u get such..."
"Excuse me ! Jungkook I will wait outside just hurry up and come down your fans know you are here the crowd is growing outside" jin said cutting off jimin and closing the door loudly
"Did you see that"! Jimin said to a a shocked Jungkook
"Uh hyung he is like that forget it where were we" Jungkook said leaning in and going for their interrupted kiss
"Seriously !!forget it the moment is gone" Jimin said pushing Jungkook off
"Aaaa come on hyung"
"You better get going and do something about that hot headed body guard of yours"
"Ok hyung I will see you later then"
Hi peopzzz
It's beeen a long time I know sorry 🥺
But anyway hope u enjoy this
And hell to the nah for that kiss 🤣 sorry had to break it
Lots to come 🤘💪

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