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"You wanna talk about it ?" Jungkook says as he treats Jin's wounds with the first aid kit and looking concerned Jin hadn't talked a word ! Hadn't even flinched when he applied the antiseptic on his wounds and the look on jins face the haunted look Jungkook was starting to get scared cause this was something serious he hadn't seen jin like that ever.
This was not someone he knew someone who loves this was some other Jin, the jin of the past and he didn't know that jin, he so wanted him to open up to him but deep down he believed Jin was not going to share it with him imagine the surprise Jungkook had when
"He really didn't ask me you know" jin says his voice neutral his eyes glaced over
"Huh" Jungkook said
"You know when you are young, you do a lot of stuff on impulse" jin continues "like the one where you are fresh out to do something of your own away from your Hyung and your protective father ? Like you want them to know you are capable of doing things on your own now that you are a strong person?? "That feeling" jin sighs as slides down to the floor
Jungook settles down on the floor near to jin cause he knew this would be a long story and he was genuinely surprised because jin was letting him in to one of his painful memories....
"Imagine the excitement when I finally got a person on my own to guard I was like I got the moon that's how I met Taehyung" Jin smiles a fond nostalgic smile
"Always happy cheerful Taehyung, he hadn't debuted yet and was in a small company and the pay I got was nothing much but I was not in for money just the experience Of protecting someone that thought gave me some kind of aderline rush Taehyung was my first"
Jungkook could see the energy radiating from Jin
"With Taehyung it was like we were best friends and he always showed me how he felt, he told me everything about his training, singing we shared everything he would come over to the dorms to sleep over that is how jaebum Hyung knows Taehyung and loved him cause everyone loved Taehyung he was just loveable with bright puppy eyes and that rectangle smile" ... Jin let's out a chuckle but jungkook knew something was coming otherwise they wouldn't be here jin wouldn't be so broken now
"But not everything can be rainbows and sunshine I being the newbie even before I knew it I fell for Taehyung really bad if you ask me now but still you don't have the power over whom you fall in love with, he was my first love."
jungkook didn't know how to process that news cause he knew there was history between the two but didn't know this was deep
"But apparently Taehyung didn't know that or he pretended not to know ! I guess ! But he went along we flirted all the time all the crew had started talking already ! And his manager ! That guy even talked to me about the Same how it's going to affect Taehyungs career cause he was just starting his life and to start a controversy this big would really decrease his value in all genders I dint care because I was like that the rebel always" jin says shaking his head.
"It was during one of the shoots Taehyung was waiting for the car to drive for the shoot but then someone grabbed him into the vehicle I jumped into it too if ofcourse ! They took us to this warehouse kind off place where it was dark and just like in films they were talking in foreign language taehyung was trembling in fear we had dirty clothes stuffed in our mouths too apparently cause I couldn't talk or scream either but Taehyung knew I was there near him" jin stopped talking then his eyes widen and jungkook knew the horrible things were going to come jin was trembling so jungook held on to his hand their eyes met and Jungook could see Jins eyes getting teary the look of innocence in his eyes and fear ! Jungkook could feel jin tighten his grip
"They were monsters ! Jungkook , they started to beat Taehyung first and then me and I was not able to do anything !! He was in pain and I couldn't do anything but then they stopped ! They let us out if the chair I could see Taehyungs face covered in blood and mine was even worse , it looked like they were ready to let us go  but then Taehyung spat at one of our attackers which triggered them, one of them I don't remember exactly who lunged forward with a knife to Taehyung he was going for the kill so I don't know how I jumped in front of him !! the pain Jungkook it's unbearable !"
Jinsays eyes wide the trauma evident Jungook couldn't take it
"Enough, it's okey if you don't want to"
"Or so I though jin countinued then the main kidnapper addressed his minions that people were here to take Taehyung they had brought the money they had asked for" !
"Where do you think you are taking him" the attacker says to Taehyung as he decides to take a heavily injured jin along with him
"Leave him behind thats the order we received it just you! You are the only one free to go"
" it's the only chance you get it's either you or him decide now"
"NO" Jungook says loud and clear bringing jin back to the present situation.
"He didn't have a choice he is right, i was hurt anyway! He Probably would have been dead if he decided to stay with me"
"Nooo" Jungkook kept on repeating he already knew where this was going
"So he left"
"Hyung I will be back I will get you out of there"
"No Taehyungah don't leave me it's scary and I..."
"Taehyung ! Let's go, we will come back with more money for him"
"Taehyung ! Noooo"
"Hyung I gotta go"
"I promise I will come back for you"
But he never came ! By the time jaebum Hyung and my dad came to rescue me I was bleeding heavily and miraculously I was still consious the monsters didn't give a damn about me for me they were just a guard dog ! I remember seeing my dads pale face and jaebum Hyung panicking as he held my wrist and checked my pulse I was rushed to the ER the surgery took hours the doctors had no hopeat all, but I somehow managed to survive and not once since I was shifted to the room did Taehyung visit me ! Taehyung disappeared completely out of my life and that was me seeing him for the first time in real life at your office when i came as your body guard.
Taehyung had become famous after the incident cause he was in the news a lot people started to notice him and then immediately he launched his music and video the sentiments was well caught on I guess he became a huge star ! The PR  amazing they wouldn't let go they brought me into picture too made it sound like it was my fault that he was kidnapped I was his body guard after all"! Mainwhile I had changed drastically I wouldn't get out my room sometimes, I had terrible nightmares , everyone seemed to worry but, then one morning I told my dad I need another person to protect and from then to now I haven't felt fear for my life it was a condition apparently I have been to er couple of times after that but nothing was serious as the first time .. and I made the same mistakes again and again !! Jaebum Hyung always said "stop looking for another Taehyung!" Was I looking for another  him ?? maybe ! Or maybe I was trying to find out if everyone was like him?"  So you see he really didn't ask me for anything" jin says with a painful smile his face wet with tears as he looks at Jungkook who was also crying
"Why are you crying" jin says jokingly as he wipes away his tears and looking at Jungkook who was shaking at this point "you are the one who asked me to talk aboutit"
Jungook pulls Jin to a tight hug "I am sorry"
"Why are YOU sorry see I am not that arrogant person u think I am" jin chuckles as he hugs Jungkook tight because at the moment it seems like Jungkook needed it the most !! but the good thing that came out it was he feels waaay better than before now he has to deal with jaebum !!
Uhmm !! That's the story 🥺 so let me know what u think ! Is it too messy ! Good ? Comments are always welcome I love to read them and also ! Jinkook in real life are brats 🤦‍♀️🥺 still love em though

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