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Jin was breathing heavily as he continued to punch the punching bag the words Jungkook said kept booming in his ears
"Aaaaaa that kid seriously" jin said giving one finally punch and sitting down on the floor leaning against the wall
"Done ?",Jin heard Jaybums voice come from the door
"Aaaa hyung ! Why does it feel like you are stalking me ?" Jin said closing his eyes and sighing
"who do u think you are ? Huh?" Jaebum said chuckling and sitting beside him "I just got back from today's meeting and saw the lights on in here I knew it would be you"
"So you heard the news ?"
"Ya hoseok called! I am surprised though!"
"Why ?"
"You have never ever quit on your person before why now!!"?
"Aaa it's because this one is a douchebag"
"U have dealt with worse" Jaebum said in a challenging manner with a smirk
"Forget it hyung I am not going back there"
"I need a break"
"You don't say !!"
"I am taking namjoon with me
"Oh hell no , together you are one big blob looking for trouble"
"It's just a movie hyung don't worry 😉"
Jeon jungkook makes controversy again as he disses   his rival  Kim Taehyung online, he says the guy is just pretty looks and absolutely no talent at all, Kim Taehyung the visual of the century and pure talent responded  he doesn't have time to talk with kids and he is solely focusing on his new album that is to released by the end of this month he also added that he has no bad blood with Jeon jungkook and doesntknow the reason behind the rivalry,  both Jungkook and taehyung has been fighting to be on 1 with thier talents both different  in their own way even though Taehyung has said countless times he doesn't have time to deal with it, his fans were quick to come defend the star some even threatening and cursing Jeon jungkook the 22 year old has been in news for being too open about his opinions and has therefore been the victim of cyber bullying too,his fans were not behind in protecting their favourite .
"Yah! What are you laughing about I thought you went to buy popcorn"
"Did you see this ?" Jins best friend said handing over his phone
"What ?"
"It's an article about Jeon jungkook waaah that kid is something he is been on a roll of controversies in a row"!
"I wouldn't be surprised he is too selfcentered!" "What is it now !"
"Oh wait a min jin don't read"
"Jins face went white when he saw the familiar enigmatic person on the phone his mysterious smile on display charming as always !"
"Jin ? I was not thinking I" namjoon hears Jin chuckle
"He went against the world renown artist woaaaah boy is in big trouble he doesn't know it yet" just when namjoon was about to reply something they heard a crowd yelling and screaming and a guy was struggling to protect the guy who was walking heads down huge headphones 🎧 hanging around his shoulders jin and joon were shoved to the side by the screaming fans swarming from the mall
"Is he crazy ?" Jin asked eyes wide
"What ?"
"That's Jeon jungkook !"
"Ohmy god isn't it dangerous for him to be out in public without much security"
"I know especially now" he could see hobi  looking helpless as the crowd getting bigger there was security around them but they were struggling as well
"Let's go ! It's none of our business" Jin said turning away from the scene he didn't care namjoon was shocked as he started following jin. Jin turned back curious to know the situation yup they were still stuck there but something else caught jins eyes something suspicious Jin saw a guy in a hoodie hiding something in his long sleeves approaching Jungkook, a blade ? Jins eyes widened and before namjoom could comprehend what was happened jin turned back and  ran towards the crowd leaving speechless joon calling after him
Jin was praying he was fast enough to reach Jungkook before the guy he was almost there he thought Jungkook hobi and the securities were pushing the girls away and was so distracted to notice the impending danger, Jungkook was in plain sight making it more dangerous.
"Yaaaah!" I wouldn't do it if I were u" jin said loudly as he reached near jungkook who looked up immediately at Jin and the guy clearly clueless
"Huh? I don't know what you mean ! I am just a fan I love Jungkook  so much"
"Oh is that why you are hiding something in your hand" before jin could comprehend the guy took out the blade and raised towards him clearly his cover had been  blown and he was going for the all kill now ! Jungkooks eyes widen as he saw Jin grab the weapon with his bare hands blood dripping and then attacking the hooded guy with his other hand it took just seconds for the guy to be unconscious and be taken away by the securities, the crowd had watched the whole thing most of them had them recorded even but the fact that no one cared if jin was hurt was the thing everyone was checking if Jungkook was okey, when clearly it was the other way around , the said person gapping at Jin with an unreadable expression Jin glanced at him at then walked past him without saying anything.
"Brooooo!!! Don't do stuff like that you scared me"
"Aissssh! All I wanted was to watch a goddamn movie now I have a bleeding hand and a headache and probably in trouble because I will be in news" jin said going into one of the medical stalls in the mall to get the wound treated
"Relax ! You saved a life don't be so hard on yourself" namjoon said as he was trying to cover Jins cut with a bandage.
"That kid seriously should watch his back god knows what's in store for him" jin said shaking his head
Jins phone began to ring suddently.
"I am done now !" Jin said as he saw jaebum was the one who was calling him
"Kim seokjin, Kim namjoon both of you report to office right now !
"But hyung !!!"
"Right now !!" Jaebum was pissed off and it showed Jin just cursed at his fate

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