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First rays of sunlight hits jin eyes and he slowly opens them his eyes slowly getting  adjusted to the room, he never gets this sick but this time it was an exception and as his eyes slowly adjusts to the surroundings he sees a figure lying beside him on the bed , half naked Jins first reaction was "what the hell" but soon he realises who the figure was  however his reaction was still the same "what the hell was Jeon jungkook doing in his bed lying next to him half naked " Jin holds  his head in his hand to recollect something from last night and slowly it comes back to him, how Jungkook was gentle how much the hot headed 22 year old took care of him, and a warmth spreads in jin and the feeing comes back to him like there was someone who cared about him like jaebum namjoon and Yoongi genuine  care maybe more and Jin was sure about that from the way he remembered Jungkook looking all concerned at him and the way Jungkook treated him. Jungkook unlike him was a deep sleeper and it showed he looked like a kid his face free of any tension lost in his dream land Jin looks fondly as jungkook scrunches his nose up a habit probably while he sleeps, strands of his long hair all over his face,  he looked peaceful and Jin loved that. Jin looks at the clock and realises it was too early to wake up and then decided to go  back to sleep but then he hears something
"Shhh you are going to wake em up"
"You ! Shhh another voice said in a low voice"
Jin raises his head to see hobi and Yoongi standing by the door and filming both Jin and jungkook sleeping they were trying so hard to remain silent but it was not going well
Yoongi catches jins staire first and he freezes jin points his finger first to his mouth then points  at a sleeping Jungkook and gestures both of them to leave ! 🤫 Which they do in Godspeed
Jin couldn't fall asleep easily might be that since he is okey  now or because he had a lot of sleep the previous day, so he turns and twists around in the bed but suddenly he felt a hand on his torso and he freezes Jungkook was hugging him unconsciously and a small smile spreads on jin as he sees Jungkook snuggling towards him. Jin slightly brushes jungkooks strands away from his face and looks at jungkook his heart was beating rapidly at how close they were , Jin remembered the kiss they had that was not even a real kiss if you ask him it was the only way he knew to shut Jungkook up then but the way it made something shift in the way his heart when he thought Jungkook was kissing him back he couldn't take it so he backed away before he fell too deeply,
Jin could take all the insults and mocks from Jungkook but Jin couldn't take him  being so broken it had him thinking maybe he already did fall for him and that was the reason why he didn't care before risking his life for  him. But Jin knew the moment he realised Jungkook was special to him that it was likely that they would end up together
1. He was older than him
2. They were polar opposites
But above all that the point hobi had said to him before after Jungkook broke up with jimin
"Jimin is jungkooks orbit one way or another he is going to find a way tobetogether all others are just waisitng their time"
Jin sighs and gets out of the bed carefully taking jungkooks hands away and putting it on a pillow and adjusting his blanket.
"What the hell were you both doing back there" jin asks Yoongi and hobi when he reached after having a shower
"Uh nothing !!"
"It was his idea"
Both of them says at the same time and then looks at each other"  Yoongi slaps hobis head
"Care to tell me what is happening" jin says folding his hand and looking at Yoongi like " I am not talking the bulshit"
"Look it is not a big deal we just found it cute now drop it and tell me how you are feeling"  Yoongi said going near jin and checking his temperature Oh you are better now
"Yeah well Jungkook took care of me !!where the hell where you"
"We got stranded" hobi says
"My god yoongie and what about taehyung"!!
"What about me?"Taehyung asks coming from the main door with hands full of paper files
"Where the hell......." jin starts but Yoongi cuts him off
"Taehyungie glad you are here come with me"
Jin looks at Yoongi with narrow eyes he knew something was up as he sees him leaving quickly with an equally confused Taehyung in toe
"Ummm I better get Jungkook... hobi says looking anywhere but at jin
"What are you doing"  Jungkook asks seeing jin in the kitchen after he woke up
"Oh you are up !!! What do you think Making break fast" jin says casually
"You gotta be kidding me your fever....."  Jungkook reached his hand to touch jins forehead but jin leans away before jungkook could touch him Jungook fists his hands And looks at Jin with an unreadable expression with clenched jaw
"It's gone" jin says looking at the fire  instead Jungkook
"That's great !" Jungkook says looking relieved
"Soooo ....."
Both of them says at the same time
"Look I don't know what to say other than thanks for looking after me yesterday" jin says looking Jungkook in the eye with sincerity
"It's okey you would have done the same for me, don't think too much I am just glad you are okey" Jungkook says with a soft smile which made jins heart fill with that familiar warmth
Jungkook was about to leave when
"Wait a minute Jungook what happened to your hand"
"Oh that don't worry just burnt myself yesterday It was my first time cooking yesterday"  Jungkook chuckles
Jin froze after hearing that and he didn't have any control over his body as he reaches to take jungkooks injured hand
"You got hurt because of me" jin says looking at a surprised Jungook
"Uh yeah well technically it was an accident I was being stupid"
"Jin look I know you are a body guard and you have to be all the strong macho type but sometimes it's okey to let other people take care of you and this is nothing okey ? Just don't worry too much" jungkook says ruffling Jins hair
Jin closes his eyes at jungkooks touch and let's out a sigh after he sees him  walk out of the kitchen
"I told you I am not doing that kind of thing
No let them take it this time I have been doing great other wise"
Jin heard Taehyung yelling at his phone
"It's not up to you to decide ! What do u mean it's already done who asked you that kid was probably hyped about it urrrrg"
"Whatever you never listen to me anyway" Taehyung hangs up his phone and pulls at his hair in frustration.
"U okey ?" Jin asks Taehyung who turns back at with wide eyes
"Yeah it's nothing just work" Taehyung says looking anywhere but Jin "How are you ? Heard you were sick yesterday all good ?"
"Never better" jin says
"Don't overwork yourself okey hyung ?!" Taehyung knew he slipped jin stairs at Taehyung "ah sorry jin" "It's okey and look who's talking where is your manger in between"
"Uh I don't have one anymore"
"What why !!"
"Yeah the last one was a mess and I don't want one I can mange on my own"
"Yeah clearly ! Jin says "seeing the amount of paper work laying around Taehyungs room"
"It's a mess ! Taehyung says sitting down on his bed
"Want my help" ??
"What no ! It's okey"
"Look I am bored anyway if you need any help just let me know you have me and I am used to this any
"Thanks hyung.. I mean jin"
"It's okey you can call me hyung" in says with a warm smile
"What is the meaning of THIS??"
"Look Jungkook I can explain".....
"Jungook listen"....
"You and your stupid company did this because of your privilege I worked hard to get this years aoty Taehyung and you freaking did this" Jungkook was beyond pissed because last tonight hobi and his company had checked and they had confirmed the award was for Jungkook but today it was a total flip and Jungkook knew about the play from an insider source apparently Taehyungs company wanted an all kill
"What can. I except from you HUH !?"
"Jungook look I didn't know they were hell bound on getting this okey I only knew about it today morning"
"Shut up just shut up" Jungkook said and goes on to grab Taehyungs collar
"I don't care that you didn't know BUT I AM TIRED  OF BEING PUSHED BACK ALRIGHT I AM TIRED IF BEING SECOND! I Don't want to be a next Kim Taehyung ! I want to be ME and jerks like wouldn't understand.! I worked hard for this I gave my everything for ....
"Jungkook calm down" Jungkook could hear hobi could feel him trying to pull JK Away from Taehyung who was looking at him with pity ?
"I hate the way you look at me like I am a lost case like I am some kind a Taehyung wannabe I looked up to you a lot but I don't know you were this kind of a person"
"Yes ! Yeah I am this kind of a person" Taehyung snaps ssuddently shoving jungkooks hand away and staring him down
"Is Jungkookie sad  he lost to me"
"Yup that's my name ! Scream if Louder, your music dint do well so what !! try harder maybe next time ! Why do u have to blame me ! Just blame yourself for not working hard I may have the privilege of a good company but I am working hard to get the title not I DO NOT SLACK OFF Work hard kid" Taehyung says patting Jungkooks face
If hobi didn't know any better he would say Taehyung had a death wish
Jungook begins to see red when he noticed Taehyungs smirk he begins to launch himself at fists ready and eyes filled with anger he was yanked back by a strong hand
"Stop IT ! Stop putting it out on him it was not ....." Jungook hears a familiar voice defending Taehyung that voice that broke his heart a million times for the saying it
Jungook chuckles sarcastically
"WhAt you are defending him?? Really?? " Jungook asks wide eyed at Jin
"Jungkook Yes because I heard him" ......
"Oh wait how could I forget ,"
"You guys are a team right"? Jungkooks says pointing at Taehyung and Jin
"Huh" ? Jin asks confused
"How could I for one second believe you were on my side" Jungook says with wide blurry eyes to a stunned Jin
"Jungkook just listen"....
"Fuck off" Jungook says shoving jins shoulder on purpose and leaving to his room
Hobi sits down on the couch with his hand on his head Jin lookes frozen and taehyung looked  helples
"Woow congrats Taehyung you won Big this time"  Yoongi says coming from his studio unaware of the whole situation
"What what why does it look like a storm" has passed  Yoongi said seeing everyone else's face
I know it's long due and I am giving you this but
Work s been crazy 🥺🥺
Will try to update soon 🤷‍♀️😂

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