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"Hey" jin says with his sleepy voice !
"O hey! Don't tell me U slept through whole day ?? Yoongi asks jin seeing how he has the bed hair and the way he was dragging his feet .
"Hmmm Yeah ! Tired!" Jin says as he walks to the fridge to open a drink and sits near Yoongi in the sofa
"What happened yesterday" Yoongi says after a while watching his bestie closely  who looked like he was lost in his thoughts
"Huh ?" Jin remembers how he had called hobi to get Jungkook from the studio as he had fallen asleep how he was this close to take him to his room but decided against it !!
"Something happened yest at the studio didn't it ?"
"Nothing happened!! why are u asking" jin says not looking at Yoongi at all and focusing on the bubbles in his glass
"Jungkook said he is going to stay until he finishes the song"
"Oh wow that's good congrats Yoonzz " jin says in a neutral tone but in the inside he was going crazy and was shocked at how Jungkook had agreed to stay he hadn't expected that
"Jin !" Yoongi had his " I know you from ages don't bulshit me" look on his face, Jin knew that look he had seen it waaay too many times in the past.
"Answer me honestly"
"Why are you being like this this early in the morning"
"What are u talking about its almost evening" Yoongi says rolling his eyes and "besides you haven't answered my question yet"
"What question"??
"It's nothing we talked and he kind of felt bad that he has to leave maybe that is why he decided to stay I don't know yoongi ! why don't u ask him" jin says finally getting irritated and trying to stand up
"Oh no you are not going anywhere until I know what is really going on"?
"Nothing is going on what are u on about"?
"U tell me are u in love with him?"
"What with who !" Jin says with  his eyebrows furrowed
"Jeon Jungkook who else"
"Are you serious right now!??"
"I have seen the way you look at him the way you smile at him the way your eyes get that soft sparkly glow Jin I have seen it all"
"Yoongi that is just bs" jin says in denial still not looking at Yoongi
"I saw what happened in the studio" Yoongi had gone to check on both Jin and jungkook once he didn't see them after a while
"It's nothing I swear He was just having a hard time I was just ..." jin gulped
"Didn't look like that to me"
"What do u want me to say Yoongi"
"Do u have feelings for him ?!"
"I don't know maybe" Yoongi "what's wrong with if I have feelings for him I thought u wanted me to settle down ?!"
"Oh man !" Yoongi says running his hands through his hair and standing up
"What" ?
"U know this is never going to work out right ?!" Yoongi says with worry in his eyes
Jins face turns serious as he looks at his best friend
"And I thought u will be on my side"
"Oh please"
"What is the problem" ?
"Jin"! I am worried about you"
"I don't see what the problem is it cause he is younger than me"?
"Please no"
"What is it cause he is rich"?
"Then what is it Yoongi cause I really don't see the problem"
"Have u told him that u have feelings for him"?
"Uhh it's a hypothetical situation I never agreed I have feelings for him I said "if"" jin says raising his eyebrows at Yoongi
"Smartass" I just don't want u to get hurt like last time jin"
"It's not even like last time I am Not young anymore"
"Jin ....."
"Really yoongles take a chill pill ! Go work don't you have your Mv to plan or something" jin says pushing Yoongi
"Ting " Yoongi checks his phone shaking his head and his eyes widen automatically "damn"
"What what's wrong !" Jin asks seeing yoongis face Slowly takes the phone from him to see the article in one of the websites

Famous singer Jungkook was seen with Park jimin publicly and it is said that the  couple who broke up recently is back again with full force and they were seen kissing by some of their young fans who quickly took to their social media accounts to show their excitement "jikookareback" trended 1 in social media platforms. Check out some fan comments below
"Omg I can't believe this"
"Thank god they are back "
"They are made for each other"
"I knew they would be back soon"
"Get married already"
"Abahdhcjfkfkfnfhfifkmfjj I am loosing my mind jikook for life"
Their agencies confirmed the news of them getting back together and released a statement regarding the same stating that both of them have decided to keep aside their differences try for a new fresh start
ofcourse they both are still in love with each other what else do we want ! I want our readers to know that these two hotties are now official taken ! Too bad For us

 Check out   some fan comments below "Omg I can't believe this""Thank god they are back ""They are made for each other""Soulmates""I knew they would be back soon""Get married already""Abahdhcjfkfkfnfhfifkmfjj I am loosing my mind jikook for life"T...

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Jin didn't know that he was holding the phone a little too tightly as he finished reading the article until Yoongi pulled at his hand for the phone
"Well this is going to change a lot of things ?" Yoongi said looking at jin
"Hey you Okey ?"' he clearly knew he was not okey as he saw jins face but what exactly do u expect to ask him at the moment
"Huh " jin looked completely out of it
Jin chuckles and Yoongi doesn't like it doesn't like it one bit
" looks like you were worried for nothing huh"
"Jin wait talk to me" Yoongi catches Jin's hand
"There is nothing to talk about yoongles" Jin says and leaves Yoongi alone
All the while the words hobi said came back to him "one way or another he is going to find a way tobetogether all others are just wasting their time"
He was just another fool wasting his time.
Jin thought he would feel something anything like pain from a gut punch  something but all he felt was numb ! he was just numb !
"What about me jin what about what I want"
"Oh so this is what he was taking about" jin wonders out loud as he walks into his room
He Lies down  In his bed he didn't want to get up anymore as it was too much effort and he was tired mentally so he looks up at the ceiling and starts to recall ! when did he really  start to fall in love with Jungkook ?? Was it when  he saw him broken because of park jimin , was it after the kiss or was it even before that when they went to have the ice cream hiding from hobi or when the countless times Jungkook made him feel at home like that is where he belongs!! Jin couldn't really recall but now he just closes his eyes and  hopes when he wakes up it would all just be gone.
He suddently missed Jaebum  and he remembers what he had said to him some years before when he was a newbie
"Jinnie you are too nice to be a bodyguard u catch feelings easily for our clients like u think we mean something to them ! Nope That's were u are wrong ! We are just  objects  they can throw us away anytime and replace us in an instance  once they realise we are no use to them ! We are meant to be lifeless like we hear nothing we say nothing in their matters the faster you learn that the  easier it becomes to survive the aftermath!"
Jaebum was right he never listens now he has this to suffer !
Uh hi !
Hope u all are safe and healthy ! Love u lots 🥰😍

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