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"Hurry up jungoo"
"Hobi hyung how did the news leek"
"Like How do they always leek"
"Hey you gotta go in a separate van with Jin I will be in another"
"Security reasons now go with Jin will see you at home"
"Come on then don't waste time jin said motioning towards the jeep"
"Aaaa this is crazy"
"Jungkook lean against me when the crowd starts pushing okey I will protect u" jin says not looking at jungkook at all
Jungkook doesn't respond but sees Jins determined face
"That's your only job do it right"? Jungkook said seriously
Jin couldn't help but smile even though Jungkook said it seriously he knew why the younger one was mad at him
"You wanted that kiss that bad huh"
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Oh it's a secret did I see something I shouldn't have" Jin continued to talk as the crowd started to push towards Jungkook
"Shut up"
"You are such a kid"!
Jungkook leans towards Jin as they reached their van
"Watch your head" jin says as he pushes Jungkook into the van and gets into the the driver seat
Jin could see one cameraman focusing on him as they drive away but didn't give much importance anyway
"Uh I am tired" Jungkook says to hobi who was watching him practice for his show in mma
"The season is almost over you can take a break after that yeah !! You are doing good mah !!"
"Ting" hobis phone shows a new message
"Oh it's from jimin"
*watch the news*
"What is it hyung"? Jungkook asks seeing hobis worried face
I don't know let's see
"Popular star Jeon jungkook reportedly dating his own bodyguard kim seokjin the duo was seen hanging out in various occasions while most netizens are beyond thrilled hearing the news that the long time single youngster is dating other few were quick to call up insults on the bodyguard to date someone who is younger than him"
"Ahjusshi leave our Jungkook alone"
"Pevert" where do you think you are touching Jungkook"
"I will kill you"
"That bodyguard Again"??
"Jungook seriously he is ur dads age"
"Oh my god this is bad" hobi said seeing the comments and the news Jungkook just stood there shocked
"Jungkook you are trending #1worldwide" so is "JK boyfriend" ohmygod we are in trouble" hobi said as he looked through his TL
"Jungkook !" He heard  jimin s voice from behind him
"Hyung ! Do u know who is the reporter because I think he is stalking me ! The pic that you showed that day also is creepy and thy got a good shot of seokjin in this"
"I don't know bub , someone must have put him / her to follow you otherwise why now "?!
"Kim taehyung that a**hole" Jungkook said clenching his fist
"Jungkook calm down we don't know if he is the one who is behind it" hobi said looking worried
"What if it is seokjin ??"
"What" !
"I mean it's not first time he is being in a dating scandal with his person"
"What do u mean"
"I told you I didn't like him, so I researched a little and guess what I found"
"He was in a scandal with Taehyung too I was not able to get the details but I got to know he was his  bodyguard back then"
"What no way" Jungkook said schocked
"Yah remember the Internet always leaves proofs" Jimin said proud that he was able to give evidence
"So they were plotting damn it I should not have trusted him"
"Jungkook  what do we"
"Jungkook ??"
Both jimin and Jhope turned around as they didn't get any response only to see Jungkook leaving the office at full speed
"Damn it !! this is not going to end well" hobi said going behind Jungkook.
"KIM SEOKJIN" Jungkook shouted as soon as he entered his house
"What" jin comes from the kitchen looking absolutely confused
"Did you plan it all along" Jungkook asks as he gets close to jin
"Where you guys plotting behind me all this time ??! TELL ME !!"
"What are you on about" Jin said looking at jungkook and then hobi who too looked pissed
"You and Kim taehyung"
"Oh my god this again" ! Jin said giving up and sitting in the sofa
"Jin haven't you watched the news !??" Hobi asked
"What why"
"Apparently you two are dating" hobi said pointing at Jin and jungkook
Jin spits out the water that he was drinking and starts coughing
"What in the world !!" Jin says after calming himself down
"I swear to god jin" Jungkook grabs jins color and looks him into Jins eyes
"Calm down" hobi said looking at  Jungkook
"I told you not to mess with Jungkook Jin why would you do this"
"Hobi I seriously don't know how it happened trust me"
"U dare to say that? Now" ?
Jin heard jimins voice coming from behind him
"Oh great what is he doing here"
"You were Taehyungs bodyguard and obviously something more from the articles that I read" Jimin said while smirking
Jins eyes automatically widens when he heard what Jimin said "there is no need to hide Jin did he send you to make Jungkooks reputation below  him"
"What ??! You think I did this"
"Why it isn't your fist time in a love scandal right do you love being paired with your idols is that it" Jimin countinued looking smug Jungkook all the time was just staring at Jin
"So you are not denying it now !!!?? , you were
Close with Taehyung" jungkook said looking at Jin in the eye
"Yes But that"
"Get out"
"What  I don't want someone like you working for me" get out before I do something"
"Jungkook listen I"
" Hobi hyung please deal with this mess I need some fresh air" Jungkook leaves Jin hobi and Jimin in the hallway
"Must be great right to be associated with the idols" ? Jimin asked jin in a taunting tone
"Shut up" jin said looking st Jimin he has not hated anyone as much as he hates Jimin right now
"You believe this too" jin asks hobi
"Just pack your things and leave , get your pay check  from the reception you are fired" hobi says without looking at Jin
"Hobi "
"You freaking said you don't have anything against Jungkook, do u think it is a coincidence that This mess happened just after you and taehyung met please jin save your breath" hobi says and walks out Of the house with jimin following
Jin just stood there unsure to what to do next !!
Yo double update !
HeatherHolland356 nope don't leave  wp 🥺🥺
Nd I know jinkook is not in the main yet but you know me ! It BE like that

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