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"Hyung is everything okey" a pale but healthy looking Jung kook had asked him the day after his operation was over
"Huh" hobi said not looking st anything but Jungook
"Yeah everything is fine ? Why wat happened?"
"Yeah jungkook u are safe and healthy everyone is happy that psycho is arrested every thing is perfect" hobi says still not looking at jungkook and refolding the clothes laying on the couch
"Is that why u haven't looked at my face even once"
"What are u talking about"? Hobi said looking at jungkooks face but jungkook noticed that flash of something
"Hyung !"
"Jungkookah its nothing just sleep u must be tired"
"Where is jin?" Jungkook asks and hobi snaps up from looking down from his phone he swears he had a whiplash
"Oh he must be somewhere do u need anything cause can......"
"Water do u need water ?" Hobi hurried to take the water from the shelf
"Hyung !" Jungkook called out  a little with a higher pitch this time
"I dont know   okay ? No one knows !" Hobi bursts out
"What ?" Jungkook tries to get up
"We will find him jungoo i promise we will" hobi says trying to avoid jungkook from getting out of his bed
"Did he leave just like that ?" Jung kook says with wide eyes
"Seems like it"
"We will look for him okey Jungkook we will i swear to"
"Hyung!" Jung kook says realisation hitting him ,  jin was gone he was gone after he said he loves him after all that he left him here alone
"Yes jungkook"
"Dont look for him" jungkook said closing his eyes with voice that haunted hobi
And hobi didnt know what was more terrifying the cold voice with which jungkook said it or the way his face showed no expression.
Jungkook changed, well according to hobi he did according to the rest of the world jungoook was back stronger than before and that was a positive sign: people welcomed him back with huge smiles after getting discharged from the hospital a year before  the first thing jungkook asked hobi was he wanted to talk with Yoongi! 
Yoongi was shocked and surprised when he saw jungkook in front of his studio and even more surprised to when Jungkook said he wanted to be under his label and Yoongi was more than willing to take him under his wings yoongi was relieved cause he  was not asked the question he dreaded where was his best friend the fact that even he didn't know the answer to was even more frustrating.
The next thing jungkook did was to tell his existing company that he was going solo his mother raised hell but he stood by his decision
Jungkook kept himself busy more busy than hobi has ever seen him, he was in his studio barely came out barely talked, he spend  day and night in the studio it was his way of escaping reality
Then one day he announces his single "your eyes tell" which was a huge hit, people loved it Record after record it broke the charts but jungkook could care less he was back in the studio even Yoongi was starting to get worried
Hobi however knew jungkook was hurting inside the more he kept it in the more he is going to burst out sometime later so he went undercover searching for someone with the help of the last person anyone would have imagined "taehyung"
Taehyung had visited jungkook in the hospital one day
"What are you doing here" jungkook asked
"Came to see my fellow bro heard u took the bullet"
Jungkook scoffed
"Is the media coming is that why u here"
U are still the same ! Taehyung teased
"I dont know why u hate me so much but i like u as a friend and always have and i know we have our differences but hate never"
"I wanted to be ur friend back when i was a trainee  but u were soo up in ur own ass I decided not to"jungkook said coming clean
"I am sorry can we start fresh" Taehyung said reaching out his hand for a handshake
Reluctantly jungkook shakes it taehyung gives a bright smile
Tae Hyung kept Jungkook company now and then the topic of jin never came up and they avoided it
Even when the times he hang out with hobi hobi could see the storm that was hiding inside the smiling Jungkook
"In a very short span his life changed a lot for the good ! ladies and gentleman please give it up for the BILLBOARD #1 singer the man with astounding emotions in his voice, theman who is as  as humble as he is breathtaking please join me in welcoming none other than JEON JUNGKOOOK !!!!"
The host finishes with a wooo which was followed by a loud cheer from the audience everyone clapping as they wait for jungkook to enter
Dressed in a crisp black shirt jungkook flaunts a light smile in his lips as he waves his hands towards his fans and gives a awkward hug to the host who then proceeds to give a relatively cool brofist
"Woow you are even more handsome in person" the host begins with a chuckle to break the ice jungkook smiles!
"Thank you"
"Sooo jungkook this been a quiet a year for  you huh ?"
"Yes its been one hell of an year and now here we are" he shrugs
"How does it feel to be ranked #1 you have bet all the famous singers and your song is AMAZING loved it is called "YOUR EYES TELL" its really chef kiss jungkook no wonder its breaking records"
"Thank you am I'm glad everyone is liking it and that's up that's a huge thing I have never imagined people liking at this much but thank you" The crowd applauds and someone shouted " of-course we love it" and jungkook smiles for the first time the laugh reaching his eyes
"So about the song it has a lot of emotions" ...
They talk somemore about the song after and after joking around for a bit the anchor goes into more soecific topics
"Sooo jungkook moving on to other aspects of ur life we have a timeline prepared by our staffs so lets go over your year quickly u were kindnapped, got injured, you broke up, you quit ur label, decided to go solo released a song under the label and now preparing for a whole album" "wow" jungkook says as astonished as the mc which the crowd laughs hearing him say that loud followed by a huge round of applause
"Lets start with quitting your label why did you take such a drastic measure ? The fans were being curious was it because they were not treating u fairly or anything"
"Its a bit of here and there and honestly it was tiring and i needed a creative freedom soo when i had the opportunity i took it"
"Soo you are currently solo?"
"Ya technically but i am backed by a strong producer min yoongi soo"
"How is it to work for him?"
"He is a perfectionist sooo its Tiring" ! jungkook smiles "but no its really amazing,  he is amazing"and honestly its great having such a support from suga hyung and hobi hyung who is my manager without whom i wouldnt be standing where i am right now "
Hobi smiles from the direction room
"You know sometimes you will need people who loves you to be around you and i am grateful to have that in my life" he says with a nod
"Sure Jungkook we all need that in our lives Moving on to the next big thing! are you single ?" The host asked happily
The crowd went screaming at it Jungkook shook his head looking down
"Do u have someone in your mind" the host jokes
And Jungkook freezes hobi could see it
"No not anyone in particular" jungkook says casualy
"You went through a hard time at the hospital and the after all that happened before that and sincerely i hope you achieve a lot more and be happy jungkook!"
"Thank you"
"Now since the incident have you changed your bodyguard since he was not able to protect you from what happened" dead silence as jungkook clenches his hands no one outside their circle knew what really happened that day expect for the fact jungoook was injured and that too because of the long hiatus And since his mom decided to take matters into her hands the blame automatically went on jins head
Currently jungkook shifts uncomfortably on the sofa people waiting for his response
"Yes yes we did"
"Alright we are almost done but we have received a surprise call from one person that wants to congratulate you and he is currently video calling live"
Everyone in the studio was confused this was not on the schedule jungkook just didn't know what was happening either
"urggggg" jungkook groans as he hears that rough deep voice and the person on the screen
"KIM TAEHYUNG" the anchor screams and the audience was in full chaos cause every one knew jungkook and Tae Hyungs recently close knit relationship
"What are u doing here" jungkook chuckles and asks almost fondly
"What do u mean i want to wish you congrats for the #1 where else could do this this magnificently" Taehyung says with a scoff
The anchor laughs
"Are u happy for him"
"Ofcourse i am and dont worry i will be on 1 soon i have been working on something too and u better treat me big this time"
"Where are u right now def doesnt look like seoul to me"
Jungkook didnt know what to say because he found it really wierd as to taehyung to come on a show to promote his work like that man would never cease to surprise him
"Oh yeah i am out here in jinju filming a historical drama i heard the news of jungkook being here so i called"
"Oh thats great Taehyung hope everything goes well with the drama do u have any message for jungkook
"Jungkoookieeee" taehyung calls again with a fake sugarish squeal and excitement and jungkook crinnges but then taehyungs voice changes or it has an underlinig tone
"Jk look how beautiful this place is and he zooms on to a set of people walking on the road! A street ! Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows because what in the world was he upto now Taehyung always had his way of expression and jungkook would never understand it "i am happy where u are right now but life is a big puzzle u have to look for all the pieces to make it complete" and then it hits him, there in the crowd of people stood a man ! A man with broad shoulders unaware of a person filming him, who made his heart beat so loud he froze seeing taehyung nodding with a happy expression
"YOU OWE ME big time for this kido" and then he cuts the video abruptly
A number of things goes through Jung-kooks mind   was it really him if so how is it after a year of him not seeing or having any idea of the said person still his heart beats wildly

He then receives a message in his phone a address from Taehyung

"Jungkook ? The host calls as he sees him get up throwing the mike away and walking out hurriedly it was a live show but he didnt care
"What is he doing" the director asks hobi
"He is going to collect his missing piece" he smiles fondly at the same time the was scared for the man on the screen
Last chap up tomrw i swear originally i wanted to end it in this chap  (2020 words well figure i dont knw)
I am sorry for being late 🥺 work at home sucks i am busy the whole week 🥺 anyway hope u didn't give up on this yet !

Thanks for reading! As usual i love u 😘

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