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"Jungkook calm down"
"Calm down ! Hyung I am going back"
"No you are not"
"Says who ??" Jungkook was fuming when he reached their room
"Look Jungkook you don't have an option"
"Ofcourse I do I can just not do this project, that's it we always have an option"
"It's direct with the ceo you will have to face the consequences, they might even blacklist if u back away again u won't have....."
"Sooo what I am to go solo, as long as I have you ....." Jungkook says ruffling in the bag looking for something
"Jungkook it's not easy like that listen to me !" Hobi grabs jungkooks hands "this can get out of hand if he decides to sue us  we have already signed the papers remember!"
"Damn it !"
"It's our fault we didn't really think about checking who the artist will be" hobi says looking as frustrated as Jungkook
"We really don't have an option huh ?"
"We have one"
"What ?"
"Finish the project and get out of here quickly"!
Jungkook scoffs "it is not going to be that easy"
"jungoo look I know but you can do it okey !
Let's do it"
"Sooo you are telling me I have to work with a guy who apparently finds fun in annoying me, a guy who might have already thought I am a brat and a guy who apparently hates me ?!"
"Jin doesn't hate you" ! Hobi said wide eyes
"Yes he does"
"No he doesn't he doesn't like your attitude that's all"
"Pretty sure it's more than that"
"Look jungook tell me frankly what happened the last time you guys met I thought everything was going normal between you guys
"It doesn't matter anymore" Jungkook says looking anywhere but hobis face
"Yah !"
"Let's do it then hyung!!"
"Huh ?"
"Let's get this over with I am in"
"That's my boy" hobi says ruffling Jungkooks hair with a warm smile
"So apparently there has been a mix up on the agencies part they didn't tell u with whom you would be working I guess,  which I clearly stated to them but I don't know what happened" Yoongi was having a meeting with both Jungkook and taehyung in the office room  Jin was around as well for what Yoongi calls "mental support"
"I am fine with anything it's okey with me really"  Taehyung says with a smile
Yoongi smiles at that and everyone in the room looks at jungkook
"Let's get this over with" Jungkook says in the same grumpy manner Yoongi lets out a sigh
"Alright then let's meet again tomrw in the studio and then have a sample listening. I will see you guys later have a good rest"
"Taehyung I noticed you don't have a manager ??" Yoongi asks before leaving
"Oh no ! I deal with my things directly I don't want one"
"But won't that get hectic ...."
"Ya ! Sometimes but I handle it jin raised his eyebrows hearing that ofcourse in the past Taehyung did have a manager so what happened now
"Catch you later then" Taehyung says and walks out
"Uh sugasshi I had few things to clarify" hobi says
Sure why don't you follow me to the pantry" Yoongi and hobi walks away quickly
Jungkook gets up looks at Jin and then begins to walk past him
"Is it really going to be like this from now on between us" jin asks suddently
Jungkook stops in his tracks and looks at Jin
"Glad you didn't make a scene !" Jin says with a smile
"Surprised ??!"
Jungkook just staires at Jin with a scorn
"Listen about what happened that day !"
"What happened??" Jungkook asks with folded hands pretending like nothing happened
"You know damn well what happened" jin says frustrated
"It was my mistake I shouldn't have kissed you I crosssed a line there" jin says looking at jungkook with a sincere face
"Whatever ! It didn't mean anything anyway why bring it up now??" Jungkook says with the same old cold voice
"I just don't want to fight with you all the time Jungkook !!"
"Then don't talk to me, because I am like this jin and if you don't like my ways, it's better not to talk to me pretend like I don't exist okey"?!
"See ! You are doing that thing again"
"What thing"
"Shutting yourself off, pretending to be cool and shit just freaking tell me what is in your mind right now"
"And then what you can judge me again, and besides why do you care" Jungkook says walking towards Jin
"You are the one who is starting a fight"
"Yah right! You know what jin you call me selfish have you ever thought how selfish you are"
"What ??"
"You only think the way you want to and judge people on your pre set norms and let me tell you seokjin the world doesn't revolve around you either" he was using Jins line back at him
"You think I am selfish"
"Oh yes I really do, you kissed me for whatever reason, and now you act like you are sorry, know what you don't have to worry about me anymore just pretend you don't know me" Jungkook says and walks past Jin
"Urggggh" jin says grabbing on to his hair Jungkook was driving him crazy and it was just day one, he didn't want to bring the whole kiss thing up but it was biting him from the inside he didn't want to fight with him anymore he wanted to go back to where they were civilised adults and Jin thought maybe if he cleared the air then maybe things would go back to normal but no now it just doubled the awkwardness
Jin was about to leave the room when he saw Taehyung stand there with a scorn on his face
"You and jungkook, you guys kissed?" Taehyung says in a sad and shocked manner
Jin was shocked because no one, no one other than Jin and jungkook knew about this and they wanted to keep it that way but somehow Taehyung knows about it now great just great
"What are you doing here !?"
"I came to take my phone I left it behind"
"Look it was a mistake , a spur of the moment thing okey so it's not a big deal don't tell anyone about it it can cause more trouble for Jungkook than me" jin says and starts to walk out of the room
"Was it really a mistake though"
"Huh"? Jin asks turning back looking at Taehyung who was smiling fondly at Jin
"I knew you had a soft spot for Jungkook but I don't know your feelings where this high seokjin Kim"
"Don't tell me is the always guarded always on alert no bulshit during work seokjin went with the spur of the moment"
Taehyung was having the time of his life teasing an equally baffled Jin
"Are you in Love ??"
"Okey that was me exaggerating but you like him don't you"
"Pretend all you want hyung but remember I know you the best"
"Really Taehyung just because I was being civil with you doesn't mean we are back to being whatever the hell we were back then"
"We were best friends hyung and you had a crush on me back then"
"You better stop talking or I swear I don't know what I will do" jin says grabbing Taehyungs collar all of a sudden
"Soo I am right ??" Taehyung says again with a smile
"Oh I don't know about crushes Taehyung " Jin says with a little bit of pain and Taehyungs smile immediately vanished "but what I know is that you were special, everyone around me knew about it, the way I looked at you it was special, I made plans that night you know I booked tickets for your favourite movie and I was going to ask you out" jin says to a wide eyed Taehyung "because it was your day you became a global star and I wanted to surprise you"
"stop" Taehyung says forcing jins hand away from his shirts collar
"Oh why??? don't you want to know about my crush on you" jin says as if he was possessed by another person
"You freaking led me on ! I was freaking excited and then in the end you fucking left me to die like I am a nobody"
"Alright I will stop just remember it was much more than a crush next time because I don't jump in front of bullets for crushes"!!
"I am sorry" Taehyung says looking at Jin with teary eyes
"F*ck off" Jin says shoving Taehyung's shoulder on purpose and closing the door behind him loudly jin wiped away the tears that had escaped unknown to him
Urrrrgh I am torn I shouldn't have brought taejin in this aaaaaaa anyway jinkook has a long way to go .... I guess

Ps  : I love all of you 😘 thanks for stopping by

Ps  : I love all of you 😘 thanks for stopping by

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I am freaking SCREAMING YALL 🤪😍😍

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