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"Hyung ! Imagine a guy was going to kill someone or rather attack someone right in front of your eyes what would u have done???" jaebum just looked at Jin with a "are you putting this on me" expression, they were at the headquarters namjoon stood one step behind Jin looking anywhere but at jaebum, guilty as hell
"It's okey, You saved a life ! Jaebum said with a sigh and a smile
"wait what did you just" jin couldn't believe his ears jaebum was taking his side
"Yes he did" namjoon found the courage finally
"You, what were you doing you should have backed him up instead of just freezing mid step" jaebum said raising his voice to namjoon
"Aaah hyung it happened all of a sudden!!!will be careful next time! Not saying there will be another but you know what I mean ....." Namjoon said scratching his head and looking down  jin just chuckled at the reponse and
Jaebum just shook his and said "anyway the reason why I called you immediately was Jungkooks agency called"! Jin looked at jaebum in a flash at the mention of the name
"And ?"
"And they need you back asap"
"No!" Jin replied almost immediately
"Yahhh! I don't think you have an option the director himself called and requested your service"
"Still no"
"Kim seokjin"!!
"HYUNG! U Know this ! I am not some dog ! That he calls and I have to go immediately he hurt my pride back then I quit by myself he didn't terminate me I am sorry hyung with all respect I don't care if u suspend me or something I am not going"
"Calm down jin" namjoon said with a knowing smile.
"Hyung! I won't go"
"Alright calm down, what if he apologise?
U kidding me ?
What if he does ?
"Okey! Ask him to do it face to face then no message nothing"
"Deal!" Jaebum said raising his hands in thumbs up and smiling
Jin was coming back from his work out when he saw jhope sitting in the waiting area looking frustrated and typing furiously at his phone
Hey ! Jin said smiling
"Oh hey jin" jhope said immediately standing up and giving him a huge smile
"Something I can help with"?!
"Ya well I am waiting for jungkook actually he is on his way just a few blocks away and listen you were so cool in the mall last day thank you for protecting jk even though u didn't have to" jhope said with sparkly eyes
"Oh it's nothing it's something we always do I would have done the same for anyone don't worry and keep more security next time I saw you and the rest of the gang struggling"
"Jin about that, look I am sorry Jungkook can be an ass but the kid means no harm truly he is just too impulsive and attached to his friends and on top of that has a hot head ...."
"Hobi if it's related to me coming back I don't think so I wanted him to apologise because he hurt my pride somewhere  I don't want you to apologise for his shitty behaviour"
"Hyung stop why does it feel like you are begging him to come back let's just go and get a better one"
Jin heard a voice from behind him say with bitterness in his voice
"Oh you are here , let's deal this now then why don't we Jungkook remember why we came here ?"
"Oh ya I am sorry! There I said it happy now ? Jungkook said with a mocking smile
Jin clenched his fists no he wouldn't punch one of his prev assigned persons he wouldn't do that
"Yah!!" Jhope said in disbelief
"That is the most fake apology that I have heard from anybody I thought you could do better" jin said glairing at Jungkook
"Oh you think that was fake, but I said it sincerely maybe it's the way you think !!" Jungkook said with a shrug
"Yah he saved your life by risking his"  hobi started glairing at jungkook as well
"I didn't tell him to do it ? He just did it on his own wish just like how he stopped coming to work I didn't ask to quit he did it himself so why should I apologise ? And I don't owe him shit"
"You know what ! Maybe I shouldn't have stopped the guy ! no wonder you get to deal with the types of him" jin said angrily
"Maybe you shouldnt have" Jungkook replied both of them were face to face with their hands clutched at their sides the atmosphere was filled with tension
"Cut it out both of you" jaebum said entering the scene
"Hyung !
"Listen mr chief or whoever you are bodyguards are supposed to obey orders not go on their will I don't think we need you service any more thanks for your time come on hobi hyung they are not the only ones dealing with this"
"Yaaah ! That's it , I am this close on slapping some sense into you don't make me do it in front of them.
"What ?"
"Don't you remember we don't have anyone else to turn to you fired almost half of the bodyguard agencies they don't even want to work with you they are the ones willing to help so please if not for your sake please for my safety please just apologise and get it over with I am begging you Jungkook  because I am tired of running behind this please"
"Aissssh hyung ! Jungkook takes a deep breath then decides to get down on his knees"I am sorry for everything" Jungkook says looking at Jin who suddently felt kind of uneasy.
"Ok ! That's enough"jaebum said looking at Jin
"He will be back tomorrow"
"Thank you !" JHope said bowing and grabbing jungkooks hand and leaving the apartment.
"He really surprised me when he got down
He didn't have to go to that much extend I didn't want that" jinsaid rubbing his temple
"I know now don't think too much and be ready for tomrw onwards and you ! Take it easy got it? And get to know the guy you both need each other's trust otherwise what is the point ?!"
"Yes CHIEF"! jin said saluting jaebum who just rustled jins hair

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