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"I can't believe you would run away from an official event Jungkook what the hell is wrong with you!" Hobi said as they walked into their home
"Do u seriously think I did that?!"
Jungkook could only think about what Jin said how he looked when he said that  to him,  he was shocked when he finally noticed the stranger that he had pulled along with him to the alley in a hurry to escape hobi, but what he couldn't understand was the way he felt relieved at first when he saw who the stranger was , ofcourse he was angry at Jin but something about seeing the broad shouldered guy after soo long made him happy made him feel safe  and after their little encounter before he was confused. Jungkook let's out  a frustrated sound
"Yah I should be the one who should do that why are you making that sound huh" hobi said dumbfounded
"Hyung" !!!!!
" Jungkook I know the show business is tough and there is pressure on you but can you please just stop running away it made me look stupid "when jimin asked me where you where and moreover I was scared shitless  today , what in the world where you doing in that godamn alley, what if someone saw you and make up stories again what if ......"
"hyung I met jin" ! Jungkook says cutting off hobi
"Huh?" Hobi aaks confuses
"Kim seokjin, I was with him in the alley"
" AS in the kimseokjin your ex ... bodyguard !?? did he kidnap you ? should I call the police on him?" hobi asks  holding Jungkooks arms and turning him around  as he inspects him for injuries
"Hyung calm down"
"What in the freaking world do you mean by calm down, what do I do with you seriously Jungkook you are a walking magnet for ..."
"It was by accident !"
"What do u mean by accident wha.."
"Aaaa what do I do"!!!!
"Aaaaish what ! What ! I know that face what is it"
"I don't think jin was the one who spread the rumours" Jungkook says looking at a wide eyed hobi
"Bug like you"
Jin was back in the boxing club,  alone at the eerie hour. no one was crazy enough to be punching the hell out of a sand bag.
"Urghhhhh" jin screamed punching the bag with full force it would break anytime now, with the force at which he was hitting, he was out of breath and sweating like crazy he could only think about the look Jungkook had when he realised who he had dragged along a look of pure hatred Jin for some reason didn't want him to have ! Jin sits down and leans his head back on the wall. It was always like this why does all the bad things happen to him he was getting used to Jungkook. He knew who was behind this, he was keeping it as the final option but seems like he had no other choice anyway !
"Kim taehyung ! What do I do about you" jin sighs and closed his eyes
Flashes !! is what he see flashes of that night that one godamn night where he let his guard down but in his dream or imagination or alternate world that day has a different ending and he wouldn't have been in the current situation which he was in.
"Hyung I gotta go"
"What are you doing here jinshi this early in the morning"
"Where is he"
"In his room!" You know where it is"
Jin fell asleep in the gym room that night, but when he woke up he was surprised to see a blanket on top of him it was either jaebum or namjoon who did that, the first thing he did after waking up was to come clear things with a certain someone.
"Kim Taehyung" Taehyung was getting ready for going out apparently and was not expecting someone to barge in like jin did,  his eyes widen seeing the person in front of him.
"Talk !"
"You wanted to talk right let's get over with this talk !"
"Huh ? What brings you here now !" Taehyung asks clueless
"The article" ! Where someone stalked me and jungkook and spread rumours about us dating ! I swear to god Taehyung if u played .."
"Huh ?" Taehyung asks with a face that was clueless but his lips were twitching waiting to break into a smile.
"Aaaa you are no fun!" Taehyung says breaking into a smug smile
"I heard about it"
"And ??"
"What do u think" Taehyung says coming closer to jin
"I don't know Taehyung, spill"
"I didn't"
"Oh please" jin said rolling his eyes
"Hyung trust me"
Jin started laughing at what Taehyung said
"Really Taehyung !" Tae just stared at Jin with a hurt expression the one which held a lot of pain as well
"Don't call me that, You lost that right a long way ago, it seokjin to you"
"You hate me sooo much but here you are just to know if I was behind a damn article??"
" Hate is something too weak to describe what I feel for you Taehyung it's much bigger than hate"
"Alright so you came all the way here just to confirm I did it or not that's so unlike you hyu .... Kim seokjin" Taehyung sighs and says
"Yes I had to because i don't want to be the cause of someone getting hate"
"Oh so you care about the boy"
"No ! I care about my reputation as a bodyguard"
"You care about what he thinks about you huh?"
"What ! I don't give two fucks about what that brat thinks about me I just don't want to be called a playboy is it that hard to understand"
"Don't ..."
"Look I don't want to be here any longer I lost my job I lost my image I lost my freaking respect some teenagers are calling me names and my cursing my parents just because of a godamn article and I want to find the person who did it to me"
"And the first name that came into your mind was mine" Taehyung says it was not a question it was a statement the way he said it was like he knew he had lost already
"It's not me, I didn't do it"
"U better not be lying and I better not see your hand behind this"
Jin said and started to walk out of the room but  Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled him closer
"Look into my eyes ! U always said my eyes shows my true thought, tell me u think I am lying" Taehyung said his eyes tearing up while looking at Jin. There was everything in it anger sadness and something else so strong that Jin couldn't look anymore so
Jin doesn't say anything but shoves Taehyungs hands away from his and turns his back towards him
"I might not have done it this time but I can destroy Jungkook" Taehyung shouts as he sees Jin walking away jin stops in his tracks and turns around
"The Taehyung I knew would never do that" jin smiles sadly and walks out of Taehyungs room
Taehyung kept looking at jins retreating figure until it became blurry and he was unable to see anything , he quickly wipes away the tears and whispers to himself
"I lost that Taehyung somewhere hyung" !!!
Why is it suddently turning into a taejin angst fic 🤣 kidding !!!!!
This is going to be dramatic ah 🤦‍♀️🤣 bear 🐻 with me 🤪🤘

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