Chapter 1

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Clari's POV:

I left Paris. I left the city I was living in for quite a long time now and I headed to the other side of the world with my love... That's quite scary, but good at the same time...

After a few hours we finally landed in Buenos Aires and got off the plane. Diego told me that his friend will be waiting for us at the airport when we got there.

- And we're going to your house straight away? - I asked him.

- Yes. Or do you want to take a walk, or something before we go there? - he said, looking at me in the eyes.

- N-No... - I muttered.

- Clari... - he sighed - I know you're still upset...

- I am... But I want to meet your family as soon as possible....

- Okay, as you wish, beautiful - he smiled softly.

Later as we walked to the airport's hall a tall guy suddenly came up to us.

- Diego! - he cheered happily and hugged him tightly.

- Alfredo! - Diego cheered too - Long time no see, dude!

- Yeah! - he smiled then looked at me - And is this pretty lady... ?

- She's the love of my life - Diego replied proudly - Clara Alonso...

- Well, it's nice to finally meet you! - Alfredo said as we shook hands - My name is Alfredo Allende!

- It's nice to meet you too - I smiled.

- I've heard so much about you and I hope you can finally make my friend truly happy.

- I'll do my best to make him happy - I giggled while hugging Diego tightly - He deserves to be happy... for making me happy...

- That is right - Alfredo smiled - Now shall we go?

- Yeah! - me and Diego said at the same time then we headed to Diego's house.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We arrived to his house, got out of the car with our bags and Vincence, but in the door I froze.

- Clari? - Diego turned around.

- Coming! Coming... - I said, taking a deep breath and stepping beside him.

He just looked at and kissed me softly on the lips.

- Everything will be fine - he said and opened the door.

His house is really big and beautiful! I have no other words to it! We're in the living room now and it's huge and I must say... I already love it! But this isn't important now...

As I was daydreaming suddenly a girl came running from the kitchen into Diego's arms and he hugs her tightly and lovingly. She must be Amanda...

- Hey, darling! - said Diego happily - How are you doing beautiful?

- Dad! I'm fine! I've missed you!

- I've missed you too!

I couldn't help, but smile as I looked at them. They looked so cute together and after a while Diego pulled me closer to them.

- Amanda... Let me introduce you to...

- Ah! You must be Clara! My dad's love that he can't stop talking about! - said Amanda happily - It's nice to meet you!

- It's nice to meet you too, Amanda - I replied, smiling and blushing slightly.

- I hope we will be good friends!

- I wanted to say the same!

- Well...

- Then we sure can be! - I smiled and she hugged me.

- Welcome to our family!

- Thank you...

----- LATER -----

- See? I told you that you don't need to worry so much - said Diego as he hugged me after Amanda went upstairs into her room.

- Yeah... - I smiled - I'm glad she likes me already...

He just smiled back at me and softly caressed my cheek when suddenly a woman stepped in the living room from the kitchen and looked confused at us.

- Ah, Mr. Diego! - she said happily - You didn't tell me that you're coming home today!

- I'm truly sorry for that, Mirta - Diego replied.

- And who's the young lady with you?

- Her name's Clara and...

- Ah! You're Mr. Diego's girlfriend! - she gasped while we shook hands - It's very nice to meet you, darling! I'm Mirta and I'm the housekeeper so if you have any wish you can come to me anytime!

- Thank you, Mirta - I smiled.

- Don't you want to introduce me, Diego? - we heard an angry woman's voice from behind us and when we turned around I saw a black, long haired woman standing there with her arms crossed.

- She's Miranda... Amanda's aunt - said Diego, looking at me then he looked at her - And would you be a bit nicer to Clari please? She isn't use to live here...

Miranda suddenly sighed.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... - she said as she came up to hug me - It's nice to meet you, Clari...

She then walking into the kitchen.

- Well... That was weird... - I mumbled.

- I don't know what's up with her... - Diego sighed - I'm sorry...

- No, it's okay - I smiled - Don't worry about it...

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, I am.

Later that night we had dinner together where all of us were talking quite nicely, but Miranda seemed a bit weird to me, I don't know why. She doesn't seem to like me for some reason...

----- AFTER DINNER -----

- Should I get a room ready for you? - Mirta asked me.

- Sure.

- No need - said Diego behind me - You'll be sleeping in my room... in my arms...

I blushed deep red as he said that.

- Aww, such a cute lovers! - Mirta grinned happily - Alrighty then! Have a good night both of you!

- We sure will have a great, great night - he grinned then looked at me - Am I right, beautiful?

- Yeah, sure - I giggled.

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