Chapter 13

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Clari's POV:

Months passed and soon we started going on TV interviews because our show was about to go up on TV without 2 weeks and people were curious about everything.

On one interview we got to go together with Diego and the riporter were asking us so many questions...

- And Clara... - he began - How did you get into the show?

- Well... - I started as I looked at Diego who was already smiling at me - It mostly thanks to Diego...

- Oh really? And why is that?

- He went first to a meeting with the director and he told me about Angie's role. He told Martin that he should wait with trying to find someone to it because he wanted to tell me about it first. And after I read through I decided to accept this...And on the audition everyone was satisfied with me... So yeah...

- That's interesting - said the riporter - But how come you and Diego are this close to each other? Are you two related?

Oh yeah. The media doesn't know about our relationship. They only know what they see. That we're going to places together and we're close, but nothing more... until now...

- Well...

- Actually we're together - said Diego calmly as he took a hold of my hand.

- Together? You mean...?

- Yes - we both said at the same time.

- Wow! That's amazing! Congratulations you two! - the riporter smiled.

- Thank you! - we replied.

- But one question to you, Clara...

- Yes? - I said.

- What's up with your ex-boyfriend... Diego Dominguez? I heard he's also living in Buenos Aires just like you two.

I took a deep breath before replying.

- I don't know and I honestly don't care - I said - He has his own life and so am I.

- What if you're gonna meet him one day?

- Good question... I'd probably treat him normally as long as he's normal too.

I could feel Diego's eyes on me and I just took his hand and squeezed it while the riporter continued asking.

- And what if he wants you back?

- I believe my relationship with this handsome man next to me... - I began as I looked over at Diego who was blushing, but trying to hide it - strong enough to survive anything. We love each other and I wouldn't want Dominguez back ever.

- That was kinda cute, I admit - the riporter grinned - I'm sure you'll be together for a long time!

Me and Diego looked at each other and grinned as well.

----- TIME SKIP ------

After the interview we went home and Diego pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately.

- Woah! - I gasped - What was that for?

- For what you have said on the interview - he replied, smiling - I was always kinda afraid of what would happen if your ex would just come back, but now you calmed me down.

- I see - I grinned - Well, I'm glad I could make you happy...

- You can always make me happy just being with me - he smiled and rested his forehead against mine - Now... Would you like to go out on a date tonight?

- How about we just stay home and watch a movie, or something? - I suggested.

- Sounds good as long as I can be with you - he said and kissed my neck softly and later on we had a great evening just the two of us together.

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