Chapter 7

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Clari's POV:

As I was walking home I was totally in my own world when I bumped into a woman near to the house. She had long, black hair, blue eyes and she was very pretty I must admit.

- Ah, I'm sorry... - I muttered.

- No problem - she replied - Uhm... May I ask you something?

- Huh? Oh sure. What is it?

- Are you Diego Ramos' new girlfriend, right?

- Y-Yes...

- I see - the woman nodded with a weird grin on her face - I'm sorry for making you stop. Have a nice day... Miss Clara - she said, quite sarcastically, but I didn't understand why.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I arrived back home and what I found there was the best thing today so far.

In the house everywhere were candles and flowers and beautiful decorations in the living room and as soon as I stepped in my heartbeat almost stopped for a second.

- Wow... - I gasped as I looked around.

- Ah, you're home! - I heard Diego's voice from the kitchen and when he came out my heart this time was beating very fast.

- Wow.... again... - I muttered, now blushing slightly as I was staring at him who just laughed then walked closer to me, grabbed me by my waist and kissed me passionately on the lips.

- Welcome home, beautiful - he grinned as we broke the kiss - Do you like the decorations?

- I love it! - I smiled - Everything looks amazing!

- I'm glad you like it - he smiled too - Now... Are you hungry?

- I am actually.

- Good because the dinner is ready!

After that we sat to the dining table and began to eat while talking and laughing together happily. Everything was so good that I forgot about that woman too I bumped into the way home.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After dinner we were sitting in the living room, talking when Diego suddenly jumped off the sofa and went to sit to the piano which was in the living room too.

- What are you planning to do? - I asked him.

- Sing, of course! - he said with a smiled.

Then he began to sing:

No soy ave para volar,

Y en un cuadro no se pintar

No soy poeta escultor.

Tan solo soy lo que soy

I just smiled as I listened to him singing and I sat beside him and joined singing:

Las estrellas no se leer,

Y la luna no bajare.

No soy el cielo, ni el sol...

Tan solo soy

He smiled while he was looking at me lovingly and carried on singing now together:

Pero hay cosas que si sé,

Ven aquí y te mostraré.

En tu ojos puedo ver....

Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,

Podemos gritar iee eê

Podemos volar, sin tener alas...

Ser la letra en mi canción,

Y tallarme en tu voz

We sang together for a long time and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I loved this moment and I never wanted it to end.

No soy el sol que se pone en el mar,

No se nada que este por pasar.

No soy un príncipe azul...

Tan solo soy

Pero hay cosas que si sé,

Ven aquí y te mostraré.

En tu ojos puedo ver....

Lo puedes lograr, (lo puedes lograr...)

Prueba imaginar

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,

Podemos gritar iee eê

Podemos volar, sin tener alas...

Ser la letra en mi canción...

No es el destino,

Ni la suerte que vino por mi.

Lo imaginamos...

Y la magia te trajo hasta aquí...

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,

Podemos gritar iee eê

Podemos volar, si tener alas...

Ser la letra en mi canción...

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,

Podemos gritar iee eê

Podemos volar, si tener alas...

Ser la letra en mi canción...

Y tallarme en tu voz

We finished the song and he placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me lovingly on the lips that it almost felt like a dream. But it wasn't. It was the reality and I was so happy! This is the best evening of my life.

- I love you so much... - Diego whispered softly before kissing me again on the lips with so much love and passion.

- I love you too... - I whispered back, smiling at him and kissing him back just as much love and passion as he did.

Suddenly Diego pulled me into his lap and began to kiss my neck passionately.

- Ah... My god... - I moaned, but he was just grinning at me.

- I think we shall continue this in our room, am I right? - he asked with a cheeky grin on his face, but he didn't even waited for my answer. He picked me up and carried me into the room, gently placed me down on the bed and continued kissing me passionately while he started to undress me, but before he could get anything off of me I quickly rolled over and got on top of him.

- Woah! - he gasped - You're getting into it, don't you?

- I do... But I'm not gonna let you lead this time - I grinned.

- Hmm... So you want to dominate me, huh? - he smirked which just made me want him even more than before.

- Yeah... Do you have any problem with that? - I said playfully.

- No... Not at all - he said and wrapped his arms around my body - Do whatever you want with me...

I grinned and leaned closer to him that our lips were inches away from each other's and whispered softly...

- Just don't complain after this...

- Don't worry, I won't... - he now had so far the biggest grin on his face - I'd very much enjoy having you like this every night... - he added and we kissed again so passionately that I can't even describe.

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