Chapter 6

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Diego's POV:

- Nicholas?! - Clari gasped as she faced a guy behind her.

- Yes! My god, I didn't know you live here! - said the guy, Clari called Nicholas and they hugged - How long have you been here??

- Wait, wait... - Clari said as he shaked him off of her - First of all why are you hugging me like that? You disappeared a year ago and didn't even tried to contact me and now you came out of nowhere and hug me like we saw each other yesterday?

- Clari, I told you that time what's happening in my life and...

- I didn't finished!

- ... Sorry...

- I moved back here to live with my love...

- Your love? Who?

- Take a guess - she said sarcastically while she pulled me closer to her.

- Oh! - Nicholas facepalmed.

- Smart ass - Clari joked then turned to me - Diego... This is Nicholas... We've only met once and we were really close to each other for some time. We've been talking on phone and whever we could, but a year ago he disappeared and didn't try to contact me....

- I'm sorry... - Nicholas muttered.

- Nevermind, just forget t... - Clari sighed - Anyway this guy beside me is Diego... My boyfriend.

Boyfriend... I like hearing this from her...

- Well, it's nice to meet you - said Nicholas - And congratulations for you two...

- Same here and thank you - I replied to him nicely, but I was quite curious about why Clari became a bit irritated as soon as she saw him.

- I'm better going now - he said - I hope we can talk sometimes...

- We'll see... - Clari muttered and soon he left and we headed home too.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- What was that in the restaurant with that guy? - I asked her when we reached our house.

- I... I overreacted a bit... - she sighed.

- How do you know him?

- We began to talk on the internet first and we became close friends... But soon he had to get married and take the lead in his family company, but he still promised that even once a week he'll call me... But he never did...

- Ah, I see... - I muttered. I could see her feeling hurt as she's talking about this so I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly - I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you...

- No, it's okay - she smiled - You deserved an explanation to that...

- Anyway... Did you like the date?

- Oh very much - she giggled - You're amazing...

- You deserve the best from me - I smiled cheekily then kissed her softly.

- You're the perfect for me... - she said, blushing slightly.

Clari's POV:

The next day I went to work, but I met Nicholas on the way.

Great.... I really don't have time to this...

- Clari... - he sighed - Can we talk?

- Not now... I'm going to work now - I replied coldly.

- Clari, please....

- I'm busy... I'm sorry.

- Then let's meet on the afternoon and talk then.

- I have nothing to say to you - I said, a bit angrily - I'm done with promises and everything. I don't want to hear why you forget about me. I know you might have children with you wife and I'm happy for you if you do, but I don't have time for you now!

- I'll let you go if you agree to atleast have me for a little while and talk to me - he said firmly while holding one of my arm back.

- Fine... - I gave in - This afternoon?

His face lit up.

- Okay and thank you... - he smiled and I just nodded and left.

----- LATER -----

I couldn't focus perfectly on my work today because all I could think of was Nicholas and what does he want to talk about.

When the day finished I was about to leave the school when I got a text from Diego:

Hey, beautiful

How about a dinner together tonight? Everyone will be out from the house so I'm gonna make a romantic night for you. What do you say?

I couldn't help, but blush as I read his message and I quickly replied to him:

Sure, I'd love to. Can't wait to see what you're planning. I'm sure it will be amazing!

Just a moment after I replied there came the next:

You'll love it! Come home for 6 and everything will be ready!

Love you loads! Diego

After the last message I went to meet Nicholas at the park.

- Hey! - he cheered when he saw me.

- Hey - I replied - And before you'd start I need to say something....

- Well... Go ahead... - he muttered. I could see he was a bit scared of what am I going to say, but I just gave him a smile before I continued talking.

- I'm sorry...

- Sorry for what?

- For how I reacted the last time I saw you. It wasn't fair to you...

Nicholas looked at me with a very shocked expression on his face which made me laugh, but I held it in.

- So... - I continued - I'd love to be friends again with you... since we're living in the same city now...

- Okay... sounds good - he smiled.

- So how about a dinner together sometimes? - I asked - You could come to visit us!

- Yeah, sure! When?

- Uhm... Actually I don't know yet. I have to talk to Diego first, but I'm sure he won't mind! - I smiled then checked the time - Anyway I have to go now... But I'll see you tomorrow, or later...

- Hey, can't I get a hug before you leave? - he joked.

- Sure you can! - I laughed - But only one!

And after we hugged I left to go home and see what is Diego up to.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now