Chapter 15

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Diego's POV:

The next morning I woke up before Clari and I decided to not to move, but enjoying her company while thinking.

After around 5 minutes she started waking up as well and looked up at me with a sleepy smile.

- Good morning - she smiled.

- Good morning - I replied, also smiling.

- Getting back to work today, huh?

- Yeah... But we have some cute scenes to make today, remember? - I giggled.

- Ohh... I remember - she giggled too and kissed my nose, than she got out of the bed.

She went to go to the shower and I followed her, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly.

- Ah... What are you doing?

- I want to take a shower with you, beautiful... - I replied firmly with a smirk.

- Oh... Well, that's fine by me... - she smiled then she turned around to face me and kissed me on the lips lightly.

- Okay, good - I grinned.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Clari's POV:

At the shooting we were in the dressing room with the girls...

- Well? - Lodo jumped beside me excitedly.

- Well what? - I looked at her, confused.

- Will you be free this weekend for a girly night, or Diego wants to control you all day, every day? - questioned Tini.

- What?! - I jumped - He doesn't control me! - I snapped.

- Just kidding - she laughed.

- Anyway I'm free for the weekend so... Sure!

- Yay! - screamed all the girls at the same time and I just laughed.

----- LATER -----

Before shooting our scene with Diego...

- I'm always a bit too excited when we're shooting together - said Diego.

- You mean when we're shooting a "Germangie" moment? - I giggled.

- Germangie? - he looked at me, confused.

- Yes - I laughed as I hugged him - This is how the fans call our characters together.

- Well... I didn't know that... But I like it - he grinned.

- Me too actually... And I ship our characters as well!

- And are you shipping "Dielari"? - he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

- Eh? Oh wait... That's our ship name, isn't it?

- Yeah... Well, actually it was yours and Dominguez's ship name... But people says " Dieclari" about us as well.

- Hmm... I like that more - I smiled.

- Well then... Dieclari is it - he smiled as well, but before we could kiss we heard Rodrigo laughing in the background.

- Nice topic to talk about, lovers - he said.

- Hey! We can talk about anything and it's not awkward at all! - I snapped playfully, Diego was nodding amd smiling.

- That's kinda right though - he said, smiling too.

- In place, people! - Martin shouted and we all went to our places and continued working.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now