Chapter 5

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Diego's POV:

I'm here, laying in my bed with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms. I'm the happiest person ever at this moment, I'm sure of it! But thinking back it worries me that Diego Dominguez lives very near to us... I don't want him to even look at Clari. She's happy without him and if he appeares again I don't know if he'll make her mad, or will make her upset, or happy.

No... She won't feel happy if she sees him!

- Diego... - I hear her soft voice whispering to me and I quickly sat my straight face on, hoping that she won't notice what I was thinking.

- Hey, beautiful... - I whispered back.

- Are you okay? - she asked.

- Yeah... Yeah, why do you ask?

- You seemed to be deep in thoughts...

- I'm fine... I was just thinking.

- Thinking about what?

- About how can I make you happier and happier - I smiled and kissed her head that was laying on my chest and she giggled.

- You know that I'm happy even from any little thing that you're doing for me... - she said.

- I know, but you deserve the best!

- Diego...

- Okay, okay - I laughed - I'm quiet now... But I'm saying the truth... - I added as I pulled her on top of me - I love you...

- I love you too - she giggled.

- Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow?

- Yeah, I'd love to!

- I'm glad to hear that!

----- TIME SKIP -----

I decided to take Clari out to a garden restaurant. I know she'll like it because it's a really beautiful japan styled garden and I remember she told me earlier that she really likes Japan culture.

Soon the time has came and I was waiting for her downstairs and when she appeared at the stairs my jaw dropped. She looked so beautiful! She can always surprise me! She had a red dress on with black high heels and her hair was slightly curly.

- What is it? - she asked, blushing deeply.

- You're incredible beautiful! - I replied, trying to get myself together.

- You don't look bad yourself - she smiled then came down the stairs and stopped in front of me - But you're suck at tying your tie - she added while giggling and fixing my tie. God, how embarrassing I am sometimes.

- Thank you for your help - I said, smiling and blushing slightly.

- You're always very welcome - she smiled back and kissed my cheek.

- Well then... Shall we go?

- Yes!

----- 20 MINUTES LATER -----

We arrived to the restaurant and when we arrived she was already amazed by how beautiful it looks from the outside.

- This looks awesome! - she said.

- And you haven't been inside yet - I said, winking at her then we went in together. I went to the waiter and told him that I booked a private table for us.

- Alright, Sir - the waiter nodded - Please, follow me - he said and we followed him outside to the garden.

- Wow... - Clari gasped - Amazing...

- Yes, it is - I smiled - And I'm glad you already like it...

Then we arrived to our table where there was a candle on the table with a red rose.

- Please, take a seat - said the waiter - I'll be right back with the menus.

He then left.

- This is really amazing! - said Clari after we were finally left alone.

- It is indeed - I nodded - And I remembered you like Japan gardens and I knew about this place so I was already planning this for some time now...

- Really? - she gasped in surprise.

- Yes - I nodded.

- You're amazing! - she screamed out - You're just amazing!

- Thank you, thank you - I grinned, bowing my head lightly

Clari's POV:

Diego is just too good to me. I can't describe how happy I am that he remembered what I told him and he brought me to this beautiful restaurant and this private table is just even better. I've never ever felt this happiness in my entire life!

- I really, really, really love you, Clari... I'd do anything to make you happy and to see you smile like this... - Diego said while he was looking deeply into my eyes.

- You're too good to me, Diego... - I said while I was blushing violently - You're making me the happiest woman alive!

- Oh really? - he grinned.

- Yes! I don't think there is any other woman who's this happy as I am now!

- I'm glad you think so - he smiled then leaned closer and kissed me on the lips softly, but meaningfully. I swear I could melt everytime he does that.

Then later on we ordered our food and we carried on talking and having a good time together. I always wish these moments would never end because having him like this is like a dream coming true...

----- TIME SKIP -----

We were about to head home after the wonderful date when suddenly someone approached us...

- Clari, is that you? - questioned a guy behind me and when I turned around I couldn't believe my own eyes.

- Nicholas?!

Anyway sorry for keep using this name, Nicholas... I don't know why I do that... Maybe because I like this name for some reason :P

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