Chapter 3

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Clari's POV:

That night we went back home and I remembered the box that Dylan gave me before we got on the plane so I decided to go and see what's inside it.

I went to the bedroom to look for the box and soon I found it in my bag and when I opened it I found a letter and a beautiful necklace in it.

- Dylan... - I muttered to myself as I looked at the necklace. It was a silver necklace with an owl pendant on it.

The I read the letter...

Dear Clari,

I know you never saw me the way I was looking at you, but I hope you'll be truly happy with Diego... And also I hope you won't forget about me either.

Your happiness is my happiness, but call me sometimes and never forget that I love you so much and you will always be my best friend, no matter what.

And I also hope you like the necklace. I know you like owls and when I saw this I thought about you.

Dylan xx

I was smiling to myself like an idiot as I read the letter when I suddenly felt a presence behind me and when I turned around I saw Diego standing behind me, smiling.

- What are you reading? - he asked.

- Dylan's letter... - I replied - He really is my true friend....

- I see... - he replied quietly.

- I have the best friends and people around me... - I sighed as I stood up and walked to him - And the best lover I could imagine...

He just smiled and hugged me tightly.

----- NEXT DAY -----

 - Hey, beautiful... - Diego suddenly whispered into my ear while I was in the kitchen - Would you like to go out on a date with me tonight? - then he kissed my neck.

- Yeah, I'd love to - I replied, blushing slightly.

- Then be ready at 6 pm because I'll take you to the most beautiful restaurant you've ever seen...

- Okay then, but you know you really don't have to...

- I have to... And you know why?

- Hm? Why?

- Because you deserve the best! And I want you to be as happy here as possible...

- Aww... - I giggled as I turned around to face him - You're too sweet sometimes, you know that?

- I don't think I'd be too sweet with you... Because you're sweeter.

- Just shut up already - I grinned and kissed him softly on the lips.

- I'll happily shut up if you'll make me quiet like this - he smirked cheekily - You have no idea how happy you're making me...

- I think I know - I giggled - Because I'm happy too!

- I'm really glad to hear that...

Diego's POV:

I love her so much...  could do anything for her... She's so beautiful, caring and loving and everyone loves her too which I'm really happy about and tonight I'm taking her out for a dinner.

I know I keep saying the same, but I can't help it! She's amazing!

----- TIME SKIP -----

The night has came and I was waiting for her to come and when I saw her I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's so beautiful... My god, I don't even deserve her, do I?

- Clari... - I mumbled.

- What? Do I look bad? - she asked worriedly.

- No, no! You look beautiful... as always... - I said, smiling.

- Thank you - she smiled and blushed lightly and when she walked to me I pulled her into my arms while kissing her passionately on the lips - Woah! - she laughed afterwe broke the kiss.

- What? I just got so excited!

- I could feel that!

- And is that a big problem? - I questioned, laughing.

- No, it's absolutely not - she grinned.

- That's good - I smiled - Now... shall we go?

- Yep, sure! - she said excitedly then we got into my car and we drove to the restaurant and the way we were talking and laughing together and it continued as we arrived there was well. We head a really good night. I loved it and I hope she did too.

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