Chapter 12

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Diego's POV:

I was talking to Alfredo and we were going to catch up with the other when we hear the girls laughing happily.

- What's happening there? - Alfredo mumbled.

- I don't know... Let's find out! - I said and we went closer to them. Meanwhile Jorge, Pablo (who plays as Beto) and Rodrigo (aka Gregorio) joined us too.

When we arrived the girls turned to us and Clari hugged me.

- What's up here, ladies? - I questioned while kissing Clari on the cheek.

- We're planning a girly night! - Clari replied.

- That's great!

- Oh really? Can I join too? - Jorge joked.

- You're not a girl! - Tini hit his arm playfully.

- That's too bad - he laughed.

- I know - I added with a cheeky smile.

- What is that supposed to mean?! - Clari asked as she looked up at me, pouting which I find quite funny, but rather cute.

- Nothing, nothing - I grinned - I'd just like to spy on you, girls!

Now everyone was looking at me then laughed.

- Ej, Diego! - Alfredo smirked - I didn't know you were such a naughty guy!

- Better if you don't know more... - I winked at him and that made him shiver - I'm only showing my truly naughty side to one person...

- Oh really? - Clari giggled - I wonder who's that though...

- Wow... And my wife says that I'm the naughty one - Rodrigo laughed.

Before anyone could say anything more the director came back and we needed to go back to work, but I swear this was the best break today so far.

----- TIME SKIP -----

At the end of the day me and Clari said goodbye to the others and we went home together and when we arrived Clari collapsed on the sofa and me beside her, but a minute didn't even pass when Amanda appeared and jumped between us.

- How was your day, beautiful? - I asked her and kissed her head.

- Good good! - she replied - How about you two?

- Long - Clari said,smiling - But really good...

- That's good to hear!

- But now... - I started again - Shouldn't you be in bed already?

- But daaad...!

- No buts - I smiled - We'll be going too because we'll have a long day tomorrow too just like you!

- Alright - she sighed then went up the stairs, but she turned back to us - But come up to my room later, will ya?

- Sure!

And she went to her room.

- So when will you girls make that girly night that you were talking about earlier today? - I asked Clari while kissing her cheek.

- We don't know yet - she giggled - Maybe on a weekend, but why are you so curious about that?

- I just want to know - I replied - I want to know when will you be away from me...

- Aww - she smiled then kissed me - You're too cute sometimes...

- Oh yeah? - I grinned then gently pushed her down on the couch, kissing her neck - Too cute?

-Oh... Why... what do you... want me to say...? - she asked between moans.

- Nothing to be honest... I'm perfectly fine with this...

I then picked her up into my arms.

- Now let us go up and get ready to sleep... shall we?

- Sure thing - she giggled then we went upstairs and got ready to sleep.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now