Chapter 20

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Clari's POV:

- What did you say?! - I gasped.

- You heard me quite well, didn't you? - Miranda hissed - I was there to him, when he wanted you, but you were with that douchebag! I was the one cheering him up and helping him with his daughter when he was alone, but I get nothing for that and I'm sick of this and sick of you!

Before I could say anything I hear Diego clearing his throat as he came in to the kitchen, making both me and Miranda freeze.

- What did you say, Miranda? - he groaned.

- I... I... I didn't say anything... - she muttered then walked out of the kitchen.

- Oh dear god... - I sighed deeply while Diego turned me around to face him and kissed my head softly - I wasn't expecting this... Did you hear everything that she just said?

- I did actually... - he sighed too - And I feel bad for letting her down, but what can I do? I love her, but not on the same way as I love you...

- Why? What way do you love me? - I asked him, smiling cheekily.

He was thinking for a few seconds before he picked me up in his arms and kissed me softly...

- How about I show you when we're in our bedroom? - he asked.

- Hmm... Sounds good... - I grinned as he took my upstairs.

----- NEXT MORNING -----

Well... This is our very last day of shooting... Officially. But we'll be here for a few more days to shoot some old scenes one last time to be sure we have everything and then we're finished.

- Are you ready for the last big shoot? - questioned Diego in the morning while he was kissing my head.

- Yeah, I am - I replied as I rolled over to face him - And as I jeard right after we finished we'll get to know our new colleagues too...

- Yeah, right.

- Are you curious about them?

- I'm not too sure... But I guess I kinda am...

- Why are you so unsure?

- I don't know to be honest... But let's just forget about that - he smiled as he pulled me into him a little bit more and kissed me softly on the lips.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After we got dressed we went downstairs to the kitchen where Amanda and Miranda were getting ready to leave as well, but once again Miranda seemed upset when she saw me.

- Morning, Dad! Morning Clari! - said Amanda as she hugged both of us.

- Good morning, my princess - replied Diego - Did you sleep well?

- Yes!

- Come on, Amamda... - Miranda interrupted - We have to go...

- Okay, just a moment! - she replied then turned back to us - Can I see both of you on the Friday's show?

- We'll be there for sure! - I said with a smile, Diego just nodded.

At this moment Miranda was looking at me with disgust again, but she didn't say anythung and a few minutes later they left and an hour later we left to go to work as well.

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