Chapter 14

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Diego's POV:

Soon our interview was in TV and suddenly all people were curious about how me and Clari met and ended up together, but I didn't mind answering to them even on the streets. I have been surprisingly patient with people... I have never been this patient though.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next few weeks we continued working and two weeks later we finally got a day off and Clari decided to visit to her old school she was going when she was young. Her aunt was working there and she wanted to see mostly one of her old teacher too and since Amanda was also going there I knew exactly where to go and I offered her to take her there.

- But only if it's not too much trouble for you - said Clari while hugging me.

- It's never too much trouble if it's about you... - I replied and kissed her head softly - Shall we go now?

It was quite early in the morning, but the weather was wonderful.

- Okay! - Clari nodded so we headed to the school.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Clari's POV:

We arrived to the school and I couldn't believe my eyes. The building itself looks perfectly the same, but it looks bigger.

- I wonder if she still works here... - I muttered.

- Who exactly are you looking for aprt from your aunt? - asked Diego.

- My old teacher I loved so much... - I replied - I know she still worked here, but I don't know if she still does.

- Well... Let's find out then!

I just nodded then we went in and first we were looking for my aunt Anna so we went to the teacher's room... Atleast I went where I remembered that room was, but right before we arribed there I heard a voive shouting my name:

- Clara!

I turned around to see my aunt, Anna waving and coming towards me, but I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

- Anna! Long time no see!! - I said happily after I let go of her.

- Indeed - she smiled - How come that you're here? And what is he doing here? - she asked as she looked at Diego.

- Well... We're kinda together - I replied happily.

- Oh! That's awesome! - she cheered then looked at her watch - Damn! Darling, I need to go to my class now, but let's meet later on the afternoon!

- Ah! Okay, but one more question: Is Marietta still works in here??

- Yes, she does, but she'll be only here on the afternoon! I'm sure she'll be happy to see you as well!

- I hope so - I laughed and Anna walked away.

- Now what? - questioned Diego.

- I suppose we should...

But the someone cut me off...

- Clara, is that you?

This time it was Marietta, my old teacher, but she looks just as young and pretty as she was years ago.

- Hey! - I smiled.

- Wow... - she gasped - Clari, you look amazing!

- Thank you - I said, blushing slightly.

- Don't you want to introduce your boyfriend? - she said, grinning at me - Not like if I wouldn't know who he is... - she added - Or you know what? Let's go and sit down in the teacher's room to talk! I don't have class until 1 pm so we have time!

- Okay! - me and Diego both nodded and we went to sit down and talk and everything went really well.

Diego and Marietta got along well which made me happy and after she went to her class we continued talking with my aunt who just finished working.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening me and Diego went home and I was really happy and I was even more happy when he took me into his arms and kissed me passionately on the lips. We were with other people all day so I didn't really got any kiss like this for hours.

- Woah... That was good - I grinned as we broke the kiss.

- Glad you liked it - Diego replied then pushed me against the wall - Because I'm not finished yet... - he added then started kissing my neck lower and lower.

- Oh! No... Not here... - I moaned.

- As you wish, beautiful - he grinned then picked me up took me to our room and you can imagine what happened after that... ;)

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now