Chapter 17

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Clari's POV:

Today at lunch time Mechi decided to make a party and she invited all the cast members including me and Diego too.

As we continued working I suddenly heard someone shouting my name...

- Clara!

I turned around to see a middle-aged man I first thought I've never seen before, but when he came closer I recognized Marietta's ex-boyfriend, Alex.

- What... Are you doing here? - I asked, really confused.

- I'm a member of the cast too! - he replied - Good god! I haven't seen you for ages! - he said then hugged me. I wanted to refuse the hug, but I was too shocked.

- How long... Have you been in the city?

- Since the shooting started, but I could only get close to you now.

- Why did you want to get close to me?

- Because I wanted to ask you about Marietta... - he replied after a bit of hesitation.

- And why do you think I'm gonna tell you anything about her?

And before anyone would call me a "bitch" I'm talking to him like that because after she broke up with him he began to tell me about how much of a bitch Marietta is and he was the one breaking up with her because she has been cheating on him and other ridicilous things like that yet he knew that I know her for long enough to not to believe his words.

- I'm curious because I made a huge mistake back then... And I need her back...

Luckily Diego appeared so I introduced them to each other and Alex has to leave so me and Diego were left alone.

- What was that? - he asked.

- What was what?

- You were so mean with him...

- I have my reason to that...

- I'm sure about that. Would you like to tell me about it?

- At home, okay? I don't want to talk about it here...

- Okay, beautiful... - Diego smiled while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I suddenly pulled him into the nearest stuff room and kissed him passionately on the lips.

- Woah! - he gasped - Why do I feel like you want something from me here and now? - he asked with a cheeky grin.

- Maybe... - I replied and winked at him.

- Well then... - he sighed then picked me up by my butt, making me wrap both my legs and arms around him and he kissed me passionately on the lips then started kissing my neck and lower.

After a while he put me down on the table and meanwhile he didn't stop kissing me.....

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening when I finished getting ready to leave Alex found me again.

- Please, take me to her! I need to see her! - he begged.

- I won't take you to her now!

- Not now, but sometimes...

- I don't think she wants to see you... But if you really want to see her you should go and see her alone. I'm not gonna say anything...

And just then Diego appeared and we headed home together. Luckily Alex didn't have time to ask me more so I'm calm...

----- TIME SKIP -----

After we arrived home we found Miranda in the living room. When she saw us she didn't say a word, but she shot me a stern look then walked upstairs.

- What was that...? - I muttered.

- She has a bad day... - Diego sighed - She has a problem with everything and everyone... But don't get bothered...

- Easy to say when you're not the one who she hates so much...

- Clari... - he gasped then pulled me into his arms while looked deeply into my eyes.

- Didn't you notice that? She hates me since the very first day I came here and she always avoids me and barely talk to me, doesn't matter how much I am trying to talk to her.

I didn't want to tell him this, but it just came out.

This was the truth. Miranda never talks to me and avoids me whenever we meet. She only acts nicely with me when Diego is around, but I'm better not telling this part... But at this point this might doesn't matter at all...

- I did notice that on the first day she was upset, but after that I thought everything was fine...

- Nothing's fine between us...

I burst out in anger and sadness as he was hugging me into him even more. I hate complaining, but I couldn't keep this is any longer.

- But don't tell her that I told you this, okay?

- Okay... As you wish then... - Deigo sighed.

- As long as you and Amanda love me I don't need anything more... - I added and smiled.

- We love you so much, my dear... - he smiled and kissed me softly.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door and when Mirta opened it there stood Alex... I'm getting sick of him.

- How did you know where I live!? - I snapped, a bit angrily.

- I heard you two are a couple now so I was guessing you live together... So I came here.

- And what do you want again?! I've already told you that I'm not gonna help you!

- Clara, I beg you! I need your help!

- Why? For being a dick to her again like the last time?! I don't even think that she remembers you anyway!

- Clara... Just one chance and if she doesn't want me near her I won't bother any of you anymore...

Diego was now looking at me and whispered into my ear:

- He seems serious about it...

I looked up at him, but he just smiled and walked into the kitchen, leaving me and Alex alone.

- Clari, please... - he begged more and I just couldn't take it any longer.

- Okay, fine! - I groaned - But we only can go and meet her on the weekend.

- Thank you, thank you! - he smiled and hugged me tightly.

- Okay, okay... Just let me breath...

He let go of me and he seemed happy now.

- I don't know how am I gonna do that though... But we will do it...

----- TIME SKIP -----

After a few more minutes Alex finally left and Diego came back to the living room and kissed my forehead softly.

- Oh? What was that for? - I asked, smiling.

- Because of what you did just now - he replied.

- I'm not sure if I did the right thing, but... We'll see... - I sighed.

- Don't worry so much... Marietta will understand why will you let Alex meet her again, even if they won't be friends anymore...

- I hope so....

- Now... Let's go and....

- Dinner is ready! - shouted Mirta from the kitchen.

- .... Eat... - Diego finished his sentence.

- Yep! - I laughed and after dinner we all went to get ready and sleep.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now