Chapter 22

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Diego's POV:

The show in the school was really good and hearing Amanda singing from her heart made me remember her mother and how good singer she was also... It made me a bit emotional there and Clari seemed a bit down when she noticed that, but tonight I decided to make sure she doesn't feel like she's only on the second place for me.

I decided to be cheeky and make her allow me to take a bath with her.

Well... I succeeded quite quickly...

- But don't you dare being cheeky with me! - she said while looking into my eyes, trying to be as serious as she can.

- Maybe I won't... But I can't promise anything - I winked at her.

- Ah! - she groaned while she blushed deeply.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We were already in the bath we were sitting face to face with each other while talking.

- Did you see Miranda today? - she asked.

- She had to go and see her sick friend and this is why she wasn't coming - I replied - But don't be so worried about her...

- Of course I am worried! - she snapped - I don't want her to hate me forever...

- She won't hate you forever... She just needs time to work things out herself...

- Yeah, I guess...

After a few seconds of silent:

- Come closer... - I said - I want you in my arms now...

She giggled then she came closer to me and at that moment I pulled her into my lap.

- Ah... Much better... - I smirked.

- Oh Jesus... - she moaned as I firmly grabbed her butt.

- Hm? What is it? - I asked while I started kissing her neck.

- You said you won't do anything cheeky with me...

- I didn't do anything cheeky - I said while I was moving my hands on her naked body. Dear God... She has a wonderful body...

- No, huh? Oh!

- Hmm... I think we should continue this in our bedroom, shall we? - I grinned at her as I stood up, picked her up and while we dried ourselves she pulled me closer and kissed me lustfully on the lips - Woah! - I gasped.

- What is it? You wanted to do this and I'm into it now...

- Good girl - I grinned then I took her to the bed.....

----- TIME SKIP -----

2 days passed and today was the cast party.

In the morning I woke up first and when I looked down Clari was still asleep so I stayed still until she started waking up herself and looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

- Good morning, beautiful... - I smiled and kissed her head softly.

- Good morning - she replied and rolled over to be more comfortable to look at me - Today is the party, right?

- Yes, right - I nodded.

- I should start to think what am I gonna wear!

- Just calm down... - I smiled at her - You're beautiful... Doesn't matter what you wear...

- Aww... Stop it! - she giggled and blushed deeply as I said that.

- I'm saying the truth! - I smiled then pulled her closer and kissed her softly before getting up and starting to ger ready to the afternoon's party.

Clari's POV:

Around 1 pm we arrived to the cast party and we met up with everyone. We had a lot of fun as we were talking and renembered back in what happened on the shootings, emotional, serious and funny moments.

Time passed by fast and around 2 hours later Martin called us together.

- Thank you for the wonderful job that all of you did on the shootings! - he said and everyone cheered - And I also can't wait to work with you all on the next shooting as well!

- And we can't wait to start the next season with you, Martin! - said Lodo happily.

- I am glad you all think so - Martin smiled - Now... Let me introduce you to your next colleagues - he began and a beautiful young woman walked next to him - This mylady is Valentina Frione...

- Hello everyone! - she said with a slight smile.

- Hi! - we all said at the same time.

- She'll be the new teacher in the Studio and who will trying to make Pablo stay away from Angie and she is in love with him as well... - Martin continued.

- Wow... - I sighed - This is gonna be interesting...

Diego just grinned at me.

- What are you grinning about? - I asked him, hitting his arm playfully.

- Nothing, nothing - he said, kissing my head while Martin continued talking.

He introduced us a girl too who will be a new student and after her another woman came. She had brown hair and she seemed a bit nervous for some reason.

- She's Carla Pandolfi... She'll be playing as Esmeralda, German's new love... - said Martin and I shivered a little bit.

As soon as she saw Diego she didn't take her eyes off of him which made me even more stressed, but Diego seemed to notice as well as Tini who was sitting on my other side...

- Are you okay? - Diego asked.

- Yeah... - I replied shortly.

- Clari, I know you...

- You didn't notice it, did you?

- Notice what?

- That how she was staring at you!

- She did? - he gasped, but it seemed so fake.

- Good god! - I groaned as I wanted to turn away, but he turned me back to face him.

- I didn't notice her staring at me because the only woman I care about and want to stare me is you... - he said and winked at me.

- Jeez... You just know what to say, huh? - I muttered, blushing slightly.

- It is because I love you soooo much!

- I love you too... Idiot... - I giggled and so did Tini.

- Boys, girls! - Martin shouted - Quiet please! I have one more person to introduce... But for some people I think I don't need to introduce him to... - he added, a bit nervously as he looked at me.

I didn't understand why was he so nervous until I saw who was he talking about....

As he came in and our gaze met I thought I am gonna fell from where I'm sitting right now....

- Well... Say welcome to Diego Dominguez!

Well, I think I'm better finish this book here because the next book will be more interesting than this was... But I still hope you liked reading it! :)

The sequel will be out for tomorrow so don't worry! :P

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