Chapter 16

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Angie's POV:

The scene was amazingly funny and awesome and doing this with Diego makes it even more easier for me because I feel the same for him as Angie feels for German.

We were shooting the scene where Angie kisses German in front of the Studio to cover Violetta and I barely could do it without laughing.

- Wooow... That was soooo real! - said Martin, looking very satisfied.

After he walked away we had a few minutes of break so me and Diego sat down on a nearby bench...

- Let me ask you something... - he started.

- Go ahead!

- What was so funny there?

I started smiling again.

- The awkwardness... That is what was so funny to me - I replied, smiling - Even though I feel like our characters are like us... Between us there never was any similar awkwardness like that.

- Uhm... That's not 100% true, you know? - he grinned - There was a little awkwardness between us too...

- But only at the beginning - I laughed.

- Yeah... - he said, smirking playfully.

- What's with that grin now? - I asked, hitting his arm softly.

- Nooothing...

- Hey!

He grinned again then pulled me into his lap.

- I just love you soooo much! - he said, nuzzling my neck - And I was thining about taking you out on a dinner tonight... What do you say?

- Hmm... Sounds good - I smiled and kissed his head - And I love you waaay more!

- That's not possible - he smirked and kissed me on the lips with so much love.

- Woah... - I moaned - Okay... You might be right...

- I'm always right - he winked.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening we went home after shooting and I went to get ready to our date which I've been waiting for all day.

After I finished making myself look as pretty as possible I went downstairs where Diego was already waiting for me and he seemed shocked for a seconds when he saw me...

- Wow... - he muttered - You look... amazing...

- Thank you - I giggled.

- Not like if you would't look amazing all the time - he added and kissed me on the lips passionately - Now... shall we go?

- Yep!

And after that we had a wonderful night together and whenever we're going on a romantic date I feel like we're getting closer and closer to each other and this is why our relationship is so strong... I just love him so much and now I just can't imagine my life without him and I don't want to either.

----- NEXT DAY -----

On the morning we went to eat breakfast before we went to the shooting and Amanda was more excited than usual.

- Why so hyper all of a sudden? - asked Diego after his daughter hopped on the chair next to him.

- I'm just feeling happy today, that's all! - she replied.

- Oh really? Is that all? - he said, looking suspiciously at his daughter.

- Why do I have a feeling that it's something about a boy? - I asked, looking at her and she started blushing instantly - I knew it...

- I-I don't even know if he likes me as well though... - she muttered.

I could see now how sternly Diego is looking at her so I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it gently. This made him snap out of his thoughts and looking at me now and when I smiled at him he hesitantly smiled back. I'm sure his protectiv father side came out just now and I know how to calm him down later when we're alone.

But when I went to the kitchen I saw him and Miranda talking so I decided to not to bother them, but it wasn't so easy not to hear them arguing.

- Just let her live her life! - snapped Miranda - She's almost an adult!

- Miranda, stop telling me what to do with my daughter!

- You're not even at home lately, either your girlfriend! I'm the one looking after her when you're working and this is what I get?!

- I didn't say anything bad to you, but you should also stop trying to control me and insulting Clara, or...

-Or? Or what?! Or you know what? I don't care!

And then I heard her storming out of the kitchen on the other door and I decided to go to the kitchen to see how is Diego doing after this...

- Hey... - I said as I wrapped my arms around his from behind.

I felt he took a deep breath before turning around to face me...

- Did you hear everything? - he asked.

- Yeah, I did...

- I'm sorry if she has ever insulted you face to face as well though...

- She didn't... so it's okay... But I can kinda understand her in what she said about Amanda... - I said, looking up at him - I know you want to protect her, but you know what I think about this?

- Nope... Not yet - he smiled.

- That you should trust her... This is all I can say...

He sighed.

- You know I'm right... - I added as I kissed his cheek.

- Yeah... You're right, but you don't know how hard this is... - he said, sighing deeply.

- I don't know, indeed... But trust me... And trust her...

- Okay, I'll try... - he said and smiled softly.

- Now... Let's go to work! And take our mind off of everything else!

- Yeah, right!

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