Chapter 10

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Clari's POV:

A moth passed peacefully, except that Sandra came back a few times and tried to make Diego take her back, but she seemed very pathetic as she tried. I know it sounded bad and I'm not saying things like this about other people, but she literally looked and sounded pathetic and after a few times she gave up, or I don't know because she disappeared so our happiness was peaceful.

Oh, we had that photoshoot too which was indeed quite fun mostly when Diego was playing around and he pulled me to him. The photographer was really nice and friendly and he made some pictures of us together after they finished the job.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Okay, dear... - Diego began one morning very early. I was still half asleep and wasn't really listening about what he was saying so he came back to sit on the bed and kissed my head softly - I know it's very early now... But I have to go...

- This early...? - I mumbled, now looking up at him sleepily.

- Yeah - he replied - I have to. But I'll be home for lunch, okay?

- Okay... - I smiled then pulled him closer and kissed him softly. - Take care and good luck...

- Thank you - he replied with a smile and soon he lef the house.

I had this day off of work so I was just laying in the bed, thinking for a while then a few hours later I went downstairs to care about some things.

After eating something I took Vincente out for a walk and arriving back I decided to help Mirta with work around the house and while we were working we talked.

- And how are things with Mr. Diego? - Mirta questioned excitedly.

- Everything is good - I replied, smiling - He's so nice and caring... I wouldn't wish for anyone better than him!

- I could clearly see that too! - Mirta smiled - He always seem to be interested in mostly your opinion in things!

- Yeah... - I muttered, blushing slightly - Sometimes I feel like he cares about only my opinion too much...

- I don't think so - I hear a deep voice from behind me. It was Diego.

- Ah! Welcome home, Sir! - said Mirta happily.

- Thank you, Mirta - he said with a smile then kissed my head - Clari, I need to talk to you...

- Oh? Okay... - I mumbled, not knowing what does he want to talk about.

----- LATER -----

- So what is it? - I asked him as we were in the living room alone.

- Seems like I got a new job in a series which will start very soon... - he began - But luckily it will be here, in Buenos Aires.

- That's good to hear - I smiled.

- Yeah. The show will be about a talented girl who finds her way to be a singer blah, blah...

This made me giggle.

- It also seems like I'll be the main character's dad - he added - An overprotective dad... There will be an aunt too, but the director didn't find the perfect actress to that role yet and it might be a problem...

- And... why are you telling me all this?

- Because as I read over the role of the aunt, Angie... Only one woman came to me mind... And it was you - he said, smiling.

- Me?! - I gasped.

- Yes - he nodded - I told the director to wait for a bit with looking for an actress until I talk to you about this and if you accept this we can work together!

- Oh! - I gasped - Well... it sounds good, but...

Wait! - he cut me off - I have a copy of the lines and everything you have to know... - he said as he gave me a folder - Read these and tell me your opinion, okay?

- Okay - I nodded.

----- LATER -----

Tonight after we ate dinner and I had a shower I decided to read over the papers in the bed and as I was reading I realized that the character... Angie... is very much the same as me in some ways and it made me think that maybe I should accept this job.

As I was reading Diego came to lay beside me...

- Did you finish reading yet? - he asked.

- Almost... - I mumbled then turned to him - But I like this so far...

- And do you think you will maybe... accept this job?

He sounded like he really want me to accept it.

- I guess yeah... - I replied, smiling at him as I placed the folder on the table beside the bed and snuggled up to him.

- I'd be really happy if you would - he said and wrapped his arms around me.

- Maybe because our characters will fall in love with each other? - I said jokingly and kissed his cheek.

- Yeah... Because of that too - he grinned and kissed me on the lips softly.

- I thought so... - I giggled - But let me think until tomorrow!

- Okay, beautiful - he smiled then whispered softly - Goodnight...

- Goodnight... - I kissed him once more before drifting off to sleep.

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