Chapter 8

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Diego's POV:

It's not even lunch tme yet and I already recieved two phone call and both of them are about some new jobs. To one meeting I'll have to go on tomorrow while to the other on the next week. I'm quite curious because one of them is some kind of series so it will be a long term job.

When Clari came home in the middle of the day she noticed my excitment too...

- Hey, did something happened? - she asked.

- Yeah!

- And will you tell me about it, or should I guess? - she laughed.

- Ah, uhm... Yes - I smiled awkwardly then I told her about the phone calls.

- I see... - Clari mumbled - And do you know anything about these jobs?

- Nothing yet, but hopefully I don't need to go anywhere too far from home... But even if I do I'm not leaving you alone - I replied and kissed her head softly.

- We'll see - she smiled and hugged me.

Clari's POV:

Later when I was about to head back to the school someone knocked on the front door and when I opened it the same woman was standing there who I bumped into not so long ago.

- Ah, good afternoon, Miss Alonso - she said again on a sarcastic voice.

- Good afternoon...

- Diego is at home?

- Yes...

Just then Diego appeared behind me.

- What are you doing here again, Sandra? - he asked, sounding rather annoyed - I told you to not to bother me and my family anymore!

- You can't be serious, Diego! - the woman, called Sanrda replied.

- I'm serious. I told you that I don't want anything from you. We can be friends, but no more - Diego said firmly.

- You chose this instead of me?! - she snapped referring to me by the word "this".

- She has a name too and yes, I did choose her because I love her - he said - Now... if you don't have anything else to say then please go!

Sandra stormed off angrily.

- What the hell was that? - I asked, confused.

- That's... a long story...

- Diego...

- Come here... - he said as he grabbed me gently by my waist and pulled me closer - She's my ex-girlfriend, but you have nothing to be scared about... She doesn't mean anything to me anymore...

- I see... - I sighed.

- Clari, I love you and no one else - he said, caressing my cheek softly and looking deeply into my eyes.

- You just know how to make melt, don't you? - I giggled, blushing slightly as I try to look away, but he doesn't let me and kisses me on the lips.

- Yes, I sure know.... - he said  with a grin - Anyway... How long will you be away today?

-  Just a little bit more... - I smiled as I kissed his cheek - But now I really should go so I can come home earlier... okay?

- Okay - he smiled and pulled me once again into his arms and kissed me - Have a nice day, beautiful!

And with that  I went back to work.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now