Chapter 19

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Clari's POV:

Today we were shooting the kiss scene in the kitchen and so far this was the scene I was waiting for because our characters are finally confess their feelings to each other.

But before we even went to shoot I wanted to see Marietta and since today is Friday I wanted to talk to her about a meeting.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Diego once again took me to the school and we went to find Marietta when a little girl came up to us.

- German and Angie is here! - she cheered happily and I couldn't help, but smile - Did you come to see Miss Marietta? - she asked.

- Yes - I replied - Can you take us to her?

- Yep! Come with me!

She lead us outside where the kids were playing and Marietta was sitting on the nearby bench.

- Oh hey! - she smiled when she saw us - Aren't you two supposed to be on the shooting now?

- Soon... But before that I wanted to talk to you about something... Someone to be exact...

- Ah... Don't tell me Alex is bothering you too?

- How did you know? - I gasped.

- He keeps calling me and trying to talk to me in the past few days, but I never picked it up for him.

- Well... He's actually working with us now... - said Diego.

- Ah god...

- Anyway... - I cut them off - I really don't know what did he do to you and I'm not gonna ask you about that either... But talk to him... He seems to regret his mistake... Whatever it was... And he was begging me to make you atleast once to meet him...

- Jesus Christ... - Marietta sighed even more - Pathetic loser...

- Maybe... But as I said: think about talking to him, okay?

- Okay, I will...

- Alright then... - I smiled - Now we have to go...

- Have a nice day, lovers - she joked then we left.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Okay, guys! Here comes the best part! - said Martin excitedly.

He obviously thinks about the "germangie kiss". For some reason lately he's really happy whenever he sees me and Diego together even in the breaks.

The scene:

- Do you think I should throw this water on you, Angie? - German asked with a glass of water in his hand.

- No... No... And I really hope you won't... - said Angie smiling cheekily, but before she could finish German kissed her. I long and passionate kiss.

- Okay, cut! - Martin shouted, but we didn't stop kissing for a few more minutes.

After a while we broke the kiss to catch our breath.

- This was amazing... - said Diego, grinning at me.

- Yeah, it was... - I grinned back at him.

- How about we go and get a drink?

- Okay, sounds good!

-----TIME SKIP -----

That evening we went home and Diego went to take a shower first while I went to made myself some tea and when I was in the kitchen Miranda came in and looked disgussed at me. Now I had enough of this...

- Okay, Miranda... I've been parient, but you keep treating me like... I don't even know what, but we've been living in the same house for more than a year and now would you finally tell me what's your real problem with me?? - I asked, slightly stressed.

- What's my problem? - she mumbled - Do you really want to know what's my problem?

- Yes!

- That I should be on your place!

- Huh?

- I should be in your place beside Diego!

- Wait... Are you telling me that you...

- I love him for years now! I love him longer than you and I've been supporting him more than you ever did, or ever will!

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