Chapter 2

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Clari's POV:

The next morning I woke up in Diego's arms and it felt really good that I didn't even want to move. He was sleeping anyway and I didn't want to wake him up.

I was daydreaming about our life together when after a while I felt a warm hand on my cheek and when I looked up I saw a sleepy Diego caressing my cheek softly.

- Good morning - he said, smiling softly.

- Good morning - I smiled back at him.

- How did you sleep?

- Perfectly. How about you?

- Very good. As long as I can have you in my arms I can always sleep very, very good.

- That's great to hear - I giggled - Do we have anything to do today?

- Not really actually... But I want to show you a place that you might would like...

- Oh? What place?

- A school...

I was really confused at this state and noticing this Diego continued....

- I know you loved your job back in France and I want you to be truly happy... And nearby here is a school which is a music school mostly. Students are learning how to dance, sing and playing instruments and I was thinking about you... That if you want you can work there... What do you think?

- Well... It sounds good - I mumbled - You made me curious actually!

- Okay then - he smiled - I'll show you that school then and you can tell me if you're interested in it, or not.

I just nodded as I snuggled to him more while we continued chatting.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later we got dressed and went down to eat breakfast and soon Diego took me to the school he was talking about and it seemed quite nice with not so many students that reminded me the school in France.

- Shall we search for the director? - Diego asked, smiling.

- Why do I have a feeling that you already know the director quite well?

- Because I do... And you do too.


- Hey, lovebirds! - we hear a familiar voice shouting from the other side of the school and it was Ezequiel.

- Wait, what?! - I gasped - What is he doing here?

- Hey, don't you happy to see me? - Ezel joked as he hugged me.

- I do am happy... But someone could finally explain what's up here??

- Easy! - Ezel smiled - I'm the director of this school!

- Really?

- Yes!

- Wow...

- I know - laughed Diego beside me.

- So if you want to work here... - Ezel continued - You can come... I know you're good as a teacher since Diego told me about it and I know I can believe him.

I looked at Diego at this moment who was just smiling at me.

- Okay... It would be great - I said, smiling.

- Awesome!

So then we decided that I'll start woking there on the next week. Until Diego wants to make sure that I can get use to live here and I can go wherever I want to if he isn't around and stuff like that so we went to"sightseeing", or I don't know how to call it since I've been living in Argentina, but not in Buenos Aires so I need that sightseeing to know things.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We went to a reasturant to have lunch and meanwhile we were talking about what happened so far today.

- What do you think so far? - he asked me - Do you still up to live here?

- Eh? Why wouldn't I? - I laughed - It will be a bit easier since Ezequiel is here too and if I remember correctly my aunt lives in Buenos Aires too...

- Is she?

- Yes. But first I need to ask my mom about it because she knows excactly where is she living now...

- I see. Okay, but if you need any help with that...

- I'll be fine - I laughed as I held his hand on the table.

- Okay, but you can count on me with anything - he smiled softly and kissed my hand - I love you with all my heart... - he said as he caressed my cheek softly.

- I love you too - I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek.

I know I can trsut him and I'm truly happy that I have him now because he's much better than anyone could be for me.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now