Chapter 11

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Clari's POV:

The next morning I woke up and Diego's arms were firmly around me even though he was still asleep.

He's just too cute sometimes and very protective. I love him so much and after a while of thinking I decided to accept this job he told me about.

- I'm so happy! You're gonna work with me! - Diego said excited as we were on our way to see the director, Martin Saban.

- Me too - I smiled - I'm a bit scared as well though...

- Why?

- I don't know... What if I'm not good enough? I'm not an actress after all...

- Maybe you're not... But I think you'll be perfect - he smiled and kissed my hand - Plus I'll be there too so you have nothing to be afraid of, I can promise you that!

- Thank you... - I replied and squeezed his hand.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The audition went perfectly and since my character will be together most likely with Diego's he was the one helping me and it made me much calmer.

The director was satisfied with me so I got the job and I was so happy that I jumped into Diego's arms in front of everyone else, but I couldn't care less.

- Good job, beautiful - said Diego while kissing my cheek - I can't wait to work with you together!

- Same here! - I laughed then later we went home.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The first day of the filming came very fast and it was time to meet the other cast members.

Me and Diego went to the studio together and the director lead us to a room where some people were already there.

- Hello guys! - a girl came to us first - My name is Lodovica, but call me Lodo!

- Nice to meet you - I said with a smile and we shook hands.

Soon we all greeted and got to know each other and it came out that I jad nothing to be afraid of because everyone was so nice.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We have been talking for a while now when the director Martin came in with two other man and I almost screamed when I recognized Alfredo and Ezequiel there.

- These two are the last people that had to come! - said Martin - If everyone's ready we can start to shoot the first scene!

- Okay! - said Ezel happily - I think we should start!

Everyone else agreed.

- Okay then... Let's shoot! - shouted the director.

----- TIME SKIP -----

And soon we started shooting the very first scene where I was in with Ezel, Diego and Martina who's the main character in the whole show.

I was so nervous before we started, but as soon as the director shouted "action" all my nervousness flew away and I did all my best that I could.

- Okay, cut! - shouted Martin - Nice job, guys!

- Yay! - I sighed happily and Diego came to hug me.

- You were perfect! - he said and kissed my head.

- Yes! You all were perrrrfect!! - said Florenzia Benitez, who plays Jade's role - But not as perfect as I was!

- Yes, of course, Flor - Diego laughed.

- What now?! I'm trying to stay in my character! - she laughed too and walked away.

- This woman is crazy! - laughed Joaquin Berthold who plays Matias in the show - But I love her already for it!

Everyone laughed too and a few minutes later we continued working.

----- HOURS LATER -----

At lunch everyone sat together and talked.

- And will you sing too, Clari? - asked Tini excitedly.

- Uhm... A little bit few times, but not too much - I replied.

- Once in a while we should get together for a girly night! - said Mechi.

- That sounds good! - smiled Lodo.

- Then it's decided! - I smiled too since I was really happy that they accepted me and so nice to me. I was afraid that I might won't fit in, but I was wrong and I'm happy about that.

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