Chapter 4

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Clari's POV:

One week passed and it was time to start working at Ezel's school and I was so excited.... Maybe a bit too much, but I didn't care.

When I arrived to the school he was already waiting for me.

- Good morning, darling! - he said as he hugged me.

- Good morning! - I replied.

- Are you excited for today?

- I am!

- This is your first day in here, but I think you'll love it! The kids are nice and all are really smart and talented too!

- I can't wait to start!

- Ooookay! Then come with me! - he said then pulled me inside the school to the teacher's room where he introduced me to 3 teachers: John, Andrea and Franz.

- Franz, are you from France, if I may ask? - I said.

- I am actually - he replied, smiling nicely.

- That's cool! I've been living there in the past 3 years and I moved back just around 2 weeks ago!

- I see... I hope we can be good friends!

- We sure can! - I smiled.

- Well, this is gonna be interesting... - said Andrea - And how come you moved back here?

- Well... someone made me to do that... - I muttered, smiling to myself.

- I got the feeling it has something to do with falling in love. Am I right?

- Yes, you are - I giggled.

- I see, I see. Well, whenever you need any help with anything you can come to me - said Angrea, smiling at me.

- Thank you, I'd really appreciate it - I smiled back.

Then John stepped in front of me...

- Well then... What else can I say? I can't wait to work with you! - he said and we shook hands.

- Same here - I smiled.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Half day has already passed and I'm getting along with the students quite well. They're all so open and helpful with me... I just can't wish for anything more than that.

When I once went back to the teacher's room my phone began to ring. It was Diego.

- Hey, beautiful - he said - What's up? How are you doing there in the school?

- Better than I expected actually! - I replied - Everyone is so nice here and I'm glad that I can work here... And all thanks to you...

- And me! - screamed Ezequiel behind me and both me and Diego laughed.

- I'm glad you're happy though. Uhm... need a ride later when you're finished?

- Yep, that would be nice.

----- LATER -----

Diego came to the school and he had a big grin on his face for some reason.

- Hey, what's up? Why are you smiling like that? -I questioned him.

- Huh? Can't I be happy to see my beautiful girlfriend? - he replied as he pulled me into his arms - And I missed you!

- I missed you too - I smiled and kissed his cheek - Now... let's go home!

He just nodded then we headed to his car and went home.

- I got a job offer from a photographer today - said Diego on the way home - Even though he said he wants me... I was curious if you'd like to come with me and might make some good photos with me?

- Oh? It's sounds good... But are you sure it is a good idea for me to go with you? - I asked him - I remember sometimes there were times when Dominguez got a similar offer, but they only wanted him there and...

Just then it came to me like a thunderstorm, or whatever...

- Or that was a lie too...

- I don't know... - Diego mumbled next to me - But I've never heard about things like a photograper doesn't let a family member, or actually a girlfriend to be there...

- Uh... How stupid I was back then... - I gronaed as I just looked out on then window when I felt a hand on mine. It was Diego who placed his big, warm hand on mine.

- Don't think about him... - he smiled and seeing his smile makes me melt everytime - He's your past... But I'm your present... And hopefully I can be your future too... - he said with a wink.

I couldn't help, but smile and held his hand tightly. I'm glad I chose him... Choosing him was the best decision of my life...

Dieclari: Love at first sight 2Where stories live. Discover now